It's sitting at 93% off 15 reviews, with 1 negative review from a site (Topless Robot) I never heard of.
u posting from the theater breh?Minutes removed from starting AoU. It still surprises me that the second half of the original is so goddamn good that it makes me forget all about how the first half is shot like an ugly-ass SyFy tv production.
I just use it as a guideline aka "this movie got good reviews, I'll go see it for myself and form my own opinion" I've seen critics shyt on movies that I ended up loving and love movies I thought were mediocreI think it matters to people who want it to matter. I'm not gonna be in the theater like "that scene was awesome....but how did Bill Smith from Topless Robot feel when he seen it?"
I guess I don't get the critical angle as a talking point for these movies. They aren't supposed to be "The Godfather 2". Hell, most movies in general don't get an 80% but if this does people will act like it's the end of the world. It's silly to me.
Well the point of criticism is just to inform the viewer what they should or shouldn't see just like any form of journalism is supposed to inform. Even in comic book movies there are still basic movie fundamentals that should be in place like story coherence and logical plot evolution. Some judge them harder than others but that doesn't mean it's useless. Some people really swear by critics for better or for worse.
I just talk to people I know breh. Or, gauge reactions on here from a few key people.
I don't really fukk with critics, unless the topic of conversation is about critics, or it can be related to the topic at hand. There is a handful of critics I check for and even they're dwindling by the day.
I like but one of the dudes on there was talking about "Batman V Superman" looks lame because the trailer is "too serious". There is too many elements at play, before you even factor in bias or fanboyism, for me to take a critic's opinion seriously enough for it to impact whether or not I go see something.
I expected this to not be better than the first one, same with TDKR
I expected this to not be better than the first one, same with TDKR
"TDKR" was fukking awful though. I hope it's better than that.