God you people are stupid. This article is from 2011. Odd Future has been around WAY longer than that. Tyler was a regular poster just like us on the Hypebeast forums in like 2007 talking about this album b*stard that he was working on and would post his music. I think you can still find some of his old posts.
Last year I also stumbled upon his old blog from like 2007/2008 when he was like 16 in High School and would post his photography, talk all the projects he was working on and his dream for Odd Future and projects he wanted to do in the future and how b*stard was coming along and mostly just rant about life in general. He was just a regular kid that loved to make music and had big dreams. Here are some random posts (you have to highlight the page to read the text because the font is white).
Read through some of the blog entries. OF is the real deal, he's been working on this stuff for a long time and he started it all by himself.
This is what happens, you are interesting, you start to build a small following, you get noticed and people in high places see you have potential. You get managers and deals and people help you promote your work in hopes that they will get a return on their investment. This is basic industry stuff that has been going on forever, no conspiracy about it. Industry plant?