Apparently The majority of women prefer dad bods over skinny muscular bods


All Star
Oct 13, 2014
this is what I'm talking about though. You're applying the way we think to to womans mind, and it just doesn't fit. What we think of as "hamstering", what we deem as disingenuous , etc, makes sense to them. I don't like the shyt either, but that doesn't make them wrong, and us trying to understand it is a fools errand.

You ever try to explain to a woman our insatiable and one-track sex drive? They will hit you with the :what: before you finally have to give up lol. But we don't have to explain to each other, just be like :myman:

im not saying they are wrong either, its just what they ACTUALLY do. but they also react more to a sexy a fit dude on the automatic quicker than the D body-type guy. thats not me associating male logic to this. its just getting them to stop being in denial of what they are more attracted to. they try to act like they all turn their heads when D body type dude comes in the club and they fukking dont.

thats the guy they have to get to know, they guy that has to approach THEM. the only difference between guys and girls is that girls are weird when comes acknowledging their visceral attraction to things. part of it is due to some social conditioning etc


man sit 'cho ass down!
Jun 15, 2017
Long Beach
im not saying they are wrong either, its just what they ACTUALLY do. but they also react more to a sexy a fit dude on the automatic quicker than the D body-type guy. thats not me associating male logic to this. its just getting them to stop being in denial of what they are more attracted to. they try to act like they all turn their heads when D body type dude comes in the club and they fukking dont.

thats the guy they have to get to know, they guy that has to approach THEM. the only difference between guys and girls is that girls are weird when comes acknowledging their visceral attraction to things. part of it is due to some social conditioning etc

They're not in denial. They just don't process physical attraction the way we do. Yeah they'll turn their head at B or C, but also immediately assume all of his flaws and deem him unworthy of anything more than a head turn. We call that denial. They call it selection. :yeshrug:


Jun 21, 2015
Literally every thread about women on this forum.

“Ladies, why do ya’ll like...”

Coli Chick: “Well it’s because—“

Coli dudes to other dudes: “RIGHT! It’s because they all hoes, from planet H and I heard they only like dudes who dress in black on Mondays. And if u dikk em down they’ll be urs forever, but they not actually sexual creatures, but they cheating on everybody, but they only go for Tupac in a business suit, b-b-but if you got money, they won’t cheat, they can’t even fukk without emotions, but 80/20 rule, but nice guys finish last, they lying!”:damn:
I’ve heard some of the most absurd shyt about chicks on these forums. shyt is hilarious!



Feb 12, 2015
i read the entire post which went in many directions but let's focus on this right here ma. male sexual harassment and getting played for scratch were poison pills. can both happen? absolutely, but does not apply to this conversation. let's keep it at the tenured professor example you provided...

in-surprisingly-great-shape 64 year old professor Bruce W. Willis is going to attract a TON more genuine high market value female interest than in-surprisingly-great-shape 57 year old professor Demi G. Moore will from males. Because while both are faaaaar removed from their better looking selves circa 1989? only one of them maintains attractive gender based attributes that have shyt to do with aesthetics

jeopardize the bag? don't nobody want that old ass bytch ma. she's past the point of the male gaze. it's a wrap
I’m not understanding what point ur trying to make. I only used that example to illustrate the risks men are willing to take in mate selection in comparison to females.

Also there are females in power who do may play with the bag for dikk, But not NEARLY to the same extent men in power do b/c they are unwilling to risk it all for dikk, in the same ways men will risk it all for p*ssy, regardless of aesthetics.

Hell you can even take age away as a factor and it’s still true.

A man will give away his entire kingdom and risk his life glorifying “crazy p*ssy”. There are divorced men right now who lost EVERYTHING who are more likely to get REMARRIED than their female counterparts after divorce.

Why? Simple biology. Men have less to lose by privileging looks over everything else In a mate than women do at the end of the day, although modern technology has mitigated that a little with stuff like birth control.

Sure she might get his money, but at the most primal levels, there is less likelihood of her being able to hurt him, than him being able to hurt her physically. Most women are less likely to do shyt like that purely for male aesthetic than men are for female aesthetics b:c they tend to have more to lose (I.e. pregnancy, being physically overpowered).
Note in that post I said “sane” women b/c broken chicks coming from abusive environments and dysfunctionality with nothing to lose will indeed risk it all for a dikk thinking she doin something not realizing that “trappin a nikka” ain’t a trap for him.:mjlol:
Nov 9, 2017
Bucktown, U.S.A. (Harlem, NY) + 'Cuse, NY
I'm currently option B. #AthleticallyFITGang

A lot of dudes gonna find out when they get older that there's a large group of women in society who don't care for all that bodybuilder/veins popping out your arm & neck shyt...silly nikkas out here thinking they gotta be The Black Arnold Schwarzenegger just to get attractive women.