The damn Engineers were diesel!
Even the extras were off. didn't they supposed to have like 17 people onboard? where did all those extras come in after thatFirst everybody on board is in street clothes but the Charlize Theron character is in a Star Trek suit
then later you see old dude and he's got his own personal security and physicians decked out in Star Trek suits.. the extras fighting the infected dude in the bridge part of the ship(I didn't get that storyline about dude at all).. but it was like where are all these people coming from? nothing matched.. you had all hell breaking loose outside but inside people were like ladi-da/ho hum on someshyt. The black goo- what's complete story on that shyt?
-you know that Prometheus was? Its was the one bad season of the television show Lost but in outer space. The black goo is the smoke monster, The Robot is Jacob, Irdis Is Eko, etc
I just read the Prometheus wikiThat shyt sounds like complete garbage.
A movie still has to stand on its own story wise. This was supposed to be separate from the Alien mythos. You should never have to pre read or read something after seeing a movie to understand whats going on. Even movies based on novels should be able to stand on their own without having to go and read the novel to get whats going onShe along with the old man, David and the people prepping the old man were all a part of the Weyland Corporation. That's why they had the different attire. The other people were all from varying fields of science. They were brought as part of the discovery team.
The reason why they were "ho hum" about landing on another planet is because in the Alien mythos they have already traveled in space and come in contact with alien lifeforms.
This was supposed to be separate from the Alien mythos.
Fassbender/The Android's actions throughout the film didn't add up or make sense by the end of the movie. I was like are you good, are you evil, are you working for the old man, doing your own thing, what are you doing?
never got the hate for alien resurrection