So given the facts that:
a) most black kids are born out of wedlock
b) black people have the lowest marriage rate
c) black college educated millennials and gen-z folks are having less kids than previous generations, which is likely more present in black Folks living in expensive metros.
On average a 35 year old black man without kids is generally avoiding being around:
a) Folks in baby mama/ baby daddy situations
b) Folks in janky situationships ( i.e. have 3 kids, been together for over a decade, and yet still can't take their asses down to J.O.P)
c) Stuck Folks whom a) and b) apply to while living in 2nd and 3rd tier cities.
I mean given the facts and probabilities, seems like the typical childless 35 year old is doing the right thing by not being around these type of people.