Avengers: Age Of Ultron - Official Thread *Spoilers*


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
perhaps the reaction has more to do with ppls amazement that disney/marvel had the balls to finally kill someone. We've been faked out many times from Loki, to fury to Thor and so on. Had nothing to do with liking quicksilver, what was there to like? Other than that scene where he and his sis explain their motives/his catchphrase we just got stares

Well, when they turned good, he did display acts of heroism, saving all the people from the train (you could say it was under Cap's "orders", but still) and his death in itself was an act of heroism as well. He also was never really shown to being evil anyways and while I do feel that both him and his sister could've had even more development (but hell, movie had so many characters, plots and things going on and obviously so much was cut too, I can see the difficulty in balancing, but think what was shown even was mostly fairly well done) what time they did have on screen, did show a moderate personality from the both of them (I think even more from QS than BW actually) and you could see their motivations from their tragic upbringing. Also, Quicksilver was shown to display great care and concern for his sister (naturally), so I can see how some folks liked him. My 14 year old niece said he was her favorite character in the movie and was sad that he died so soon in the series.


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
I'll still surprised that the lot of ya'll coli pundits are all sneering at the jokes in the movie (or most of the films really). Both times I seen the flick, most of the theater was laughing at a good 80-90% of the jokes they made. I can somewhat see how some can critique about some of the timing of the jokes/jokiness lessening the more serious times and tones of the movies, but even that I only feel to an extent considering the source materials, are quite jokey within themselves. Long as the jokes are well-timed, good and delivered well, it's not really a problem. I believe more often than not, they are just that as well.

I think the Nolan movies have kinda fukked up some of ya'lls perceptions of comic movies in general. Don't get me wrong, I love the take of Nolan's trilogy of making comic book movies a lot more realistic and grounded, but just the same, I like that Marvel's take on making their movies more akin to how their comic books are actually written and shown just the same.

There are some instances when the jokiness can be a lil much or very ill-timed tho. One of the ones that was most glaring offense to this IMO was in IM3, right after Pepper falls and Tony is in belief that she just died, they immediately have a jokey nature of his armor just falling apart in comical fashion right after that. I don't think anything in this movie was on that level of ill-timing tho.
ooohh dont let Spider-Man join the team :lolbron:
theyll really be complaining
be Marvel's Avengers in conjunction with Def Comedy Jam out this bytch:russ:
May 1, 2012
I'll still surprised that the lot of ya'll coli pundits are all sneering at the jokes in the movie (or most of the films really). Both times I seen the flick, most of the theater was laughing at a good 80-90% of the jokes they made. I can somewhat see how some can critique about some of the timing of the jokes/jokiness lessening the more serious times and tones of the movies, but even that I only feel to an extent considering the source materials, are quite jokey within themselves. Long as the jokes are well-timed, good and delivered well, it's not really a problem. I believe more often than not, they are just that as well.

I think the Nolan movies have kinda fukked up some of ya'lls perceptions of comic movies in general. Don't get me wrong, I love the take of Nolan's trilogy of making comic book movies a lot more realistic and grounded, but just the same, I like that Marvel's take on making their movies more akin to how their comic books are actually written and shown just the same.

There are some instances when the jokiness can be a lil much or very ill-timed tho. One of the ones that was most glaring offense to this IMO was in IM3, right after Pepper falls and Tony is in belief that she just died, they immediately have a jokey nature of his armor just falling apart in comical fashion right after that. I don't think anything in this movie was on that level of ill-timing tho.

Nah. There are certain characters that like to joke around like Spider-Man or even Stark.. Deadpool... Thor and Cap are not comedians in the comics and never were. The problem with Whedon is that he tries to make everyone a comedian and then all of the characters end up sounding the same. This criticism has nothing to do with Nolan.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Maybe its because of lowered expectations.
But I really enjoyed this movie. Could have ended better (the very end). But overall I was pleased well worth the watch.

You could tell that there was another 20 mins that was cut from this film.

Yeah, Ionno if it was the early impressions that had me slightly temper my expectations of it or if I just naturally went into the movie with a cleaner slate w/o over-thinking how it was going to go down, but I graciously enjoyed the film. It's like within my top 3 MCU films thus far IMO. The few areas that I had criticisms over are definitely outweighed by everything that I did enjoy about the film and they only slightly mar the experience overall. shyt's a 9/10 in my book. Enjoyed it even more the 2nd time and can't wait for the extended blu ray cut.

My pros:
- How nearly everyone got equal billing, from jokes to serious moments, to their action sequences. Almost all were very well executed IMO.
- All the characters came off how they are in the books and animations.
- The action. Granted, the sequel is pretty much always going to up the ante here, but I think they really outdid the first one on all accounts here. Nearly every action scene was of suitable length, differing in styles from the other ones, high octane and spectacle, etc. Specially loved the displays of teamwork, tag-team combos and such. Underrated moment to me was Black Widow briefly getting busy with Cap's shield before tossing it back to him in the final battle.
- The jokes in themselves. I make no apology to this, as nearly all joke lines killed to me.
- Ultron. While I do agree with others saying the he could've been more menacing, I did like the human nature of him and being akin to stark, seeing as he was the creator in this. James Spader killed it imo.
- The party scene. The team just all having fun together in a normal setting. Could've been extended even.
- The inner turmoil/drama between the team. I actually like when they're at odds with one another. I think the scene in the first one when they're all arguing due to the mind gem in Loki's scepter bringing that all out is one of my fav. scenes in the first one. While I don't think the team debate scenes in this one were as great as that one, I enjoyed what was here nonetheless.
- The pacing. Over 2 hours of film and never a dull moment IMO. Action to non-action/drama/etc. scenes flowed quite nicely to me.
- Haweye's family reveal.
- Cap's awesomeness. shyt's just been so on-point since Winter Soldier. Definitely one of the characters they now have right on the money. Granted, probably one of the easier ones to do so, but I just love seeing it in motion, as he's definitely my favorite original Avenger (when Wolverine's on the Avengers, he's obviously is the go-to man then tho, lol).
- Hulk vs. Hulk-buster Suit Ironman. Definitely the highlight battle of the movie. I still want a full fledged Avengers fighting the Hulk battle akin to the one in the animated movie someday tho.
- The inner fears sequences of the characters being shown. Another wealth of scenes that I would've enjoyed even more exposition of.
- All the easter eggs of things to come.

- I do agree that the final battle climax being a re-thread of the battle of NYC with bots in place of chutari, despite liking the battle in itself. I would've liked that better had that been a placeholder for Ultron achieving his perfect form (a la Cell from DBZ) and then they show them all seriously struggling to beat him and just barely manage to do in the end as the real final battle.
- Quicksilver dying off so fast. Just seems pointless to kill off a new character this early in the game.
- Not fleshing out Scarlett Witch's powers a bit more, as to make her less akin to just a Jean Grey/Phoenix variation. They should've shown her doing some more weird stuff like the stop animation walk thru the door when she mind-fukked Cap, her overall movements should've been on some other-world shyt like that. They also should have her changing objects into totally different objects to show her reality bending powers. They could have said it was taxing for her to do or that she couldn't only do it in very limited scale due to her just acquiring her powers.
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The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Nah. There are certain characters that like to joke around like Spider-Man or even Stark.. Deadpool... Thor and Cap are not comedians in the comics and never were. The problem with Whedon is that he tries to make everyone a comedian and then all of the characters end up sounding the same. This criticism has nothing to do with Nolan.

Most of Thor's "jokes" weren't really even jokes or delivered as a comedian. They were moreso funny due to his fish out of water character and dramatically different mindstate from the others. Like the victims in hell part. That wasn't him making jokes. That's just how he really feels about battling and stuff with him being a warrior. They don't have regret/remorse over killing, they relish in it. It just comes off funny as hell considering the obvious different sentiment of how Banner feels about killing and fighting in general and the timing of when he was asked to report it. The part between him and Stark boasting about their girlfriends, 1nce again, wasn't a joke, was just Thor being his usual braggadocios self. It was just funny in context, but not him telling jokes. Same goes for his comment about SW bewitching him. Was just funny in context that he could be hexed immediately after being so cocky about not being able to by a mere "human". Between the 4 films Thor's been in, I don't really recall him much outright telling a joke or really being "quipy" akin to Starks or Spiderman.

And when has Cap really done any jokes in the movies? What the hammer/elevator part? That's about it really. Not a quip sort of deal for sure. Oh, I guess you mean the part on the bridge against the ultron bot.:manny:
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Where is Princess Fajita
Oct 30, 2013
SSJ God SSJ at -3000
explain to me

Why Ultron was not able to hack Ironmans suit and fkk him up royally. I mean Ultron was infiltrating anything that was technology and is this essentially devastating program. He fkked up Jarvis and deleted avenger files from what is safe to assume a highly protected encrypted system. It just seems like he would have been able to make Tony stark even more useless than Falcon by preventing his technology from working.


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
quicksilver was one of my favoirte parts of the movie. he was a good character. while they alla rguing he just unplugs the shyt. bustin the gun in the police station, when the cop shot him, when he knocked caps block off, when he DESTROYED the ultron bots better than anyone. i wish he was still alive as ive never been a quicksilver fan but i am now


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
explain to me

Why Ultron was not able to hack Ironmans suit and fkk him up royally. I mean Ultron was infiltrating anything that was technology and is this essentially devastating program. He fkked up Jarvis and deleted avenger files from what is safe to assume a highly protected encrypted system. It just seems like he would have been able to make Tony stark even more useless than Falcon by preventing his technology from working.
:leon: Good point. I honestly am not sure. I mean, from what I remember in the animation, no such thing like that happened with Ultron being able to control/disable Tony's active suit either IIRC. Maybe he got some sort of defenses in play to not allow that to happen.:yeshrug::cape:


Jul 16, 2013
bruce banner isn't a super-confident guy. maybe in the lab he is, but he's got a lifetime of insecurity otherwise

i didnt say he was a super confident guy, just said he isnt a weak minded lackey like he was portrayed....

also, he doesnt have a lifetime of insecurity.....the only insecurity he has is losing control as the hulk....now, that's a huge insecurity to have and that can effect all aspects of your life, but that's about it.....seriously, yall make it seem like he is some ultra insecure person, when he's not....
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Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
explain to me

Why Ultron was not able to hack Ironmans suit and fkk him up royally. I mean Ultron was infiltrating anything that was technology and is this essentially devastating program. He fkked up Jarvis and deleted avenger files from what is safe to assume a highly protected encrypted system. It just seems like he would have been able to make Tony stark even more useless than Falcon by preventing his technology from working.

He didn't fukk up Jarvis. Jarvis bounced. How else do you think ultron wasn't able to get those nuclear launch codes.


Where is Princess Fajita
Oct 30, 2013
SSJ God SSJ at -3000
He didn't fukk up Jarvis. Jarvis bounced. How else do you think ultron wasn't able to get those nuclear launch codes.

I understand the launch codes part, he was unable to get them cause jarvis kept switching the codes because he went underground and off the grid. ..but that doesn't really explain ironman not getting hacked being explored. Ultron was controlling an ironman army ..and he did fukk up jarvis by the way.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
explain to me

Why Ultron was not able to hack Ironmans suit and fkk him up royally. I mean Ultron was infiltrating anything that was technology and is this essentially devastating program. He fkked up Jarvis and deleted avenger files from what is safe to assume a highly protected encrypted system. It just seems like he would have been able to make Tony stark even more useless than Falcon by preventing his technology from working.

Hmmmmm Closed circuitry or not wireless interface... much like if a router is landline you need to be landline jacked in to access it. You cannot wirelessly tap into it. I'm sure stark turned his shyt off, plus he developed a new iron man suit before even fighting ultron at that last fight...

Also Tony has had shyt on "ghost drives" i'm sure he keeps them off the network, off the grid.... who leaves their most amazing shyt about their armor in a server that can be hacked... :heh:


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
i didnt say he was a super confident guy, just said he isnt a weak minded lackey like he was protrayed....

also, he doesnt have a lifetime of insecurity.....the only insecurity he has is losing control as the hulk....now, that's a huge insecurity to have and that can effect all aspects of your life, but that's about it.....seriously, yall make it seem like he is some ultra insecure person, when he's not....

Can you show n prove that he isn't? Cuz all previous material that I know of (I'm not the biggest Hulk fan admittedly), Banner was rather portrayed as pretty meek. He would only be a bit confident in his own intellect and even that was often shaky ground considering that he felt quite the failure of not being able to produce a cure for his Hulkoholism.

And him backing down to megalomaniacal. egotistical, charismatic Tony Stark seems highly believable.
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