Nah, pepper potts was ironman in thisAre we getting that black female Iron Man film now?
Nah, pepper potts was ironman in thisAre we getting that black female Iron Man film now?
So that would make him 90, the serum doesnt stop aging hence why he was old in the comicsBecause the super solider serum
The movie takes place around 2023 with WWII being over 70 years ago no way Captain would age that much if he got the serum at around age 18-24
He should be like a Arnold or Sly today at worse
No, steve rigers gave falcon the shield n told falcon to be captain americaWinter Soldier exists man could be the captain
Black Panther exists (similar to how they only kept one red head)
This movie could have used the good snap (which changed reality ) as a reason to pull the other Spider men giving a rub to this new guy especially after the greatness that is intk the Spider-verse
Also with Spike Lee dead bring back some legends
Disney is going to do spin off shows but they might flop like the Inhumans
Only logical answer could be that all of Peter's friends/class got erased in the snap too, so they all came back at the same age five years in the future. The logistics of half the earth's population being now five years younger than the rest is massively fukked up though, but they had the problem that for some (Tony's daughter) they couldn't reset the time line, and for others (Peter) they couldn't let them age five years so this is the completely fukked up middleway.Why are Peter and his friends still in high school after a 5 year time jump?
What a horrible takeCaptain America wouldn't really age
I thought Tony got the heart thing removed
No way they make a Black Captain America Film
Hawkeye being sad about Red hair lady was hilarious man has a whole wife and the lady didn't have anything or anybody
Black Panther ain't even speak (man could be the Len Bias without coke of the MCU)
Thor should have had the fat disappear he a god
Some dead people came back but others didn't
This whole press run was trash it was one movie but they acted like Wow its important more people should have died
Infinity War was better
Movie dragged (Tony seeing his father > Thor seeing his mom)
What's next
How do they end end ?
Also Tobey as Spidey should have came as a cameo (Blade too)
Right I wish people that obviously hasn’t been following the story, would stop giving their opinions.What a horrible take
Why wouldnt cap age?
Tony did get the ‘heart thing’ removed you missed infinity wars intro with him and pepper?
Theyre making a black cap tv series
Hawkeye and widow have been best friends since avengers 1
Black panther was only in the film in the final battle but did have lines
Why suddenly make thor skinny without another time jump? Fat doesnt disappear after one fight.
People who died in the snap came back. People who died outside the snap didnt simple.
They killed off or retired 3 of the original six
Youre right about iron man seeing his father though seemed kinda forced why would that man open up like that to some stranger?
Wrong about thors mother though.
What do you mean whats next? This is the end game. The conclusion. Theyll still make more movies but they wont have another 22 movie story arc ever again. This was the whole story.
That female avengers shyt in the battle almost ruined the film for me, the words fukk off did escape my mouth loudly.
It’s funny cause I’m thinking the same thing reading your post.
Why do you nikkas hate women