Well you called me a c00n because of my views on this issue so what the fukk are you talking about. How can a black man be a c00n by being neutral on Israel you fukkin moron.alias, stick to MrSomebody
Well you called me a c00n because of my views on this issue so what the fukk are you talking about. How can a black man be a c00n by being neutral on Israel you fukkin moron.alias, stick to MrSomebody
Feelings been caughtWell you called me a c00n because of my views on this issue so what the fukk are you talking about. How can a black man be a c00n by being neutral on Israel you fukkin moron.
How do you expect me to take you serious when you make silly comments like thisDo you want muslims to take over Israel?
Feelings caught, you're the one sending me secret messages showing your disaproval like a hoe. Yea, thats what i thought.Feelings been caught
How do you expect me to take you serious when you make silly comments like this
I'm not gonna discuss geopolitics with an ignorant demon like you
If you don't login with MrSomebody I can't take you serious as a human beingFeelings caught, you're the one sending me secret messages showing your disaproval like a hoe. Yea, thats what i thought.
If you don't login with MrSomebody I can't take you serious as a human being
says the guy who says french montana is a white guy.
But Palestine is where Judaism was created....
So u make no fukking sense
Using the identity in quotes just shows you have a ridiculous take on this issue that isn't even worth engaging. You'd have to take it to a stretch of insane logic to pretend Palestinians don't exist. But anyway I'm not surprised this has always been your posting steeze. Predictable position.
Basic common sense. The NSA's intelligence is worth 10s of billions, and Israel contributes more to American intelligence than the NSA does.
Israel does not lobby the U.S. Pro-Israel lobbyists lobby the U.S. There is a big difference. There is also an Arab lobby, so all of this is irrelevant.
None of this has to do with an argument over identity being valid or invalid. Since you're struggling with this, I'll elaborate further:
Your argument was as follows:
If p then q
If a nation has a "fake identity" Then it is a bullshyt country.
That is your logic. It is bad logic. And you apply it selectively, demonstrating hypocrisy.
Yes it does, when you claim that Jews didn't care about ISrael before the holocaust
None of that is relevant to the fact that Jews have historical ties to Israel, and not other countries.
So you claim that Israelis are mostly European. What do you mean so what? Are you capable of following a conversation?
Unlike you, I don't base claims on genetics (I'm not racist), so it doesn't matter to me. My point was to correct your assinine claim that most Israelis are European.
Source that confirms that figure of "10s of billions?"
and anyway anything Israel may accomplish is ultimately financed by the United States. They are our dependent through and through. I mean, you can paint this picture of Israel being this independent nation heroically holding off a bunch of nations that surround it and want to destroy it but we all know that is pure fantasy. The truth of the matter is that Israel needs the United States more than the United States needs Israel. All the current relationship does is undermine our credibility in the region and hamper efforts to build relationships with other countries in the Middle East because of our clear bias which is bought and paid for by interests groups who do Israel's bidding....not to mention it's just another excuse for Islamic extremist groups to incite anger and resentment towards us.
Right, because Pro-Israel lobbyists in the United States have no connection at all with Israel
Yeah Arabs may have a lobby, but the different is they aren't working for a particular country's interests the way the Israeli lobby works om behalf of Israel. No foreign nation should be exerting that much influence over our government, period. That's far from irrelevant.
and if Israel could just ditch us for China if they wanted like you were implying either, why is any of this even necessary?
Before Israel was founded "Israelis" considered themselves Jews first, and residents of whatever country they lived in second ie; Germans, Poles, Hungarians, etc. They never called themselves Israelis while they were living over there.
The Palestinians who you maintain don't really "exist" were always in that land for the most part, the same genetic analyses you are citing to demonstrate that 50% of Israeli Jews are "middle eastern" show that at least 80-90% of the Palestinian Arabs have been in that part of the world for thousands and thousands of years. So what right do European Jews have to flood the land in mass and declare that their claim to it trumps all others? My logic seems pretty sound, and most of the world agrees. Oh, but I suppose that's because everybody is anti-semetic right?
Zionists are the ones who sought a homeland for the Jewish people, the fact that there were other candidates aside from Palestine shows that this attachment to Israel that all Jews supposedly have is overblown. If Europeans were generally accepting of Jews they would have never wanted to go anywhere, aside from the religious ones of course.
Why can some Jew who was born in Brooklyn, NY and lived there his whole life wake up one day and decide that he wants to go to Israel and automatically have more of a claim to that land than some dusty Arab kid whose bloodline has been over there for at least a millennium? Can you explain that logic to me? It's that kind of thing that makes the whole "Israeli" identity phony to me, and many others.
Why can some Jew who was born in Brooklyn, NY and lived there his whole life wake up one day and decide that he wants to go to Israel and automatically have more of a claim to that land than some dusty Arab kid whose bloodline has been over there for at least a millennium? Can you explain that logic to me? It's that kind of thing that makes the whole "Israeli" identity phony to me, and many others.
This is true, and the Arab world is also full of shyt. That doesn't alter the facts though. If Israel were an independent country that survived on its own merit instead of its dependency on the west, I probably wouldn't give a fukk. That's not the case though.
I want the United States to completely remove itself from the region. I don't want us to help either side. Just step out of the way and let whatever happens happen. Enough already.
How can some kid from NY have claim to the land he walks on everyday when its really Indian land? The Indians you displaced would like their land back
I admit this country engaged in atrocity when it was founded. can you say the same about Israel?
Yes. Same reason you can sit here today in NY and not think twice about the displaced Indians is the same reason Israelis don't care or believe its Palestinian land. To the victor goes the spoils.