Avengers: Age Of Ultron - Official Thread *Spoilers*

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
I'd argue that while I love Guardians, the thing that keeps it from being a great movie is the villain. I don't think it's a flawed critique if the basis of a battle is between good and evil. If the evil is lacking, then it makes for less compelling narrative. I don't think Hellboy is a "great" movie either..it's good yeah but it's not great. We just disagree on this front: I love heroes but I want to see that hero challenged not just internally but externally. I want to see them pushed and go up against someone who's just as smart as them if not smarter and more deadly because they have no morals or ethics. It's one reason the dark knight works so well and one reason Dark Knight Rises disappointed me, because they undercut Bane, who was for most of that movie, a great villain. The best Bond movies in my eyes are the ones with the biggest threats to Bond, same with superhero flicks. It's what separates a good movie from a great movie
I get all that but there are countless "great" movie that had the hero up to their neck in it while the villain was mostly awol.Oldman and Bruce never even cross paths didn't make the predicament they faced any less dire. Jeff bridges was a passenger in the wings until the last act did that make the movie any less good? I get your point but there are exceptions

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
He's undercut because all of his development led to him being a boss, not a glorified bodyguard. Which is my issue with it and of course the way he went out. You undercut his menace by transitioning him in the 3rd act, late in the 3rd act mind you, and then you have him go down by a gunshot by a character off screen. He deserved better than that. It would be different if it was structured differently where you knew off the break that he was a hired goon then it works better for me but to introduce that so late in the movie, it just kinda dumped on him in my eyes.

And as far as Bond, I said the BEST bond movies have dope villains, not even saying they all aren't goons but they get enough development and act on their own and are clearly a menace or threat and don't get undercut. Red Grant, henchman yes, but he's dope all the way around and you know up front that he's a goon working for SPECTRE but it makes sense in the context of that world because he's an agent, just like Bond, and his job is to carry out his orders, just like Bond. Goldfinger, dope villain. Silva, dope villain, Blofeld, dope villain, who had Bond's wife killed on their wedding day...the damn flowers weren't even off the car yet. Stromberg, Dr. No, Largo, Trevelyan..all dope ass villains. I don't see oddjob as a great villain or jaws for that matter. They're parlor tricks

And then there's LeChiffre, who is his own entity, even though he's hired by Quantum, he's not an agent of Quantum or a goon for them; he's there accountant. But he goes toe to toe with Bond, he's ruthless, he's just as smart, if not smarter, and was going to win.

Edit: I got no problem with Bane being a hired goon but I do have a problem with how it was handled. It was the case of someone trying to be too smart for their own good for the sake of a twist.

So you would've been okay with Batman taking him out by punching his mask off earlier? The entire threat of the movie is Banes physical power and fighting ability,once Batman takes him out in that final fight Bane is washed and the threat is over didnt matter what happened to him after that becuz Batman made him a shell of the threat he was over the entire move by whuppin that azz....yall are very greedy talkin about Bane "deserved better" like he had to go down in a epic way twice? Meanwhile Joker couldvnt fight for shyt and got his azz beat and hung upside down on a rope 3rd act:beli:...Two face gets pushed off a roof:beli:....if I recall scarecrow went out in the 3rd act but don't remember how.

And Bane got enuff development where he was clearly a threat and a menace,he was the ENTIRE threat mentally and physically the whole movie:mindblown:....you just CHOOSE to see him as glorified bodyguard which you know is a joke btw:russ:...he was her bodyguard as a baby,but u cant act like Bane just stood around next to her while she stayed in her office stroking a cat:heh:

As a matter of fact @FrederickDouglas reminded me of the fact Bane got excommunicated,it doesn't say she left with Bane at that time....for all you know she heard about Bane fukking shyt up on his own and asked for his help as her friend...the fact she "couldn't forgive Razz" doesn't mean she left League Of Shadows....and the fact I believe he cried as she talked about him being thrown out of LOS says he too had some kind of sick loyalty to Raz still for saving him...people just jumped to conclusions and assumed his primary motivation was just bcuz "Thalia said so." but not becuz he luved and respected Raz too.

But I think like FDouglas said they were partners,it was Bane who cats was dying for on planes,Bane was leading armys into takeovers,and the cats in the tunnels was loyal to Bane at least outta fear,it was his name that rang bells according to the FBI and Alfred....that aint simply no "bodyguard" shyt....the problem is simply how you CHOOSE to look at him for whatever reason...but i see him having many qualities of the Bond Villians u just mentioned,that's what happens in movies I guess,people see things a lot differently:manny:

main point is Bane was washed after the hand to hand fight which batman overcame the threat...if you thought that was a good enuff ending for him than you shouldn't be complaining becuz that WAS his end...the missle was just pissing on his corpse basically


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
I get all that but there are countless "great" movie that had the hero up to their neck in it while the villain was mostly awol.Oldman and Bruce never even cross paths didn't make the predicament they faced any less dire. Jeff bridges was a passenger in the wings until the last act did that make the movie any less good? I get your point but there are exceptions

We talking Jeff Bridges character in Iron Man?

And yeah you're right about the fifth element but he was a great villain regardless of whether they crossed paths or not. I feel like a movie lacking a great villain can be a detriment and is in most cases. Doesn't mean the movie can't be good but there's a difference between a great movie and a good movie and a lot of times when it comes to these kind of flicks, a dope villain puts it over the top.


You know my name.
Aug 13, 2014


Apr 3, 2014
bro first we get avengers 2....

then star wars....

then batman v superman...

then cap vs iron man....


shyt just gonna get bigger and bigger.

avengers 3

star wars 8 & 9

the justice league movies


what are we witnessing????:ohlawd:
There has never been a greater time to be a comic and action film fan :yayuhh:
Until 2015 that is


May 1, 2012
They were all sacrificing themselves in the end.

It was a suicide mission for Bane and Talia both

Talia didn't plan on killing herself though she was in trouble and used that as her trump card.

Bane knew he was going to die in order for talia to live like when he saved her.


Oct 29, 2012
Talia didn't plan on killing herself though she was in trouble and used that as her trump card.

Bane knew he was going to die in order for talia to live like when he saved her.
The bomb was going to go off no matter what and she was still in the city hours before. Soooooooooooooooooooooo


May 1, 2012
Where does it say in the movie that Talia wasn't planning to die? :patrice:

The plan was for her to set the bomb and leave on some type of air craft. She was not suppose to die, she was going to revive the league and continue to live out her fathers dream


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
It is after he(Ultron) completes a mission and is badly damaged. He turns evil after Tony makes a comment about "just making another one" and not even bothering to fix him in the slightest.
What happens that makes him self aware though

It is his programming. Tony makes him so that he can adapt to different situations, so he can learn to fight different opponents with ease. When Tony makes the comment about making another, Ultron takes it as a threat and then begins to realize that the Avengers are useless (in his mind at least)

>how are the twins involved
They are part of Hydra at first, and Hydra form an alliance with Ultron. For Ultron, the alliance provides him access to expendable soldiers and the Twins, which he utilizes until he becomes strong enough to take on the Avengers himself. Hydra believes that Ultron will spare them after he wipes out the rest of humanity. Well, look at the scene where Ultron picks up the robot and squishes its head. Look closely. They both have the same design and Avengers logo on their chests.

There are multiple Ultron machines in the tower, but Tony only uploads the program into one at a time. This one gets destroyed by Thor after he picks Tony up by the neck. Tony says that they will all protect him, even with just a rudimentary AI and Thor tests it out.Basically. He made a single learning AI (Ultron) but because it learns on its own, it can only be in one single machine at a time (movie logic basically). Ultron comes back from a mission badly damaged, Tony says something like "Well, this one is junk, I'll just make another" and leaves Ultron to be "taken out" of this machine. Ultron decides at the last minute to preserve itself and becomes self aware.

Eventually Ultron creates a hive mind of sorts for himself, meaning that he can assume control over ANY Ultron bot in his army at ANY time, which is why he is nearly impossible to destroy in this movie. He eventually gets a permanent body that is super strong and keeps himself in that one body.

>He quits the Avengers because of that guilt, right?

That's who's seat is empty in the interior jet scene in the trailer - it's after the rest of the team finds out that Tony basically caused all of this, that's why they look so upset.
>is Dr.Strange hinted at in this film at all?

Yes, in the form of quick easter eggs. PAY ATTENTION.

>Is he going to be a big player in the civil war?

No clue. I haven't done anything there yet.>>49854144
>Back to Ultron though, where does his personality come from?

He develops it after gaining sentience. He escapes from being dismantled/taken out of his current body.

>Is he literally just raging at Tony for discarding him? That seems a little pedestrian.

At first, yes. The Avengers actually easily defeat him the first time they encounter him, but his program gets put into another form and it escapes, finding Hydra and the Twins.

Here, let me break down a few of the things in the trailer that are relevant here:

>Scene where Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch are in the crowd is them sent to incite Banner into Hulking out (notice they are in a city, just like where the Hulk/Hulkbuster fight takes place), this is a distraction for Ultron to break into Stark's lab and steal tech to better himself. SW [frick]s with Banner's mind using her powers and QS provides a distraction for the other Avengers present.

>Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch going to Ultron after is is obviously upgraded is directly following his upgrades. He destroys Hydra but saves the Twins, seeing them as something akin to himself - an experiment and a tool used to further the agendas of other. The ruins around them are a Hydra building.

>Banner and Hawkeye in the woods are the Avengers sent after Ultron/QS/SW/Hydra after the incident in the city, they are there AS Ultron is upgrading himself, which is why he doesn't attack them, it's Hydra attacking them (the Hydra tank in the background)

>Ultron DOES attack them though, right before destroying Hydra's base there. The rest of the Avengers come in to pull them out and see Ultron, realizing that Tony caused this. The scene in the jet (with Banner in a blanket) follows.

>How is the situation solved after Ultron is defeated? What do they do with Tony?

He helps them in the end by creating a virus to mess with the army of Ultron clones. That's the scene with the "This is the end" line. They forgive him but are VERY distrusting of him, which is why he allows the government to step in, setting up Cap 3.

>Does thor buster?

No but it is hinted at. It is one of the numerous reasons that the rest of the team starts distrusting him.

>Overall, how powerful is Ultron?

He starts off as more of a mental threat and gets utterly DESTROYED the first time he encounters the Avengers (the scene where he crushes the head of the other robot) but begins to upgrade himself and slowly take over Stark's other "Ultrons". Eventually he is able to hold his own against pretty much the entire Avengers, even Hulk (who he knocks on his ass at one point)

>Also what does Vision do?

Vision is basically JARVIS put into a real form by Tony as a way for Tony to "be with" the Avengers. He is captured by Ultron and reprogrammed to help him, but eventually he is freed by Tony's virus that [frick]s with Ultron's hold on his robot army. He doesn't turn good until the final big fight in the movie and he helps fight the Ultron army (Vision is the test run for the virus and he helps the Avengers in the final fight as Tony flies to Ultron's "base" (the scene with Iron Man standing in front of a castle/fort) to upload the virus into Ultron's mainframe that connects him to his army)

It's Ultron's AI ****ing with Tony in the last fight scene as Tony tries to upload a virus to Ultron's mainframe. Ultron plays Tony a clip of "the future he helped to birth" The screen pans up from all off the dead Avengers and we see Ultron sitting on a throne. >Now who's throwing the cars at cap? That is the real question my friend

It's Hulk during the scene where SW ****s with Banner's mind. Black Widow is called in because Banner says something about her being able to calm him down.

>wht is hawkguy's "larger role"?
Well, he and Banner go after QS and SW after the Hulk attack, which is a major point in the story.

No, Thor actually destroys a HUGE chunk of the Ultron army in the last fight scene. Black Widow and Banner are good friends but that is it. He still feels guilt for attacking her in Avengers 1 and has been working to recognize her even when he can't control the Hulk, which is why she is called in to calm him when he freaks out.
Hawkeye and Banner are sent to track down QS and SW. Banner initially isn't allowed to go but he convinces them to let him go after Black Widow vouches for him, saying that he won't hurt anyone else.

>>It is much better and the action is more refined. It sets up a lot of things for the future movies (many in easter eggs, some as flat out references Like Black Panther)
He takes her in an frees her + QS from Hydra so the choose to follow him. Up until nearly the end when they see just how destructive Ultron is and QS actually saves Cap (you can see this in the trailer where QS destroys an Ultron bot as it is attacking Cap)
He is getting his new Vibranium skeleton from Wakanda
Oh the pics from WAAAY back when? That's the final battle sequence after QS and SW choose to help the Avengers. The see just how violent Ultron is and decide he is too volatile to follow anymore. Cap mentions Bucky and Widow mentions Falcon.

Tony nearly dies as he is uploading the virus. That's what Cap is doing as he kicks down the door - he and the other Avengers are looking for Tony after they defeat Ultron. He has to get surgery which is why you see the surgical stuff in the trailer

They develop more of a brother/sister relationship, not a romantic one.
>At least answer this -- will we ever see the REAL Mandarin?

Alright, **** it He is shown to be a partner of Hydra, they supply the technology, he supplies the troops. He will be a major villain in future movies, namely Dr. Strange.

He is Iron Man's enemy, but his rings will be a major plot point for Dr. Strange.
Rhodey really doesn't have a big role in the movie, he mainly serves as the final little push for Tony to side with the government. Clint gets explained more, and his scenes are more central to the story this time around.
If this is true....Marvel is about to crush the buildings...HEAVILY


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
The plan was for her to set the bomb and leave on some type of air craft. She was not suppose to die, she was going to revive the league and continue to live out her fathers dream


Could you please tell me where that is even indicated in the film?