Avengers: Age Of Ultron - Official Thread *Spoilers*


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
I thought the movie was good but it did have flaws. The issue is I can sympathize with Joss Wedon a little bit. Writing something of this magnitude is not easy. Getting in that many characters and having arcs all over the place will always leave plot holes. The more I get away form the movie. The more I actually liked it. The Box Office dropped for one reason and one reason only. Saturday was a Sports Supernova Nuclear Bomb in the United States. NFL Draft, Kentucky Durby, NBA Playoffs and of course May Vs Manny. Reports are theater attendance dropped during evening hours across the nation. Yet Avengers 2 still did 184 Million Opening Weekend.

That's 2nd all time. So though it won't gross what Avengers 1 did, I think it's still going to do good overall. As for the movie itself, again there was just so many story arcs going on that it was hard to keep everything together. It wasn't a lazy sequel by no means. It just didn't feel like it was better than part 1. So it's a step down but not a big step. The action was on point. Love the Hulk Buster fight. The climax with Ultron got into Michael Bay territory again for sure. I thought the movie also set up Infinity War very perfectly. This films are feeling more more Episodic. They are basically long comic book episodes setting up the next film. Overall I give it about B.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Well the main critique of the marvel productions is that they are repetitive and bland, but these two are still new properties, and considering that all of the films/episodes are based on continuity, with the same tone present, its hard imo to love one and despise the other.

I disagree breh. I can look at something separately. timeout, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me:russ: In case you're disagreeing, then yeah i can look at something like say, Daredevil season 1 and love it. If I don't love the 2nd season, that doesn't mean I will retroactively dislike the 1st. It just means that the 2nd wasn't as good but the 1st was dope. Same with guardians. To make it more about film in general, The godfather is my favorite movie of all time and I love godfather 2 but I'm not a fan of the third. My dislike for the third in no way informs my adoration for the 1st 2 or diminishes it.

Now if you're agreeing with me, just discard all of that as bullshyt


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Saw it last night with zero expectations. I give it a solid 3.5/5 or 7/10. If I rate it on a summer blockbuster scale and just compare it to other comic book/popcorn type flicks, it's an easy 4/5 or 9/10.

I don't know a ton about the comics, especially Vision. So maybe if I knew more I would've liked it more? I dunno.

- I thought Ultron could've been a little more interesting. I know that when AI becomes super-intelligent, experts say it could go from friendly to unfriendly in a few split seconds, and I liked how they showed that, but I thought it would've been cool to get a little bit more on Ultron's motivations instead of him just waking up and starting to be evil.

- When the humor was good, it was good.

- It actually looked like a comic book on screen. Even more than the first one.

- Lots of fleshed out characters. I actually liked the dynamic with Banner and Black Widow. I liked the teamwork between Thor and Cap. I liked that Hawkeye had a home life, and there was more background given on Black Widow. The foreshadowing of everyone dying in space was a convincing reason for Tony creating Ultron.

- The CGI was seamless.

- Wish they had done a little more with SW and QS. And having QS die was a letdown. Especially when he could've pushed them out of the way instead.

- When the humor was bad, it was bad. I liked that Ultron had a sense of humor, but it was almost too much. I never really felt like the team was in danger.

- Final battle felt a lot like the first. City in danger, mindless drone enemies, etc. But I guess in a flick like this you need lots of bad guys. I wish there would either be some civilian deaths on screen, or have it implied that people die. it would be cool to see how the team deals with that.

- A couple out of context scenes. I had NO idea what was going on with Thor in that water, or how it made him know that Stark and Banner going for another AI attempt was a good idea. What was that about? Is Vision really just Jarvis in a body? Or just a little bit of Jarvis?

- Not enough War Machine. Don Cheadle is awesome and I wish he'd had more screen time.
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What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Saw it last night with zero expectations. I give it a solid 3.5/5 or 7/10. If I rate it on a summer blockbuster scale and just compare it to other comic book/popcorn type flicks, it's an easy 4/5 or 9/10.

I don't know a ton about the comics, especially Vision. So maybe if I knew more I would've liked it more? I dunno.

- I thought Ultron could've been a little more interesting. I know that when AI becomes super-intelligent, experts say it could go from friendly to unfriendly in a few split seconds, and I liked how they showed that, but I thought it would've been cool to get a little bit more on Ultron's motivations instead of him just waking up and starting to be evil.

- When the humor was good, it was good.

- It actually looked like a comic book on screen. Even more than the first one.

- Lots of fleshed out characters. I actually liked the dynamic with Banner and Black Widow. I liked the teamwork between Thor and Cap. I liked that Hawkeye had a home life, and there was more background given on Black Widow. The foreshadowing of everyone dying in space was a convincing reason for Tony creating Ultron.

- The CGI was seamless.

- Wish they had done a little more with SW and QS. And having QS die was a letdown. Especially when he could've pushed them out of the way instead.

- When the humor was bad, it was bad. I liked that Ultron had a sense of humor, but it was almost too much. I never really felt like the team was in danger.

- Final battle felt a lot like the first. City in danger, mindless drone enemies, etc. But I guess in a flick like this you need lots of bad guys. I wish there would either be some civilian deaths on screen, or have it implied that people die. it would be cool to see how the team deals with that.

- A couple out of context scenes. I had NO idea what was going on with Thor in that water, or how it made him know that Stark and Banner going for another AI attempt was a good idea. What was that about? Is Vision really just Jarvis in a body? Or just a little bit of Jarvis?

- Not enough War Machine. Don Cheadle is awesome and I wish he'd had more screen time.

I think you got your pros and cons mixed up breh


May 13, 2012
I disagree breh. I can look at something separately. timeout, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing with me:russ: In case you're disagreeing, then yeah i can look at something like say, Daredevil season 1 and love it. If I don't love the 2nd season, that doesn't mean I will retroactively dislike the 1st. It just means that the 2nd wasn't as good but the 1st was dope. Same with guardians. To make it more about film in general, The godfather is my favorite movie of all time and I love godfather 2 but I'm not a fan of the third. My dislike for the third in no way informs my adoration for the 1st 2 or diminishes it.

Now if you're agreeing with me, just discard all of that as bullshyt

Nah i'm disagreeing (mostly), considering most of the dna of the first are cloned into the second. I just don't see how you can love 1 and hate 2 considering their similarities for the most part. That's just a big reach imo. It's like a Mayweather fight, you can't be entertained by his style in one and then think its unwatchable in the other.

Now this doesn't mean that I don't think that AOU is superior or anything:whoa:

I have alot issues with the film myself.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Nah i'm disagreeing (mostly), considering most of the dna of the first are cloned into the second. I just don't see how you can love 1 and hate 2 considering their similarities for the most part. That's just a big reach imo. It's like a Mayweather fight, you can't be entertained by his style in one and then think its unwatchable in the other.

All depends on what you do with the story. Coppola is a great example of that..same director, same basic DNA of every movie before it minus Robert Duvall but it pales in comparison to the first two because of where he took the story, the script, and a lot of the acting. Or Matrix Revolutions: Same directors, same cast, same writers, same everything and look at the results. It's always about execution beaus you can have all the pieces in play and just miss on sticking the landing. So to me, Daredevil season 1, as it stands right now, is very dope and will continue to be dope. If I don't like season 2 because of whatever reason, be it story, or new characters that don't mesh or even a new direction, then that won't change how i felt about season 1 at all. Same with Guardians 2.

We have debates on here all the time about the wire but it seems like most of us agree that even with a weak season, it doesn't stop it from being possibly the greatest television drama of all time. Hell, I think the simpsons is the greatest sitcom ever and at this point in its run, it's got a lot more meh or bad seasons than great seasons but the tepid seasons don't erase the classic ones

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
:deadrose: the most frustrating thing about the movie to me. And to make it worse, he gets to the same point again at the end of ultron so you're right, what exactly was the point of it? It's as if they pulled a clone wars on it and retconned it from existence

Don't understand how it's so frustrating. The whole point of Iron Man 3 was that suit or no suit, Tony Stark is Iron Man/a hero. ie: The man makes the suit, the suit doesn't make the man

There's also a difference between working with Banner and working on the Iron Legion stuff, and working on suits day and night as a way to cope with almost dying in space


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Don't understand how it's so frustrating. The whole point of Iron Man 3 was that suit or no suit, Tony Stark is Iron Man/a hero. ie: The man makes the suit, the suit doesn't make the man

There's also a difference between working with Banner and working on the Iron Legion stuff, and working on suits day and night as a way to cope with almost dying in space

Just seemed like to me that he was done breh and that he blew up everything and decided to stop tinkering. If he decided to start tinkering again and building and be iron man again, seems like an important plot point. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the flick, I still say it's solid, nothing great but middle of the road for me. But it would've been nice to acknowledge that development which he then mentioned again at the end of this movie when he said he's done


May 13, 2012
All depends on what you do with the story. Coppola is a great example of that..same director, same basic DNA of every movie before it minus Robert Duvall but it pales in comparison to the first two because of where he took the story, the script, and a lot of the acting. Or Matrix Revolutions: Same directors, same cast, same writers, same everything and look at the results. It's always about execution beaus you can have all the pieces in play and just miss on sticking the landing. So to me, Daredevil season 1, as it stands right now, is very dope and will continue to be dope. If I don't like season 2 because of whatever reason, be it story, or new characters that don't mesh or even a new direction, then that won't change how i felt about season 1 at all. Same with Guardians 2.

We have debates on here all the time about the wire but it seems like most of us agree that even with a weak season, it doesn't stop it from being possibly the greatest television drama of all time. Hell, I think the simpsons is the greatest sitcom ever and at this point in its run, it's got a lot more meh or bad seasons than great seasons but the tepid seasons don't erase the classic ones

That's the thing, the story between Avengers 1 and 2 aren't all that different, and are based around similar things. That's where I can't logically see the extremes in liking a product. It's one thing to critique and believe its a notch or two below, but having one at +10 and the other -10 is a bit mind boggling based on the obvious similarities. I think that's where the comparisons end with the Matrix Revolutions (haven't watched the Godfather trilogy in forever) considering the difference from the first one.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
That's the thing, the story between Avengers 1 and 2 aren't all that different, and are based around similar things. That's where I can't logically see the extremes in liking a product. It's one thing to critique and believe its a notch or two below, but having one at +10 and the other -10 is a bit mind boggling based on the obvious similarities. I think that's where the comparisons end with the Matrix Revolutions (haven't watched the Godfather trilogy in forever) considering the difference from the first one.

That's why i said execution. Execution is dialogue, plot, story beats, characterization, etc. I didn't like all of the dialogue in this nor did I really like how they conceptualized Ultron and his character. But i don't have one at a +10 and the other at a -10. I have one as an A and maybe the other at a C+ or B- I can't speak for anyone else in how they view it, I'm only speaking for me. I felt one was great and the other was just ok.


Jun 21, 2013
I missed the initial fight with Ultron and Vision because of a bathroom break. What happened? Someone told me Vision got knocked out after disconnecting Ultron from the internet. I thought he had vibranium as well as the infinity stone. How did he get knocked out?


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
So I see it made less than the first :sas2:

And I see more and more negative reactions being mixed in with every marvel release :sas1:

One day we'll all see who the prophet is :wow:
It also went head to head with the biggest boxing event in decades. While ya boys at that other company moving dates like they can't afford rent :sas1:
Jun 15, 2012
I thought the movie was pretty good and i bet it'll be a lot better if it gets the extended treatment like some people are saying.

I liked how they wrote ultrons personality to show starks influence with the humor and also with his robotic rationale but would have liked to know more about his motivations.

Also, maybe I missed it but it seemed liked they sort of didnt explain how and why quicksilver and his sister linked up with ultron.

And what was the reason Hulk was avoiding fukkin shyt up at the end? he was scared of bad publicity lol?


Probably drunk
Nov 18, 2013
I hope Scarlet Witch brings back my nikka Quicksilver with the soul stone :banderas: I know some people wont like that but this are comic book movies so they might as well go all in :yeshrug: besides the bytches I saw the movie with loved quicksilver and one of them was almost crying when he got taken out so I know he coming back is gonna be a hit with the casuals.