I agree with most of that, except for the one trick pony tag. I believe dude has more to offer, not Oscar winning deliveries by any means, but solid/ok performances. A breh like him needs a solid script. Wesley is having a hard time getting going again it seems like, maybe him and Mike can collab tho
Yeah he's decent with the comedy,and passable on the dramatic side of things,perfect for an action star....Its not like theres a sea of black action stars who got chances over Michael Jai White who you could really say "how did he get the opportunity and Jai didn't

?"...We really gon ask that question about Will Smith,Denzel and Wesley? Or even the Rock who I guess is technically black....They all were very popular before they got the chance to be a action star....Michael Jai did get a chance to play Spawn which was a pretty big deal at the time,but the movie sucked from what I remember,dont remember him being the reason why,but I don't remember him being great in it.
Should he be having Jason Statham level of success based on his talent level?sure but he's not white and we all know the deal...not taking away from Jason Statham that's a cold boy....Michael Jai is not only black but we know Hollywood is about favors and relationships.
Not talkin sexual

...But its a lot about who your agent knows and who he friends with,who MJW is friends with....who the studios want to give a part to in order to push them in a future project they studio is working on not related to that movie.
All colors have politics to deal with in Hollywood,MJW got the same hurdles,and he black....maybe as fans we gota do a better job campaigning for em to get parts...letting these studios know we wanna see em in movies like Fast And Furious and some of these comic book movies,maybe not pushing it by asking for the lead which aint happening at his age

...he makes a helluva partner or antagonist though

...you can steal the show without being a lead.