At least I can see my abs you fat ass nikka.


RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013
hey pablo do you know what it feels like to get spontaneous head? :ahh:

you and baby girl at the movies and she whispers in ya ear :"lets go to the bathroom" :ahh:

Illuminatos' Hairline

Where's my sharpie?!
May 28, 2012
I just want this bytch nikka to know everywhere he goes whether it be the grocery store, the post office, the park, zoo wherever that people are judging him. they are looking at his physical presence and making assertions to themselves about his character, his self esteem, self respect pretty much every facet of his existence. they look at you and see a fat ass nikka, and the first thing people usually think is "look at this fat ass nikka" or wherever you throw your 2 cents in "nikka shut yo fat ass up:rudy:" when you with ya nikkas and a group of bytches the first thing them hoes is thinking is "who gon take the fat nikka:usure:" people think less of you simply because you are fat. they doubt your intelligence "because they figure this fat ass is just too dumb to lose weight" they assume you're poor because you can't afford a healthier diet to lose weight. Most importantly people automatically assumer YOURE LAZY. Good luck at job interviews. Employers will take one look at you and think too themselves "why should i hire this fatass he's too lazy to get off his fat and go to the gym: childplease:" and finally women ahh yes women since thats what you seemed so fascinated with. do you honestly think when women describe their dream man that they desire him to be fat? hell nah. but thats what you are. Understand the superficial nature of women... women want a man they can show off to their fam, friends, and the pulic... do you think any bytches would ever want to show you off? anytime you ever get a woman no it had be for something other than looks... im a virgin on the coli cool... who cares thats our secret...but nikka you fat, out of shape and ugly you even have a horrible mouthpiece you need to stop deluding yourself and work on self improvement my nikka.


May 4, 2012
but i do know the feeling of taking it slow to try and fit my dikk in a womans vagina :ahh:

now tell me. which one is better :ahh:

look man...fukk all the other shyt

bottom line you fat ass fukk... you need yo fat ass off the fukking coli go outside and jog around the block til you pass out. do that everyday til you can see ur dikk without looking in the mirror.

everybody in the thread telling you how you aint shyt. how think ya son gon feel having jaba the hutt fat ass as a daddy. you the same age as me my nikka. we only getting bigger. i was 165 pounds 4 years ago now im like 195.

how you gon feel when a in shape nikka fukking the shyt out of the woman you live hitting and stroking in ways you could never imagine...

ur fat ass will have to learn the hard...


RIP Fresh
Jan 25, 2013
look man...fukk all the other shyt

bottom line you fat ass fukk... you need yo fat ass off the fukking coli go outside and jog around the block til you pass out. do that everyday til you can see ur dikk without looking in the mirror.

everybody in the thread telling you how you aint shyt. how think ya son gon feel having jaba the hutt fat ass as a daddy. you the same age as me my nikka. we only getting bigger. i was 165 pounds 4 years ago now im like 195.

how you gon feel when a in shape nikka fukking the shyt out of the woman you live hitting and stroking in ways you could never imagine...

ur fat ass will have to learn the hard...
:ahh: im down to 238