More won't be paying for it, people paying for it now will pay more and those who can't afford it will be subsidized and that's going to drive up the cost as well. Also, it's going to cause more sickly people to participate in the plan, which will use up more costs than they are paying in. Plus doctors will have MORE patients, less time to actually treat patients and not to mention they are being paid less than what that care actually costs. The quality of treatment is going to suffer.
Again, I think it's a good idea but its not like spending for those other things you listed will be cut (enough) to take on the debt of this healthcare plan.
You really don't understand the plan or the American healthcare system. Before Obamacare as an American citizen you had a right to walk into any emergency room and receive treatment. The money for those emergency room visits came form tax payers and people who did pay for their own healtcare. Uninsured emergency room visits is the what drives our healthcare costs up the most. Now under Obamacare those who can pay into the system will pay something as apposed to taking advantage of free healthcare that everyone else pays for them. Anyone making under 100k will receive tax subsides to offset rising costs. And again costs have been rising every year with or without Obamacare. Obamacare is not the cause for rising health bills, in fact since Obamacare was passed healthcare rates have been rising slower, though I don't think that has much to do with Obamacare either.
We are already paying the bill for sickly people. In theory Obamacare should lower those cost because instead of them waiting till they are about to die and going to the emergency room, they will be insured for preventative care which is a lot cheaper. Time will tell if this theory is correct, but either way we will pay for sick people.
I don't know where you get the idea that doctors will have too many patients and won't be getting paid enough. There are subsidies for doctors as well, and more patients would equal more doctors. A lot of doctors now don't even have enough insured patients more patients would be a good thing. The quality of treatment will be improved because people will be going to get care before their conditions get to the point where they need major operations.
Also the idea of American debt being a problem is purely hyperbolic. We have always held debt and the country will never default it's the American way. As citizens we should advocate things that help us as opposed to fighting them from the "too expensive" angle because politicians have no problem giving away money to everyone else while the majority of Americans (middle class) struggles.