as long as you can admit to that than there really isn't an issue.
Both Israelis and Palestinians have committed atrocities. I'll give you that Israels leading in the department though.
as long as you can admit to that than there really isn't an issue.
Both Israelis and Palestinians have committed atrocities. I'll give you that Israels leading in the department though.
Nope. I never said that.
Also, the vast vast majority of Arabs were not forcibly expelled.
Except for the fact that Europeans account for less than half of Israel's inhabitants.... And those "Europeans" don't have very European DNA...
Yes, a detention center for illegal immigrants. We have one of those int he U.S. too.
If you're asking "what about this" the answer is your lack of understanding of medical ethics. Ethiopians didn't "consent" because they didn't understand Hebrew, and therefore their nodding doesn't count as consent. It does not mean they were given it by force.
Furthermore, as I said, 50% of Israel's Jews are Middle Eastern. You really don't seem to know anything about the geopolitics of the Middle East.
People with a 5000 year history in that region have a much greater claim to that land than 'Palestinians' that have been there for 200-300 years.
Arabs are some of, if not the most, racist people in the world.
US is also sterilizing black women. Wheres your outrage?
FYI, I do think this is a fukked up situation in both countries. Can't stan this kind of behavior either way.
Anyone trying to rationalize Palestinian "rights" is a joke. They are nomads. They aren't an official country. Jerusalem, Haffa, and most other cities in Israel have changed hands a LOT of times over history. These 'Palestinians' that you speak of weren't the first ones there. They just happened to be the last ones there when Israel was formed.
People with a 5000 year history in that region have a much greater claim to that land than 'Palestinians' that have been there for 200-300 years.
Arabs are some of, if not the most, racist people in the world.
US is also sterilizing black women. Wheres your outrage?
FYI, I do think this is a fukked up situation in both countries. Can't stan this kind of behavior either way.
Anyone trying to rationalize Palestinian "rights" is a joke. They are nomads. They aren't an official country. Jerusalem, Haffa, and most other cities in Israel have changed hands a LOT of times over history. These 'Palestinians' that you speak of weren't the first ones there. They just happened to be the last ones there when Israel was formed.
Except for the fact that the M.E. intelligence the U.S. receives from Israel is already worth more than what the U.S is giving in aid.
No country can sustain itself without trade and relations with other countries. Oh, and the US aid to Israel covers less than 3% of Israel's GDP. Israel can make that up by selling t-shirts at the mall
BTW, here are some questions you forgot to answer:
1) Since Palestinian is also a fake identity, do you withdraw your argument of Israeli being a "fake identity" as a talking point for discrediting Israel?
2) Why do you claim Jews didn't want Israel before the holocaust when the Zionist movement began over half a century before the rise of Nazi Germany?
3) Why do you claim that Israelis are European when 50% of Israel's Jews are actually Middle Eastern, making your generalization about Jews "living it up in Europe" not accurate? Are you aware some of them were even in Israel, Jerusalem specifically, and there was an entire area called The Jewish Quarter due to the Jewish inhabitants consistently through history?
How can some kid from NY have claim to the land he walks on everyday when its really Indian land? The Indians you displaced would like their land back
Yes. Same reason you can sit here today in NY and not think twice about the displaced Indians is the same reason Israelis don't care or believe its Palestinian land. To the victor goes the spoils.
Hey genius, thanks for equating the Judeo settlers in Palestine with the genocidal white man. Also thank you for showcasing your intelligence by comparing an ongoing contemporary stuggle for statehood with an established genocide that happened centuries ago.
Your stupidity is a welcome relief from TLOLs blatant dishonesty and scumbaggery
ill is the only devil who agrees to some sh1t. that's why i fuq with him. when i'm burning all jews in the chamber i'll spare him..Wont argue with you there. I agree.
..Most Israelis ARE european and eurasian. You dont know this?
Do u even have Hebrew blood to defend a man like Sharon and the land that should belong to you?
Cuz sharon is European blood but born in Palestine.
Today over 2,500,000 Mizrahi Jews,[56] and Sephardic Jews live in Israel with the majority of them being descendants of the 680,000 Jews who fled Arab countries (<2,500,000), due to expulsions, and antisemitism, with smaller numbers having immigrated from the Islamic Republics of the Former Soviet Union (c.250,000), India (70,000), Iran (200,000–250,000), Turkey (80,000).
Source that confirms that figure of "10s of billions?"
and anyway anything Israel may accomplish is ultimately financed by the United States. They are our dependent through and through. I mean, you can paint this picture of Israel being this independent nation heroically holding off a bunch of nations that surround it and want to destroy it but we all know that is pure fantasy. The truth of the matter is that Israel needs the United States more than the United States needs Israel. All the current relationship does is undermine our credibility in the region and hamper efforts to build relationships with other countries in the Middle East because of our clear bias which is bought and paid for by interests groups who do Israel's bidding....not to mention it's just another excuse for Islamic extremist groups to incite anger and resentment towards us.
Right, because Pro-Israel lobbyists in the United States have no connection at all with Israel
Yeah Arabs may have a lobby, but the different is they aren't working for a particular country's interests the way the Israeli lobby works om behalf of Israel. No foreign nation should be exerting that much influence over our government, period. That's far from irrelevant.
and if Israel could just ditch us for China if they wanted like you were implying either, why is any of this even necessary?
Before Israel was founded "Israelis" considered themselves Jews first, and residents of whatever country they lived in second ie; Germans, Poles, Hungarians, etc. They never called themselves Israelis while they were living over there.
were always in that land for the most part, the same genetic analyses you are citing to demonstrate that 50% of Israeli Jews are "middle eastern" show that at least 80-90% of the Palestinian Arabs have been in that part of the world for thousands and thousands of years. So what right do European Jews have to flood the land in mass and declare that their claim to it trumps all others? My logic seems pretty sound, and most of the world agrees. Oh, but I suppose that's because everybody is anti-semetic right?
Zionists are the ones who sought a homeland for the Jewish people, the fact that there were other candidates aside from Palestine shows that this attachment to Israel that all Jews supposedly have is overblown. If Europeans were generally accepting of Jews they would have never wanted to go anywhere, aside from the religious ones of course.
Do you even know what a bot is?I'l give @Ill props for that honesty though, it at least proves he's not a fukking bot like @TLOL is back.
You are killing your own argument. You have absolutely no qualms denying a Palestinians right to exist, or even his sense of identity, to the point where you;ll put Palestinian in quotation marks.
The same logic behind the founding of the state of Israel is the same logic behind the founding of Palestine. If Palestine is a bullshyt artifical construct, then so is Israel. They are both tied to each other.
The second yall called for Israel, Palestine had a right to exist
End of story.