Should there be an effort to redraw Africa's borders by major ethnic group? I'm thinking this would solve some of the problems.
How did Liberia turn out?Honestly, African Americans should be given land in Africa. We would honestly do a better job.
Should there be an effort to redraw Africa's borders by major ethnic group? I'm thinking this would solve some of the problems.
I'll see what I can dig up some time todayYou know where to find the Lumumba documentary that came out like 10-15 years ago? ... I can't think of the title. It was critically acclaimed. Folks need to watch that.
Should there be an effort to redraw Africa's borders by major ethnic group? I'm thinking this would solve some of the problems.
The Palestinians have been there for centuries, and they don't have their own country, have you completely missed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that's been going on the past 50 years?African Americans should get their own country. Last time I checked Israelites and Palestinians have their own countries. We had thriving black cities in America. Harlem. Tulsa. Atlanta, Detroit and Southside Chicago used to be thriving black centers too. Once manufacturing went away they all turned to hoods. But there's no way you can look at Greenwood Tulsa and Harlem, then turn around and say we can't do it. We did.
@ 0:12 ..chinese dude really this..*kisses teeth* "This nikkah" ..
It would have been a better idea 50 years ago.Should there be an effort to redraw Africa's borders by major ethnic group? I'm thinking this would solve some of the problems.
You know where to find the Lumumba documentary that came out like 10-15 years ago? ... I can't think of the title. It was critically acclaimed. Folks need to watch that.
How did Liberia turn out?
Ya'll seriously in here asking the white man for land in Africa? Land that belongs to you from your ancestors... Some of Ya'll nikkahs really don't think you're African huh? Like ya'll some kinda special negros that Cacs put in charge...Staapht it. It's fukking embarrassing to the black community as a whole. You want land in Africa, just go back and buy it like everyone else, you actually have claim to citizenship and access to land through genology in a few countries. Why ya'll begging cacs to give you land in Africa again? Liberia wasn't bad enough.
@Malt-O-Meal I dont care about Asians, fakkit. Cacs are the racists that concern me, when an Asian gets around to systematically oppressing, beating, and raping my people like cacs do then I'll worry about an Asian. Ya'll spend too much time whining about fakkit name calling school yard teasing bullshyte, and trying to compare it to actual captivity, murder, pillage, and systematic oppression is dishonest and fukked up. Nobody racist like cacs. Worry about getting these cacs off your neck first fakkit
Should there be an effort to redraw Africa's borders by major ethnic group? I'm thinking this would solve some of the problems.
The Palestinians have been there for centuries, and they don't have their own country, have you completely missed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that's been going on the past 50 years?
There are so many things wrong with your narrative, I hope you don't honestly believe a a couple of thriving neighborhoods that were apart of growing urbanized cities of non-AA people, that prospered for less than 50 years is a sign that African-Americans should have our own countries, because its not.
Harlem was 10 square kilometers.
I support AA statehood, but not for any of the reasons you're giving.