I'll say this and I'm done with this...
Sterling's mindset(nor will many others) won't change because he's made BILLIONS of dollars while living with this mindset his entire life. And at some point, being racist & discriminatory has probably made him MORE reveunue(ie kicking a minority out of a house or apt. in favor of a white person) So it's justified to him and it "works", and it "works" for all his friends who share his mindset.
His logic is, he is where he is in life b/c of his entire mindset, which includes his thoughts on minorities/race. If he as a shytty racist lives in a $10 million dollar house, and a non-racist lives in a $100,000 dollar house, in his mind his way of thinking is CORRECT. He won, b/c he has more money than 99.999% of the human race. And it trickles down to the average white guy who may be racist and makes $90,000 a year and is more successful than the others around him.
The white owners know he is a racist and only tolerate Sterling cause he hasn't affected league money or done major damage in terms of public relations. With these comments and everybody becoming informed on his past racist behavior he may end fukking with league money and I know the owners won't like that. These sports networks and Adam Silver are hoping this blows over but I doubt it will. Stern should get a lot of criticism for this because he could have a handled Sterling years ago. Now its all on Silver's hands and if his response and actions toward Sterling seem superficial then his whole term as commissioner will be tarnished.