Are you really a feminist?


Mar 6, 2014
this just made my eyes roll into the back of a whole other persons head. :rudy:

white supremacy/patriarchy and sexism are not the same. if i woke up as a white woman tomorrow i would have tons of valid complaints that come with housing a womb and vagina on my body....however, the difference would be that my complaints would no longer hold the additional bs associated that are unique to being a woman of color. like c'mon that can't be that hard to comprehend

it also speaks volumes to me to see men tripping over themselves to try and tear down any woman's movement. how does that serve you....or anyone for that matter? women shouldn't feel attacked, threatened, 2nd class, overworked, or underpaid. we shouldnt have to feel like we cant be what the fukk we want to be, when we want, whenever we want, and how ever we want to be it. we shouldn't have to feel like our bodies aren't ours to govern and that our minds aren't ours to use in peace and that we have to choose between being wives, mothers, scholars, professionals, etc....simply because our genitals? history has more than enough evidence to show that women are any and everything from rulers to warriors and everything else under the sun.

anyway to answer the TS question....I'm whatever you call a woman who is 100% behind us all deserving a voice to raise up in the face of unfair and unequal treatment. Women the world over have right to exist and operate freely regardless of which race it applies to. It just so happens that I'm black so my cause also specifically targets the issues that my race deal with too.
I agree. I think men bark because then they have to actually do the work of redefining masculinity outside of the current paradigm. Or even defining it at all for themselves . And that is without race attached because that brings a whole another set of problems.

Sidenote: Is it possible that if black men actually supported black women's gender struggle (I'm not calling it feminism or womanism), we could move together on the race front? Like if I can say as a women I have these problems but "hey being black ADDS to that" and my men can ALSO speak to that. Just a thought.


May 2, 2012
I agree. I think men bark because then they have to actually do the work of redefining masculinity outside of the current paradigm. Or even defining it at all for themselves . And that is without race attached because that brings a whole another set of problems.

Sidenote: Is it possible that if black men actually supported black women's gender struggle (I'm not calling it feminism or womanism), we could move together on the race front? Like if I can say as a women I have these problems but "hey being black ADDS to that" and my men can ALSO speak to that. Just a thought.

if you all cant articulate these unique struggles, how do you expect mento relate? at present, most of your struggles are amplified for black men.

and men bark because we have to actually do the work of community building. women want to redefine their gender roles, while trying to hold men to traditional roles as well; and you cant have both.

if yall want to be hardened, masculine women, go for it. just dont complain when these same nikkas cosigning yall feminist bullshyt, hops the fence to pick women that displays traditional feminine qualities.


Mar 6, 2014
Meh. All these labels bother me. And what type of feminism are we talking about? There are some aspects of feminism I wholeheartedly agree with. Others I think are trash. To be honest I'm probably more of a pragmatist than anything.

As for equality people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what that consists of. Feminists and anti-feminist share the same ignorant azz misconceptions.
Equality doesn't mean that two items have to be the exact same. Equality simply means two sides of the same scale are balanced. You can put an apple and an orange on a scale and if they are the same mass, they are equal. All while retaining their own unique features and differences.

But feminist dykes, and p*ssy repellent men don't understand this simple concept.

So whenever feminism is brought up I hear some of the stupidest nonsense. The dykes unnecessarily seek validation of their femininity through emulating men. Da fuk?! The male rejects seek to discredit the movement by asserting that equality means women have to be treated like men. Again. Da fuk?

Real common sense feminism is more about both the valorization what it means to be a woman, and the expansion of the definition of womanhood as well.

And ultimately, it's about women being able to be human without being socially punished for having a vagina due to misconceptions and preconceived notions about what we think a woman should be.
This is basically how I feel. With these labels we can't see the forest for the trees. Can't black men build and support the fact that their women are oppressed just in different ways. Cause I've seen plenty of black women do that for them. And it is not an attack on their masculinity.

I wonder who these men associate with in real life cause I've never had a man who loved me and supported me try to stop my progress on the bounds of "equality" and "he should lead." :heh:


Jun 22, 2014
I know on theColi if you disagree with a guy sometimes you are automatically a labeled a "feminist"

When it comes to your thoughts on women, women's right, relationship roles etc? Are you pro-black.

I'm not a feminist in the sense of what it is on here. I wouldn't consider myself one at all. I do believe in women's rights. I believe in equality in the work place, I believe a woman can lead. But when I comes to relationships I lean towards more traditional roles. I also don't think every little thing is an issue, what I call more like "tumblr feminism". I'm also not anti-man. I am pro black. I feel after everything in this country, the thing that most affects me is my blackness. Like I am human -> I am a woman -> I am a black woman -> I am black.

Edit: I also want to be clear, as treatment goes, I believe it should be equal period. I don't believe a woman should be slave to a man, that is not "traditional". K
I'm a feminist, or as a guy, at least a feminist-supporter.
It goes along with being a Socialist, but Womanism (intersectional feminism that deals with multiple-issues at once: being a woman, a POC, and impoverished. etc.)
It just makes perfect sense to me. :yeshrug:

Entropy Fan

Jul 27, 2013
because I think women should be treated equally. :manny: Anyone that's against that is a disgusting human being.

Should men get equal custody of children? Should a man be able to hit a woman back who hit him?
Should a woman be able to imprison a man with evidence free accusations of rape??

You meant equality in ALL situations right?? :patrice:

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Should men get equal custody of children? Should a man be able to hit a woman back who hit him?
Should a woman be able to imprison a man with evidence free accusations of rape??

You meant equality in ALL situations right?? :patrice:

I've answered these questions so many times, it's getting really annoying. Especially since the person asking them is looking/hoping for an argument.

Entropy Fan

Jul 27, 2013
I've answered these questions so many times, it's getting really annoying. Especially since the person asking them is looking/hoping for an argument.
Im not aware of all your postings. Im not looking for an argument, its amazing you can read my mind tho. I dont want an argument just a yes or no answer, not that hard.


Mar 6, 2014
you mean the guy whose girl didnt want marriage, knew her baby daddy couldnt provide; and STILL got pregnant by him again? same chick that proclaimed she could do it all by herself?

once more, what did he say? "if they want to have the kids, that's up to them" is that not the "my body, my choice" feminist mantra? who raised him to believe this way? i'd bet anything it was a feminist single mother. better yet, why did his current girl have multiple kids by him? if the aim is equal treatment, women must own up to their mistakes and stop pushing 100% blame on the shiftless men they loved.

feminism conditioned women to believe they dont need men, that their children dont need fathers. welfare came through and helped back that belief. if feminism and welfare didnt exist, the black family structure would be infinitely better
As if he didn't have the option to not stick his dikk in her. Or to not vet her mentality? Is he held accountable at all? No matter her faults. You nitpicking.


Sep 26, 2013
I agree. I think men bark because then they have to actually do the work of redefining masculinity outside of the current paradigm. Or even defining it at all for themselves . And that is without race attached because that brings a whole another set of problems.

This basically. The rigid paradigm of what a man should be and what a woman should be. And outliers outside of those norms are freaks and whatnot. The thing is, gender roles don't really take individuals into account and this is the problem. If you don't fit that, you're fukked. And the irony is that feminism in this regard can actually benefit men, because they don't have to stick completely to a rigid role - they don't have to be uber masculine guys if they don't fit that paradigm. And likewise, women don't need to fit the rigid paradigm of womanhood that we associate with femininity.

Problem is with the advent of feminism, women are encouraged by other women to be who they want to be (exceptions being those feminists who cuss SAHMs for not pursuing careers). With men, we aren't really encouraged to do that because "it's gay" and it's "not masculine". I mean, I can remember always having a go at one of my little brothers because he was a really camp kid who liked musicals and girly shyt like that. When I got older I felt bad about it and realized that that's just how he was. He still likes most of that stuff now. And I bet upon reading that, the first thought is "he's gay".

I'm quite objective about this simply because it's useful to try and unite people in understanding and embracing the viewpoints of others (within reason). It's why I've been reading this thread to get a handle on not just feminism but how women on here feel about it in general.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Im not aware of all your postings. Im not looking for an argument, its amazing you can read my mind tho. I dont want an argument just a yes or no answer, not that hard.

I hold everyone to the same standards.

Entropy Fan

Jul 27, 2013
We're not legally denied that but we are socially and I've already mentioned that's a small piece of the pie. Another piece is this rape apology culture. Instead of telling me, as a woman, don't drink too much, don't dress like this, don't flirt with him, don't dance on him, etc. How about teaching men not to rape?

Men dont rape. Rapists rape. If you resent that people try to help you avoid being targeted by criminals then you cant be too bright. I've only heard entitled white bytches make this argument.

No one says ill go where i want, when i want, tell people not to steal, tell people not to attack or kill.


Mar 6, 2014
if you all cant articulate these unique struggles, how do you expect mento relate? at present, most of your struggles are amplified for black men.

and men bark because we have to actually do the work of community building. women want to redefine their gender roles, while trying to hold men to traditional roles as well; and you cant have both.

if yall want to be hardened, masculine women, go for it. just dont complain when these same nikkas cosigning yall feminist bullshyt, hops the fence to pick women that displays traditional feminine qualities.

I feel like you trolling but I'll bite. If black women want "traditional roles" for their men, where is this tradition coming from? Cause I don't know in what part of America black women DIDN'T have to work JUST like their men. We were in the field too. We were cleaning houses, raising kids......Where is this fantasy land where black women somehow feel they can sit on their asses and not hustle like their counterparts? Just because black man's work predominantly was focused on their bodies somehow women were lazy or doing less :heh:?

And where in the real world do black men tell their black women to not work? Especially if he knows he isn't earning like his white counterparts. Is this in a vacuum somewhere?

It seems like black women in this thread can acknowledge the black man's struggle but their (black male) pain causes them a knee jerk reaction to fight us. It's stupid. And not ALL but some men.

Y'all thugs need hugs. :umad:


May 2, 2012
As if he didn't have the option to not stick his dikk in her. Or to not vet her mentality? Is he held accountable at all? No matter her faults. You nitpicking.

how am i nitpicking? if the guy isnt a suitable partner, he's not a suitable partner. its up to you to protect your womb. you ladies like to pretend you have no choice in your own pregnacy, and its tiring. you all are the ones that cant be held accountable. the documentary clearly highlights women CHOOSING to start single parent homes with "aint shyt men" just because the welfare state picks up the tab. so why do yall always revert back to male responsibility and female victimhood?

guess what, ladies. if you lay with chief keef, he wont suddenly become barack obama just because he got you pregnant.


May 2, 2012
I feel like you trolling but I'll bite. If black women want "traditional roles" for their men, where is this tradition coming from? Cause I don't know in what part of America black women DIDN'T have to work JUST like their men. We were in the field too. We were cleaning houses, raising kids......Where is this fantasy land where black women somehow feel they can sit on their asses and not hustle like their counterparts? Just because black man's work predominantly was focused on their bodies somehow women were lazy or doing less :heh:?

And where in the real world do black men tell their black women to not work? Especially if he knows he isn't earning like his white counterparts. Is this in a vacuum somewhere?

It seems like black women in this thread can acknowledge the black man's struggle but their (black male) pain causes them a knee jerk reaction to fight us. It's stupid. And not ALL but some men.

Y'all thugs need hugs. :umad:
none of you have articulated your so called unique struggle, NONE of you.

none of you have presented an argument for why you need feminism.