Schindlers list
Dances with wolves
Silence of the lambs
Saving prrivate ryan
The thin red line
Reservoir dogs(yeah i said it)
Terminator 2
Jurrassic park
Fight club(my personal top ten)
The matrix
Shawshank redemption
Psh no one voted for godfather 3 breh. Not a soul
That's what I was hoping.
I almost lost hope in humanity.
Probably just a list of his Criterions........I Confess is easily his most underrated.
I haven't seen one person complaining about Pulp Fiction argue against it in any meaningful way, so let's get it: what is wrong with Pulp Fiction in ya'll's opinion?
Say my nameits all good breh, but that post was to all the people complaining about Pulp Fiction being on there, but nobody explaining what is wrong with it or why it isn't top 10 material...
Did get a vote for paid in full tho. And it was pretty high. I'm talking top 5
Schindlers list=AGREED
Dances with wolves=fukk NO!
Silence of the lambs=Disagreed
Saving prrivate ryan=Disagreed, but really close
The thin red line=Nope not even close
Reservoir dogs(yeah i said it)=yeah right.
Terminator 2=nope, not even close.
Jurrassic park=nope, not even close.
Fight club(my personal top ten)=this is a tough one, can't decide
The matrix=disagreed.
Shawshank redemption=disagreed
"Cheeseburgers are better than pizza."
"Breh come on pizza is definitely better than cheeseburgers".
"Nah bro cheeseburgers"
That's what this thread is becoming.
If you can't respect other people's opinions then why bother asking in the first place.
I'm not going to acknowledge his trolling, but Hitchcock deserves love on this list
"Cheeseburgers are better than pizza."
"Breh come on pizza is definitely better than cheeseburgers".
"Nah bro cheeseburgers"
That's what this thread is becoming.
If you can't respect other people's opinions then why bother asking in the first place.
Yea I know but what's really being debated?man calm down, this is just fun debating, nobody going crazy in here or anything