I watched to movie, and my only complaint was the 3D which was giving me a headache. It was a decent Sci-fi movie. I liked it...

I wouldnt say they have run out of ideas, i think they dont want to put out any fresh and risky films because those dont make money. Why take a big risk when at the end of the day its all about the dollar? Take a tried and true story, spruce it up with the bells and whistles which are in today, and call it a day.
Its the same shyt thats going on with videogames. You do something original and nobody buys it, so with your next game you just copy as much from Cod, Gears of War, GTA IV, or whatever else is selling and you make your money there.
If so then why even waste time watching big budgets anymore? The best movies Ive seen in the past couple of years have been original ideas coming out of Europe and Asia, while Hollywood just siphons them off. For Example: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Oldboy. All they do in Hollywood is remake and rehash and reboot. I'm not going to spend 17 bucks on a movie ticket if its some monotonous and predictable bullshyt yuhfeelme?
IMAX 3D is 16 bucks out here.1st off where are you going thats 17 bucks for a movie ticket? We running 6 bucks over here.
2nd, because every movie doesnt need to be thought provoking and breaking new ground. Avengers was big budget and it was worth the money. Im gonna check for that Hobbit later this year, i already know whats gonna happen but hopefully it keeps me entertained for 2 hours. Thats all some people want from a movie, keep me entertained for 2 hours and dont make me feel like i wasted my money.
Yeah because Hollywood didnt make popular books into movies before this year.
Just got back from watching it..![]()
It was crap.
The story is all over the place. good lord. Stargate and the original Alien executed this story 10x hell 20x better than what this did. The visuals excel but the story and acting is left to be desired. in the film, I got the feeling that nobody actually gave a shyt about anything or anyone. If you're going to make the greatest discovery of mankind and least act like it. These cats were ho hum about everything, them landing on that new planet was no more exciting than a pilot landing into Cleveland. It didn't know whether it wanted to be a science fiction 2001 type odyssey, a horror film, a arthouse flick, etc. It was like a mashup of every popular science fiction/action film you've ever seen. Cliche as hell.
man my mind would've been blown! lol, I probably would've been freaking the fukk out. Idris and the crew was basically like "fukk all that discovery shyt ya'll got goin' on, we got a game of 2K goin' on right now".I know...even if I wasn't interested it still would have been likewhen they found the headless engineer. And then when them two dudes was stranded the captain was like "there are some other lifeforms in there", them cats like wait! help! Idris was just on some yea whatever type shyt
It was crazy how they was ready to kill themselves to blow up the ship....I would have been like..."look weed need to get back to earth and re-group!"
Yea some others mentioned that here also...it's like these dudes ready to off themselves at the drop of a hat. When that happened I just like waitaminute.................................
Everyone here talking about all this religion crap got it all wrong. Aliens was always about money and power.
it's actually a cool concept when you sit around think about it.
the engineers are no different than the Wailand-Yutani company. they are a very cold organization with a clear non altruist goal. I mean wouldn't it be messed up if God created humanity for nothing more than his own Economic or utilitarian reasons?
Or if some galactic corporation created us a tool for their plans of domination?