Ship is sinking, staff quarters are already flooded so they're on your floor trying to get to the upper deck, the upper deck is hopping what's left of the lifeboats, evacuating the ship while telling you the ship is fine. Yet instead of realizing the situation for what it is and getting on code, you're asking why don't they go back to their quarters, find the tallest piece of furniture to stand on so they can at least keep their heads above water, just so they can continue to serve your meals.. fukking morons
Getting a skill that is valued is the solution for these people
Being a retail employee leaves you no leverage when you are easily replaced
Is this why companies are deciding to up compensation instead of replacing said "easily replaced" workers?
It's almost as if they've got leverage in deciding en masse that they'll no longer work for slave wages.
People who are paid high wages are skilled
people that work in research n development and programming are well paid
In theory, yes. Yet, there a lot of these skilled people are now spending upwards of 50% of their take home on housing alone. Not to mention the increase in the price of goods and services across the board while pay has not kept up with inflation... but please continue to tell me about these highly skilled people making these high wages.
No corporation is taking advantage
Pray tell, why are my tax dollars going towards securing housing and food for employees who have a full time job working for largest companies in the richest country in the world, while said companies are raking in record profits year over year?
If the retail employees actually had value they would leave that job for a better one with another company
So let's suppose everyone now acquires these magical skills and are now in a position to leave retail work ats they now have the skills to finally demand better wages. With the influx of all these newly available bodies to complete all these skilled tasks/jobs, what do you suppose happens to compensation of those highly skilled people who were getting paid high wages?
If everyone is skilled, then no one is skilled. It just creates a higher barrier for entry into the workforce and shifts the power back to employers. Do you understand basic supply and demand?