Neo. The Only. The One.
You watched episode 2 “The Homeliest Little Horse”
Tonight was a double episode premiere. Every season with the exception of Robbin Season has premiered with Double episodes.
You missed “The Most Atlanta” but its playing right now on repeat and you can watch it tomorrow on Hulu
Thanks, breh. Well I guess I'll speak on the episode I saw. Earn at the therapist was a powerful moment. And I loved how they broke the 4th wall when the therapist said "what really happened at Princeton? You've hinted at it, but what's the real story?"
What i hated was Earns heel turn. It felt like it came out of nowhere, and while I found it hilarious, especially bringing ole boy back, it almost made me dislike Earns character.
But maybe I'm missing some context since I didn't see the first episode. Maybe there's something that precipitated his turn to the dark side.
The moments with the therapist bothered me because this world is so twisted and sick that on some level, when I see 2 brothas looking intently in each other's eyes on tv in 2022, I almost think some fakkitry is about to pop off cause that agenda is pushed so much. I was shocked that the therapist wasn't gay and was just a righteous brotha who cared about his client.
The other part that bothered me about that scene was... I wonder sometimes if I could do therapy, but something about talking about my feelings and someone getting me to go deeper into my personal traumas until I lose control of my emotions is unappealing to me. I never want to be in a situation where I'm talking so much about what I've been through that I just break down... even though I probably need to do it.
I loved how @Paper Boi and Darius called Earn out on his bs. I also liked how the random story actually tied in to the main characters as opposed to it being something completely unrelated like last season.
I made the statement earlier this week that I didn't think @Ziggiy and the other Glover brothers would be able to course correct being that they filmed s4 at the same time as s3. I wonder if the criticism made them go back and change some things.
With that being said, it was an aight episode. I'm not feeling any of the magic from s1 and s2 yet.