Jefe Blanco
All Star
Never heard of ALEC before this, but it's the kind of shady shyt that you know goes on in our government. It deserves its own documentary to put it out there.
This end up being running ad from hiliary. Propaganda at the most high
she wont like most black folks ....just look at BIll, Bush and Hilary. Look at Berry he bomb many black and brown nations most people just shrug it off and keep pushingOr it could be a way of Ava holding the future president of our country accountable for her promises. She got Hilary on tape saying she's gonna try to fix this. Low-key, that was a 'gotcha now bytch' move
Hilary Clinton will not do anything positive for black people during her termsI really don't know why I am wading into these waters but away we go.
Those numbers for all 3 of those candidates are misleading because that is not money given directly to them but rather money given to PACS that support them. And the inclusion of "affiliated lobbying groups" in the infographic also means that there was money given to these candidates that was part of a bundle put together by lobbying firms who have CCA and The GEO Group as clients.
In Hillary Clinton's case that $133k the infographic is showing went to a PAC called Ready for Hillary that was focused on drafting Clinton to run in 2016 and took out ads on TV, radio and online (among other initiatives) to drum up support for a Clinton candidacy. This PAC was formed in 2014 and shut down completely in mid 2015 shortly after Clinton announced her candidacy.
Clinton herself made the decision early in her campaign to not accept money from for-profit prisons and donated the money that had already been given to her campaign directly by the for-profit prison industry to charity.
Clinton also has called for abolishing the use of private prisons at the not only the federal level but the state level and after she made those comments and made being anti-private prisons one of her campaign policies, the stock for CCA and the GEO Group (the largest for-profit prison companies in the country and the ones mentioned in the Vice article) tanked.
Conversely, Donald Trump has done nothing but praise the for-profit prison industry and even publicly proclaimed that he wants to increase the number of private prisons in the country because of how great they have worked out.
And the GEO Group has been giving money to Trump and PACs that support him this whole election.
So a pivot at the end of the documentary to focusing on Trump makes sense when you take into account that he is the candidate for president that is currently taking for-profit prison money, is running on a tough on crime platform, wants to create a private Immigration police force to handle his removal of all illegal immigrants and continues to deny the innocence of the 5 black men he publicly called to have sentenced to death despite their innocence being proven by not only DNA but a confession from the actual person who committed the crime they were accused of.
Now cue the nonsensical replies that pay no attention to what I wrote.
It goes a lot deeper than just "Bill signed the Crime Bill" and "Hillary said super predator"...this shyt has been baked into our legal system for a long time and the whole increase in mass incarceration started long before The Clinton's drove up from Arkansas.
How anyone could watch this documentary and just come out of it with this "fukk the Clintons!" mantra strikes me as a shame because it means they didn't really pay attention to what Ava was trying to say in her doc.
Cats on the coli not paying atrention? I'm shocked
Hilary Clinton doesn't want to have any sort of conversation on race whatsoever![]()
From what I've heard of this, doesn't Ava end it by basically saying she's not a huge fan of Hillary and the Clintons based on the 94, but she gives her props for acknowledging the law went way too far? And also would rather have her in office than Trump because she can at least have a conversation about race rather than pretend it doesn't exists and knows the woman based on conversations they've had? Therefore she's voting for her because voting for Trump would set the race back by three or more decades. So does that make her a c00n as well?
Also, and I know this isn't higher learning but let me drop this: there are many black members of congress and the senate and even our parents who bear a lot to blame on the 94 bill. My friends and I spoke to my dad about it and he and my mom were completely down for it at the time, just like a lot of other black parents who wanted to protect their kids. They moved out of DC to the suburbs just to escape that crime and not have to raise their son in an environment where he could walk down the street and possibly not make it home. He says they didn't foresee the ills that would come from it because they had no way of seeing it coming and that most in the country didn't. They wanted a quick solution and they were afraid and they, along with republicans and democrats -- a lot of members of the CBC and NAACP included -- but pressure on Bill to get something done and be tough.
Yeah that was kind of inconsistent with what these same folks were saying in "Hidden Colors 2":Watching it now...
It's good, but a little misleading.
I like the historical context and narrative in how they described how the 13th amendment didn't apply to blacks post slavery...
but I think it's disingenuous to compare incarceration during reconstruction to incarceration in the 1970s to date. I personally don't see the similarities and/or parallels as being as closely linked as they are trying to.