Megan Goode. No matter what, I just don’t find her sexually attractive.
She’s beautiful but I dont see her and feel any level of thirst for her
Before I clicked in the thread my first thought was Beyonce. I was just never a fan.
I understand that Halle Berry is attractive but she never did anything for me.
Megan the stallion
rubi rose
Salma Hayek
Lori Harvey is beautiful, but the hype she get is crazy. She has absolutely no sex appeal to me.
Beyoncé …i can see she did attractive but it was never like “got damn”
Meg The Stallion
Meg tha stallion
Lori harvey
Sanaa lathan (Regina hall’s cuter)
Meagan Good - I still see her as big teeth Nina from Cousin Skeeter![]()
Beyonce was basic to me until she thickened up
Lori Harvey
Kelly rowland & coco jones
I doubt yall could even form complete sentences in front of these women
always gotta take shyt too far…legit 8s and above do nothing for u huh coli brehs?

Edit: couldn’t leave out this guy
That Rubi Rose chick![]()