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I clicked saw a cac and stopped the video. I would never listen to a devil tell me about God.
Being born in sin means you're born with the capability to sin as you grow, it's not a deep concept, it basically is another way to say we aren't perfect. But you know how Christianity does things smh
Being born in sin means you're born with the capability to sin as you grow, it's not a deep concept, it basically is another way to say we aren't perfect. But you know how Christianity does things smh
It wouldn't mattrr if Dahmer grew up to be a lawabiding citizen, trusted family man who worked in accounting, he's still a sinner, born into sin, shapen in inequity...if we are going by the letterThat is my interpretation too. Like, even Jeffrey Dahmer was once a cute little baby, but somewhere in life he decided to become a devil.
Where is your proof?
Go read the gospels. You’re confused breh.
Listen to yourself…… a religion that Paul a JEW was directly persecuting was “built off of Paul's letters” after he became CHRISTIAN
I’ll let you cook but at the end of the day, You’re just a guy talking on the internet
I’ll believe 1st-2nd century accounts over the opinion of a Coli breh.
Maybe you’re troll and I’m taking the bait but regardless I respect your interpretation. You can believe anything based on your own personal theology it’s a free world
Logically you’ll get no respect though
They say “don’t argue with fools” so….. no disrespect but
I don’t think this type of discussion is worth the time or effort going further especially when it’s distracting from the thread topic
Can you answer that question![]()
But I'm just saying, telling someone they are something, and they are that bc almighty God says they are, can create a sense of hopelessness. Everyone's brain works differently.
Let's say you start drinking bc you can't square your lifestyle (and maybe you're not even a bad person, but bad by super religious standards), to your upbringing going to Bible camp, revivals etc etc. Now you have a drinking problem and feel like God is mad at you. Is that now what God wants for you?
When in actual, if you had never been placed/forced/or put yourself into a super religious lifestyle, maybe you would have just developed naturally,and accepted that hey, I am a human. If I get sexually aroused, it's not bc im sinful/evil, it's bc I have a nature like every living thing on the planet.
GOD does not want us tied up in things. At best, you are here to be a human, not beat yourself over the head all day everyday and then wonder if God is mad at you
What influences did St. Paul have on Christianity? | Britannica
What influences did St. Paul have on Christianity? St. Paul is often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christiawww.britannica.com
BBC - Religions - Christianity: Paul
Saint Paul is undoubtedly one of the most important figures in the history of the Western world. Famously converted on the road to Damascus, he travelled tens of thousands of miles around the Mediterranean spreading the word of Jesus.www.bbc.co.uk
There were multiple Christian sects that were separate from Paul. The one that took over is what Paul was behind.the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the primary Christian denomination in Ethiopia, developed largely without direct influence from the Apostle Paul, as its Christianization is traditionally attributed to the missionary activity of Frumentius in the 4th century, long after Paul's time, and is considered part of the Oriental Orthodox tradition which diverged from the wider Christian community following the Council of Chalcedon, where Paul's writings are not considered the sole authority on Christology.
The Ethiopian Church adheres to Miaphysitism, a Christological doctrine that differs from the Chalcedonian definition accepted by many other Christian denominations, which is considered to be a key factor in their separate development from Paul's teachings.
This is a “black forum” after all right?
Or are you an ARAB?
Ethiopians also have the oldest ancient complete bible I think as are their traditions preserved
And all their iconography features BLACK people
If that matters to you.
Now go join an Ethiopian Orthodox Church breh
Problem solved
Just remember it’s ONE body of Christ. One faith. Ethiopia is proof
The problem with you is you think everything began with “Christianity” and some new religion that was created or “updated”
You don’t even understand Judaism so I don’t expect you to believe in Jesus
I’ll make a separate Paul thread just for you. No more Paul talk in here for me.
How about the idea of “original sin” though?![]()
There were multiple Christian sects that were separate from Paul. The one that took over is what Paul was behind.
I believe my answer is on the first or second page
The former does not exist because the חֲ־ ħa- in חֲסִידָי ħasidai is not a definite article prefix (which is invariably spelled with ה he not ח ħet) but part of the root itself. חֲסִידָי ħasidai is just the word חָסִיד ħasid (plural חֲסִידִים ħasidim) with the possessive pronominal suffix ־ַי ai ('my') and means 'my pious ones'. Now if one wants to be pedantic, חֲסִידָי is technically the pausal form of חֲסִידַי, its vowel being lengthened from pataħ (אַ) to ḳamatz (אָ) to reflect the linguistic pause.whats the difference between Siday and Shaddai?
אִשְׁתּוֹ ishto is the noun אִשָּׁה ishah (cognate feminine form of אִישׁ ish) with the possessive pronominal suffix ־וֹֹ -o ('his') and means 'his woman/wife'.Is there a difference between Wife and Bow?
it's refreshing to be off other people's fairytales
in 4th grade, you were taught that greeks were making it all up, right? and you had zero fear of being punished by greek gods? but christianity is real?![]()
Most damaging, exaggerated, globally harmful game of telephone
I think the root is the story of Adam and Eve which explains the CONCEPT of “origin of sin” in an allegorical senseThat's not what it means tho.
The passage is I believe, "Born in sin, shapen in inequity".
It means from the time you are conceived, formed in the womb you are already doomed in the sense of you are a sinner who will need salvation. People baptize their babies partially because of this, even tho babies are innocent...they're still "shapen in inequity". Although some ppl do it as a dedication of their baby to God.
Different sects of religion are different. For example, Catholics aren't speaking in tongues to cast out devils, speaking to the devil, dancing and laying hands....whereas in other sects like Holiness churches, COGIC, those things are common.
thank you for the break downFunnily enough, I had written a response to your post #14 on this very subject two weeks ago but it got lost in drafts! (Unfortunately, this forum only saves your work for so many hours.) In short, yes - despite the traditional reading, צֵלָע tzeila' means a side, facet or aspect and has nothing whatever to do with one's ribs.
The former does not exist because the חֲ־ ħa- in חֲסִידָי ħasidai is not a definite article prefix (which is invariably spelled with ה he not ח ħet) but part of the root itself. חֲסִידָי ħasidai is just the word חָסִיד ħasid (plural חֲסִידִים ħasidim) with the possessive pronominal suffix ־ַי ai ('my') and means 'my pious ones'. Now if one wants to be pedantic, חֲסִידָי is technically the pausal form of חֲסִידַי, its vowel being lengthened from pataħ (אַ) to ḳamatz (אָ) to reflect the linguistic pause.
שַׁדַּי Shaddai ('Almighty') is one of the Creator's many titles (usually preceded by אֵל El 'God', another of His titles), which has the possessive suffix ־ַי ai ('my') added to it just like אֲדֹנָי Adonai ('My Master') or אֱלֹהַי Elohai ('My God'). The same rules apply here for the pausa, with an exception: שַׁדַּי to שַׁדָּי and אֱלֹהַי to אֱלֹהָי - but אֲדֹנָי is unchanged. Incidentally, the pausa of אֲדֹנַי adonai ('my [human] masters') is also אֲדֹנָי; however, this is exceedingly rare in the Tana"ch.
אִשְׁתּוֹ ishto is the noun אִשָּׁה ishah (cognate feminine form of אִישׁ ish) with the possessive pronominal suffix ־וֹֹ -o ('his') and means 'his woman/wife'.
קַשְׁתּוֹ ḳashto is the noun קֶשֶׁת ḳeshet (accented on the last-but-one syllable) with the the possessive pronominal suffix ־וֹֹ -o ('his') and means 'his bow'.
The Hebrew word for a 'bow' is קֶשֶׁת ḳeshet and the verb 'to bow' is לְהִשְׁתַּחֲוֺת l'hishtaħavot (from root שׁ.ח.ה), so even these are different.