you can have 12 black people in the room and you wont have 'diversity'
diversity is the white man's tricknology and y'all continue to cape for it.
hire the best person for the job. dassit
I understand what you're saying and I understand the underlying truth in her quote.
But first, no one is saying "hire someone just because they are a minority" - always hire the best talent. That goes without saying and is frankly not related to the topic at hand.
The "12 blonde men can be diverse" statement is technically true. Yes, they can come from different economic classes, different upbringings, geographical areas, etc.
What the statement does, however, is devalue the innate truth that one's skin color is, unfortunately, often a major determinant of their life experiences.
A blond white man cannont bring the diversity of experience gained as a black woman growing up in the US.
A blond white man cannot bring the diversity of experience gained as a Black man climbing the corporate ladder saddled with the weight of stereotypes and prejudice from his coworkers.
A blond white man cannot bring the diversity of experience gained as a dark-skinned Indian man growing up in India's caste system.
A blond white man cannot bring the diversity of experience gained as an Asian female growing up in a strict traditional Chinese household.
Hell, a blond white man cannot even bring the diversity of experience gained as a white woman juggling her responsibilities as a mom and corporate office worker.
The examples that I listed above represent the true depth of diversity of life experiences. They are not superficial. They shape a person's point of view, their outlook on life, and yes, their spending habits. And they are all experiences that cannot be gained by blond white men.