Ask A Coli Breh Living in S. Africa ANYTHING (Now w/ Pics)


Dreams Are Colder Than Death...
Apr 30, 2012
What's your raw and uncut opinion of the women there? The good, the bad and the ugly.
Not sure how accurate my opinion can be since I haven't been back since 2018 but I'll give it a go
The Good: complete opposite of what I've found in women I've dated in the US. I had personal dealings w/ women who owned their own petro company, doctors, lawyers, engineers, all the way down to a woman who worked the counter at Debonairs. The ones who were in my age group (35+) you could tell still hung on to traditional ways but had a bit of new age in them. That was across tribes (damn Xhosa's). As a person who doesn't believe in monogamy, it kinda sorta frightened me that another human being could care about someone as much as the ones I got semi-serious about (wiping my mouth after I ate, getting my shower ready for me, being my personal chauffuer or lending me their car, hanging outside my compound in rainstorms leaning on their horn cause I wouldn't let them on, etc...)
The Bad: not true for all, but you can tell the tainting of traditional values has been affected by Western TV shows and pop culture. But that's all dependent on the age group. Anything that was pushing 30 and below were just for a good time and nothing else. Their conversations severely lacked for my taste and we didn't have much in common. Not knocking them, just wasn't a good fit.
The Ugly: Wasn't too much ugliness but for the wow factor when it came to treatment, they did have this Hollywood-level sense of what constituted romance that I found to be comical sometimes. I had homies who found it unthinkable that I could just be friends w/ a lot of women and women who couldn't understand why I didn't believe in marriage. I found happiness in the median.

If I had to go back and redo it, I maybe would marry the one stewardess chick I was crazy for. At a different stage in life now. Not sure it would have lasted but the two relationships I've been in since have paled in comparison. Like not even in the same ballpark. But we're better off. She got the life and I guess relationship she always wanted and now lives on a beach somewhere in northern Mozambique. Not sure this all you wanted but just ranting here.

Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
Not sure how accurate my opinion can be since I haven't been back since 2018 but I'll give it a go
The Good: complete opposite of what I've found in women I've dated in the US. I had personal dealings w/ women who owned their own petro company, doctors, lawyers, engineers, all the way down to a woman who worked the counter at Debonairs. The ones who were in my age group (35+) you could tell still hung on to traditional ways but had a bit of new age in them. That was across tribes (damn Xhosa's). As a person who doesn't believe in monogamy, it kinda sorta frightened me that another human being could care about someone as much as the ones I got semi-serious about (wiping my mouth after I ate, getting my shower ready for me, being my personal chauffuer or lending me their car, hanging outside my compound in rainstorms leaning on their horn cause I wouldn't let them on, etc...)
The Bad: not true for all, but you can tell the tainting of traditional values has been affected by Western TV shows and pop culture. But that's all dependent on the age group. Anything that was pushing 30 and below were just for a good time and nothing else. Their conversations severely lacked for my taste and we didn't have much in common. Not knocking them, just wasn't a good fit.
The Ugly: Wasn't too much ugliness but for the wow factor when it came to treatment, they did have this Hollywood-level sense of what constituted romance that I found to be comical sometimes. I had homies who found it unthinkable that I could just be friends w/ a lot of women and women who couldn't understand why I didn't believe in marriage. I found happiness in the median.

If I had to go back and redo it, I maybe would marry the one stewardess chick I was crazy for. At a different stage in life now. Not sure it would have lasted but the two relationships I've been in since have paled in comparison. Like not even in the same ballpark. But we're better off. She got the life and I guess relationship she always wanted and now lives on a beach somewhere in northern Mozambique. Not sure this all you wanted but just ranting here.

Them Xhosa girls fukked you up and got you rambling out here :mjlol:
Apr 3, 2014
Not sure how accurate my opinion can be since I haven't been back since 2018 but I'll give it a go
The Good: complete opposite of what I've found in women I've dated in the US. I had personal dealings w/ women who owned their own petro company, doctors, lawyers, engineers, all the way down to a woman who worked the counter at Debonairs. The ones who were in my age group (35+) you could tell still hung on to traditional ways but had a bit of new age in them. That was across tribes (damn Xhosa's). As a person who doesn't believe in monogamy, it kinda sorta frightened me that another human being could care about someone as much as the ones I got semi-serious about (wiping my mouth after I ate, getting my shower ready for me, being my personal chauffuer or lending me their car, hanging outside my compound in rainstorms leaning on their horn cause I wouldn't let them on, etc...)
The Bad: not true for all, but you can tell the tainting of traditional values has been affected by Western TV shows and pop culture. But that's all dependent on the age group. Anything that was pushing 30 and below were just for a good time and nothing else. Their conversations severely lacked for my taste and we didn't have much in common. Not knocking them, just wasn't a good fit.
The Ugly: Wasn't too much ugliness but for the wow factor when it came to treatment, they did have this Hollywood-level sense of what constituted romance that I found to be comical sometimes. I had homies who found it unthinkable that I could just be friends w/ a lot of women and women who couldn't understand why I didn't believe in marriage. I found happiness in the median.

If I had to go back and redo it, I maybe would marry the one stewardess chick I was crazy for. At a different stage in life now. Not sure it would have lasted but the two relationships I've been in since have paled in comparison. Like not even in the same ballpark. But we're better off. She got the life and I guess relationship she always wanted and now lives on a beach somewhere in northern Mozambique. Not sure this all you wanted but just ranting here.

Bro this is incredible and thank you for breaking it down.

You about to spoil me for these rotten American women, breh. I need to come to the motherland to experience what I've been missing.
