What Government already does in terms of policing - dealing with crime during/after the fact
- More military grade equipment
- More cops in general.
- More "training"
- More overtime
- Stop and Frisk/Broken Window Policing
- Predictive/Statistical Policing - "This is where the crime is, so let's put officers there" - arrests go up, and crime goes down. This was a thing even before computers and AI, and it's only gotten more comprehensive with facial ID, networking of law enforcement agencies, license plate tracking, DNA databases....ad infinitum. This is ONLY going to get worse.
What The Gov (Fed/State/County/City/Local) does to Prevent Crime
- Public School/Education
- Public Rec Centers/Pools/Parks
- Welfare/Food Stamps
- Public Service Announcements that explain the law and try to deter people from making the wrong decisions
- More visible cops
Additional things government can do
1) Precision Intervention - That's just what I call it, but it's got other names. I got a homeboy that does this. Something might pop off in the hood, folks in the neighborhood get at him, and he steps in and tries to help. He gets city money to do this. These type of community intervention programs exist all over the country. I think they actually got started in Chicago..... In terms of effectiveness, this stuff is hard to quantify and put into a nice chart. But scaling up these types of programs, but also digging down to the various neighborhoods is something that
could be done.
The thing is, this type of intervention only works when the intervenor knows what's going on, knows the parties, and can get involved.
There are a ton of
violent crimes that this could never address
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Crimes of Opportunity
2) Summer Job programs for students
DC has one. It's hard to know how effective it is when you've got juveniles still wildin.
3) Extend the School Year
Again a lot of the kids out there carjacking wasn't tryna to go to school during the year, much less the summer.
The city could, in theory, identify "at-risk" youth and try to hit them with targeted services - but it's always a small percentage of kids that are just not reachable. They can't be convinced or influenced, they have to change.
And that's the problem that city officials, school admins, cops, preachers, community advocates - they don't want to "write" any of these kids off.
But a lot of the community fails to face the reality that some of these kids just want to do some messed up stuff, even after the parent in the home, extended family, the schools, and the Feds say not to.
Having said that, not all of these crimes are by juveniles. I think most of them aren't, but I don't have the Oakland/CA/National stats in front of me.
There are grown folks committing violent acts against one another, on partners, and on children.
Not all of them are destitute and homeless.
If we look at white burbs, a lot of domestic violence goes unreported.
Incest, molestation, abuse - under reported.
Nonconsenual - under reported.
Drug abuse/OD's - handled with insurance and private clinics.
In terms of white on white violence, that's more about concentration than anything. But plenty of them Biden Voting NPR listening people will pull a gun out when you cut them off on the freeway. We've seen plenty of video evidence of ostensibly rich white people engaging in all types of violence, on themselves, and on us.
I say this because a lot of white violence is 1) covert, 2) by proxy. White people know that Black Death is 3 #'s away, 9-1-1.
And that's the middle and upper class whites.
If cats don't think Cletus n'nem ain't shooting each other in Eastern Kentucky...That type of stuff do happen in a small town.
The Left says more money, address poverty.
The Right says more cops and put these folks under the jail.
People have to accept that crime is a NATURAL part of life.
Some of these people are not gonna live by rules,.
Some of them want to hurt others.
And it's not out of their control. It's not because they were abused as kids or they didn't have money.
Some choose violence.