Some Puerto Ricans are white, some are black, some are Indian/Asian. What's so hard to understand about the differences between Race/Ethnicity/Nationality? There's only 3 major races, black white and asian. Everybody on earth is one of these 3 races except for the Indigenous peoples of AUS who are part of their own Australoid race.
Puerto Rican and any other Latin based culture is just an ethnicity, not a race.
Most Puerto Ricans are mixed with all 3 races tbh thanks to the Spanish breeding/killing out the Taino Indians then replacing them with African slaves and then those 2 mixes breeding with the Africans. The result is a mix of all 3 races represented in most PR's today. However almost all PR's can still be easily classified into 1 of the major 3 races. Like Malcolm in the middle is a a White PR but someone like Melo and LaLa are black Puerto Ricans. You get it now?