Realistically ar-15 don't serve any practical purpose for the average civilian beyond use in mass shootings.
Thinking about it rationally. The 223/556 round is too weak for hunting, shoot a deer with it and unless you have perfect shot placement it's running off to bleed out somewhere. Obviously not gonna hit any ducks or other birds with it very easily because they're too small. bird shot is better.
Self defense is obviously not what it's used for either. Unless you gonna walk around opening carrying a rifle slung across your back 365 days a year. Most people feel more comfortable with a concealable pistol.
Home Defense is more feasible, but even then it's way too loud and will burst your eardrums and permanently damage your hearing the first time you actually have to use it indoors after hearing a bump in the night for the last time. Meaning it would only be good for one use and then any criminal can sneak up in your crib and kill you without you hearing them. Plus the round overpenatrates so it you live in an apartment or have close neighbors they getting bullets through their walls too,
That leaves it's primary use: A range toy. basically you are saying the lives of all these mass shooting victims are worth less than your freedom to have fun playing soldier. If i found out PS5's were among the leading causes of death of young people in this country, i wouldn't have problem switching to xbox.
That said, i still wouldn't ban them outright. If it were up to me, i would limit the use of AR15's to my interpretation of 2nd Amendment use only. Meaning you would need to be actively serving in a militia, and keep them locked in a militia armory when not on duty. Citizens have a right to form militia's and that what the second amendment is for. not for your right to have fun at the range.
Thinking about it rationally. The 223/556 round is too weak for hunting, shoot a deer with it and unless you have perfect shot placement it's running off to bleed out somewhere. Obviously not gonna hit any ducks or other birds with it very easily because they're too small. bird shot is better.
Self defense is obviously not what it's used for either. Unless you gonna walk around opening carrying a rifle slung across your back 365 days a year. Most people feel more comfortable with a concealable pistol.
Home Defense is more feasible, but even then it's way too loud and will burst your eardrums and permanently damage your hearing the first time you actually have to use it indoors after hearing a bump in the night for the last time. Meaning it would only be good for one use and then any criminal can sneak up in your crib and kill you without you hearing them. Plus the round overpenatrates so it you live in an apartment or have close neighbors they getting bullets through their walls too,
That leaves it's primary use: A range toy. basically you are saying the lives of all these mass shooting victims are worth less than your freedom to have fun playing soldier. If i found out PS5's were among the leading causes of death of young people in this country, i wouldn't have problem switching to xbox.
That said, i still wouldn't ban them outright. If it were up to me, i would limit the use of AR15's to my interpretation of 2nd Amendment use only. Meaning you would need to be actively serving in a militia, and keep them locked in a militia armory when not on duty. Citizens have a right to form militia's and that what the second amendment is for. not for your right to have fun at the range.