So Michael Jackson's children are considered AA?
I don't think he had any biological children but if he did then yes.
So Michael Jackson's children are considered AA?
still u named 4 placesNot true if you live in the NYC, Boston, DMV, or South Florida.
Indistinguishable in whose eyes? Africans?Fully depends on the community and how well theykeep the culture.
Traditional Weddings, Wakes, Town Hall meetings, Traditional dress, customs etc are what seperate us from AA.
If this doesn't matter to you, you wont preserve it and you will be indistinguishable from Americans.
If this does matter to you and you preserve then people will always consider you an African.
Even if you don't speak the language
If that's the case, why are Asians still seen as immigrants despite having a high intermarriage rate.
It's happening in cities like Houston. Guys like Brian Orakpo, Lil O, etc, just sound like Southern Texas Black folks even thought they're Nigerian. Their kids and kids kids will sound the same.
Same phenomenon happened to Bahamian migrants to Miami in the 1920's and their great grandchildren.
Samething is currently happening to Haitians in South Florida. They just sound like Miami Black folks, rather than Haitians.
So according to the coli Wale isn't AA?![]()
In threads about this type of stuffYes. Children of Africans are indestinguishable from AAs in everyday life 90% of the time
Pan Africanism is an a delusion. I am glad I got out of my whole wanting to be African phase. Only thing I want from Africa is reparations. And the only Black people I can see myself getting with is Afro-Latinos...just so can we push for reparations.
African immigrants are coming over here and they ain't coming over to be friends with us...and they ain't coming over here and letting us go get land and oil from Nigeria or Ghana...
They coming over here and taking our spot. We should've learned from West Indians but we didn't. Now we have a second wave of African descendant people coming over here and I am glad that we starting to look at them like...instead of being on some
"Brother! Sister!" shyt...
We gonna have to kill this stupid pipe dream of wanting to be African and inclusive...
We are descendants of slaves, we made our life here, we fought here and we gonna die here.
And I don't care if is White person, an African, an Asian or a Latino...we are the True Americans. We have a more of a right to this country than anybody. Even Native Americans. I don't give a fukk about them either. They had slaves, fukk 'em.
We need to stop being soft and they start asserting ourselves as the founders and creators of the USA. Crackers stole it from us, they didn't build this shyt.
I don't buy this argument. Sure other groups became "White" but they did not lose their ethnic identities. White Americans can almost certainly tell you their ethnic orientation and practice an Americanized version of their homeland customs.
Africans become Black in America. They do not become African American.
Doubtful. Black immigrants don't even account for 10 percent of the Black American population.
Indistinguishable in whose eyes? Africans?
So yall get to define whose AA now?![]()
In threads about this type of stuff
If your post are not being co-signed or dapped by people like myself @Elle Driver @Poitier @KidStranglehold @Raye82 @CharlieManson @IllmaticDelta @Barnett114 @BlackPearl The Empress etc
Than your probably culturally off brand in these discussions
You cant talk about escaping a delusion while making a delusion lol. All I got from your post is that you want a handout. F*ck Native Americans? Sorry but they will forever have equal rights to this land as much as you do or think you do lol.
In threads about this type of stuff
If your post are not being co-signed or dapped by people like myself @Elle Driver @Poitier @KidStranglehold @Raye82 @CharlieManson @IllmaticDelta @Barnett114 @BlackPearl The Empress etc
Than your probably culturally off brand in these discussions
Uh's simple...
If you are over here in the damn USA and your ancestors was a slave...than Africa has to pay in land rights and shyt...
As far as I am concerned...I ain't a fukking African like that...fukk does DNA have to do with my ethnicity...all my kinfolk are in the USA...soon as the Africans got to the USA and they were no longer part of the ancestry starts in the USA. Not in Africa. If you was born in Africa...your ancestry starts there. You not a descendant of a slave. Me and a Nigerian are not kinfolk. can Anglophone West Indians become AA over time? They are tribally mixed up like we are (despite the isolated groups speaking Yoruba, etc.), descended from slaves, and speak the same language. Biggest difference is that they didn't experience Jim Crow like we did. There are also culturally differences and some aloofness sometimes but this dissipates with time. I know you clown them on here a lot but it's a pretty thin distinction compared to someone from Lagos or Accra. Don't say some Reggae or Calypso makes someone culturally distinct and unable to assimilate.