Anyone Grow Weed At Home? Even A Little?


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Those last 4 words are crazy bruh. Monstanos don't belong in no grow op especially for weed. I use a handful of products and most of em microbes and beneficial bacteria Jack's ain't nothing but nitrogen and potassium with some epson salt. I grow synganic best of both worlds.
Forum pedagogy

You post at riu?

Works for me, I don’t grow one oz plants bro

Edit- wat you don’t see is the worm castings, kelp, and charcoal I mix in reused soil. A part of sustainability for me, but for your new entrant unneeded

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Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
Forum pedagogy

You post at riu?

Works for me, I don’t grow one oz plants bro

Edit- wat you don’t see is the worm castings, kelp, and charcoal I mix in reused soil. A part of sustainability for me, but for your new entrant unneeded

Nah I use to post on that forum back in tha day..alot of "legends" use to be on there. And I see that Dr Earth by u using that I know u know ...props. I use that to top dress every 21 days and worms love eating that shyt. I don't think I ever grew a one oz plant on tha low end it's a qp. And dem green plant ties i see are a must for lst. You grow in fabric pots and how long do u veg? Don't think I'm trying to check you for asking these questions just this shyt is my passion and it's like classic car talk for some people the way I discuss it.


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Nah I use to post on that forum back in tha day..alot of "legends" use to be on there. And I see that Dr Earth by u using that I know u know ...props. I use that to top dress every 21 days and worms love eating that shyt. I don't think I ever grew a one oz plant on tha low end it's a qp. And dem green plant ties i see are a must for lst. You grow in fabric pots and how long do u veg? Don't think I'm trying to check you for asking these questions just this shyt is my passion and it's like classic car talk for some people the way I discuss it.
Yeah I lurk on there now on occasion more than anything, although still lots of useful information in between all the dikk measuring and forum tropes. This ain’t aimed at you, it online “communities” in general. I take a lot of what I read there (and elsewhere online) with a grain of salt. But I’ll give the hobbyist forums their due, it was there years ago it even damn on me it was feasible, indoors, on the low. built a 2x2x5 grow box using 2x2s and particle board, and daisy chaining a bunch of cfls together by splicing extension cords and wiring light fixtures. All from information sharing! Internet has other uses than entertaining oneself all day, concerning yourselves with the lives of celebrities annd “influencers” (lmao) and who they’re fukking, and jerking off. Modern day idiot box (if you let it). Go figure. And this back when shyt had to be clandestine! And in an apt (with care!)smh. But things changed over here thanks to voters. Sounds like some these doods need to move around and get free. Just recently got the idea for the thermoelectric wine cooler drying chamber fotoed in my last post there. Just a few ways my technique and process has evolved with time and online sharing of info. That said, environment is also a key factor, what works for one might not suit another situation

Yeah broman, I love this shyt as a hobby more than anything. Like chasing that white whale, I’m trying to refine my technique for better and consistent end results. Nothing to do with money for me! Don’t want to even taint it like that, I will stop short of saying it’s spiritual. though I will say I never want to buy ganja again. And haven’t for years, but I also enjoy giving it away too, and encourage everyone that blazes to try for themselves, and how it may surprise them in how simple it is, and how their patience and dedication might be rewarded with the effort. Lately I’ll hear about how my reef is on par or better than the shyt they gets from dispos, whether they’re winding me up or not I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in one yeshrug. I do like getting the feedback especially as it relates to taste and “bag appeal” as my constant exposure and familiarity to it might influence my palate/perception

But the common shyt I’ll hear and I’m disappointed by is the discouragement people get by an initial setback, of jumping all in with two feet and “the juice not worth the squeeze”. And despite getting the recommended and praised mars lights, the advanced nutes line, ocean forest or happy frog soil, molasses during flower, ph up/down kit smh. Or having to source any of that shyt online at a premium cause it’s not near them, while overlooking local options. Whole industry “lying in wait” to capitalize off this mindset. So that’s the reason for my comments, maybe I jumped the gun on that tho, didn’t mean to jump your shyt. I had somewhat of a setback trying to go completely organic year before last, attracting whiteflies and other pests that practically infested the whole crop, had to toss that and been back to the salts. But I think it’s important to try new things and push yourself to make strides, or even push the envelope. It’s a craft for me. For the information I received, and resulting experience gained, I try to return it in kind player. So I post this hoping someone may get something useful out of it. It’s nice to be “admired” but I don’t really need that, esp online! I distribute likes, I don’t collect them like those guys on riu or sassy douchebag reddit

To answer your questions, no, I don’t find the fabric pots necessary. I’ve always got cheap plastic ones from 99c only and drilled my own holes. I’m pretty tuned in on getting good drainage thru the medium. That’s fundamental. But I will say I might try to find some fabric ones if they have them that are wider than they are deep, as I believe the width of the root ball is more important or directly related to the plant size than the length/depth. Also I’ve dealt with issues of toppling recently having come too too heavy. I’ve only tied the plant to itself, and last grow experimented with stakes I made using wire clotheshangers. Don’t get me wrong, I still got some learnings to be had

As far as veg time, it really just depends. I’m not that formulaic. Sometimes, often, the best technique is a flexible one. My process leans heavily on the use of cuttings/clones. As soon as she shows female preflower, I’m trying to harvest clones. So really, to tell you the truth, I flower the mama/host plant as soon as the clones are large enough to flower along with her for worthwhile results. So that’s usually around a month or 5 weeks later. So that extends my veg time often more than optimal, and on more than one occasion I’ve tested the limits of the 6ft height of the tent after stretch. I’m sure you know a plant will about triple in size especially height in transition to flower. I usually combat that by topping (before flower) and/or bending. But not taking clones is wasted opportunity to me. You can virtually keep the same plant alive indefinitely via cuttings. What I really should have is a separate chamber to veg the clones in so as not to delay the mother, but I don’t want to set up my backup tent. Make no mistake about it, they have a large footprint! Other things to consider are, about a foot for the height of the pot below, about 12-15 inch of unusable space at the top, whether or not you hanging a filter. The leads on the lights are at least that long even without a ratchet. You can get creative tho, but that’s about 3.5ft+ of space for foliage. But you ain’t doing anything serious with those micro tents

Yeah the dr earth, I must have used up the all purpose (kelp based mostly) variety, I’ve been fortifying the reused soil with that and the bud booster since that past full organic letdown. Haven’t ventured into dwc/hydro but eventually. I’d began lurking the distilling forums (someone tag the @ATF!), so that might be further down the line

Peace to you breh, let’s get it!

Sorry for all the blah blah, not required reading!
Old shyt, pretty sure I’ve posted these round here before
Looking back at these makes me so thankful to no longer have shared walls



Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Good luck with your Abby- bought one for my wife last xmas so she can hobby grow an learn the basics w/o having to do much or need my help. Figured the hydro route would be an ezier learning curve. Ive tried a few grows in the past (Phototron (booo), HPS/Halide setups) but my thumb is brown lol. could never produce any weed I wanted to do anything with besides process it so I left it to the pros

Theres definitely pros and cons for anybody considering. Dont like it only grows 1 plant at a time. Like the automation, accessories, setup, and certain app features hit WHEN you figure out how to properly use the interface. But youll have to get most of that info from users/reddit cuz once you buy it ur halfway on your own.

No step-by-step user manual, didnt find a lot of their user guides/tutorials/videos to be helpful and you cant rely on customer support AT ALL. The chat is (i think designed to be) terrible. Response time is supposed to be a couple hrs, we waited up to 2 days for vague ass responses & sometimes didnt even get one. I think like 3-4 people run that whole company so they probably stay busy but you cant leave people hangin when they have questions about functions of the unit.

I made the mistake getting the 420 edition given she wasnt doing serious growing but the LED in it is weak. Took her a couple tries to get a plant to grow and when it did the weed wasnt on shyt. Some light, airy budded, low thc bullshyt similar to what the phototron.

A friend of mine has the 420 Pro which has a stronger light but his results wasnt much better. Im thinking to even have a shot at growing something good you need at least the OG edition if not the Black. That said, somebody with a green thumb and experience might get better results.
I'm buying the soil one...I ain't built for no hydroponics yet :russ:

I'm a bit of noob so a lot of my understanding of things is from Reddit and my homie who has been growing for like 15+ years now and is damn near a sage at this shyt.

For me the Growbox will give me a nice little side plant to grow during the winter/cold months since I live in NYC.

I see strains all the time that I'm I'd like to grow a little of that for myself.

So that's just what I'm gonna do, along with the photo periods that I'm going to start growing regularly from April to the Fall.

That Blueberry I posted up top is my first solo grow and I'm confident I can do even better starting next Spring :obama:


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
Props to you both for having a peaceful, informative back and forth :handshake:
Despite my denigrating comments on the forums and what have you, suppose it’s good time to remind myself too that a community is what we make it. I have a hand in shaping that with my discourse too.
Appreciated brother


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Looking good breh, pretty plants. you growing under lights? Edit- ahh you said outdoors in past post
Plan to take cuttings?

Damn I gotta pop a new seed myself, I’m ready to see some new genetics

I usually wait until fall to really get active (az hot and dry as fukk) as the ambient temps in my house are lower (I don’t run AC when im not home), and the tent even with fans circulating air in and out is another 10 degrees hotter on avg as it’s still very much an enclosed space. I try to offset that by running my lights at nite and the plants “sleep” during day. But more than ever, I’m convinced that temp impacts the quality of the final product as much as anything, thru flower and dry/cure. Subject to too high temp, everything I’ve done begins to eventually take on that same taste and smell
Anyway, outdoor gotta be a whole nother animal, respect
I started these indoor under 24/7 lights

Then after about 3 weeks, I transplanted them and put them outside.

Initially, tried to grow some Tropicana Kush but I fukked up and drowned em.

Then I went to my homie who knows this shyt on some Supreme Master Grower shyt and he guided me to success.

If I had done what I was supposed to, and also started these plants that I have now in say April? I'd literally have some human sized plants right now because the genetics on these seeds are really really good.


May 1, 2012
autos dont need much in terms of nutrients especially if you use quality soil. Just a little during flowering should be enough

I wanna try hydro of some sort, whether aerogarden or dwc. I've lost valuable (pepper) plants in soil to fungus gnats 😩, but I have success even at the lowest degree of hydro (kratky).

I bought a better light and am looking into a tent with all its attendant components. I'd like to automate as much as I can, so I'm working that out too.



All Star
Nov 19, 2016
I started these indoor under 24/7 lights

Then after about 3 weeks, I transplanted them and put them outside.

Initially, tried to grow some Tropicana Kush but I fukked up and drowned em.

Then I went to my homie who knows this shyt on some Supreme Master Grower shyt and he guided me to success.

If I had done what I was supposed to, and also started these plants that I have now in say April? I'd literally have some human sized plants right now because the genetics on these seeds are really really good.
Yo I’ve not attempted a 24 light veg in some time but I always found the dark period beneficial. Add into the fact that you consume less energy produce less heat that way too. Also less stress on equip.
But rock on man, long as it works for you then all that matters

Right now, I rely exclusively on my bro and friend for seeds they’ll encounter out of dispo weed on occasion. I sourced from herbies yeaaars ago with no issue, but not really moved to do it for now. But yeah, that’s led to some varying results
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
Yeah I lurk on there now on occasion more than anything, although still lots of useful information in between all the dikk measuring and forum tropes. This ain’t aimed at you, it online “communities” in general. I take a lot of what I read there (and elsewhere online) with a grain of salt. But I’ll give the hobbyist forums their due, it was there years ago it even damn on me it was feasible, indoors, on the low. built a 2x2x5 grow box using 2x2s and particle board, and daisy chaining a bunch of cfls together by splicing extension cords and wiring light fixtures. All from information sharing! Internet has other uses than entertaining oneself all day, concerning yourselves with the lives of celebrities annd “influencers” (lmao) and who they’re fukking, and jerking off. Modern day idiot box (if you let it). Go figure. And this back when shyt had to be clandestine! And in an apt (with care!)smh. But things changed over here thanks to voters. Sounds like some these doods need to move around and get free. Just recently got the idea for the thermoelectric wine cooler drying chamber fotoed in my last post there. Just a few ways my technique and process has evolved with time and online sharing of info. That said, environment is also a key factor, what works for one might not suit another situation

Yeah broman, I love this shyt as a hobby more than anything. Like chasing that white whale, I’m trying to refine my technique for better and consistent end results. Nothing to do with money for me! Don’t want to even taint it like that, I will stop short of saying it’s spiritual. though I will say I never want to buy ganja again. And haven’t for years, but I also enjoy giving it away too, and encourage everyone that blazes to try for themselves, and how it may surprise them in how simple it is, and how their patience and dedication might be rewarded with the effort. Lately I’ll hear about how my reef is on par or better than the shyt they gets from dispos, whether they’re winding me up or not I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been in one yeshrug. I do like getting the feedback especially as it relates to taste and “bag appeal” as my constant exposure and familiarity to it might influence my palate/perception

But the common shyt I’ll hear and I’m disappointed by is the discouragement people get by an initial setback, of jumping all in with two feet and “the juice not worth the squeeze”. And despite getting the recommended and praised mars lights, the advanced nutes line, ocean forest or happy frog soil, molasses during flower, ph up/down kit smh. Or having to source any of that shyt online at a premium cause it’s not near them, while overlooking local options. Whole industry “lying in wait” to capitalize off this mindset. So that’s the reason for my comments, maybe I jumped the gun on that tho, didn’t mean to jump your shyt. I had somewhat of a setback trying to go completely organic year before last, attracting whiteflies and other pests that practically infested the whole crop, had to toss that and been back to the salts. But I think it’s important to try new things and push yourself to make strides, or even push the envelope. It’s a craft for me. For the information I received, and resulting experience gained, I try to return it in kind player. So I post this hoping someone may get something useful out of it. It’s nice to be “admired” but I don’t really need that, esp online! I distribute likes, I don’t collect them like those guys on riu or sassy douchebag reddit

To answer your questions, no, I don’t find the fabric pots necessary. I’ve always got cheap plastic ones from 99c only and drilled my own holes. I’m pretty tuned in on getting good drainage thru the medium. That’s fundamental. But I will say I might try to find some fabric ones if they have them that are wider than they are deep, as I believe the width of the root ball is more important or directly related to the plant size than the length/depth. Also I’ve dealt with issues of toppling recently having come too too heavy. I’ve only tied the plant to itself, and last grow experimented with stakes I made using wire clotheshangers. Don’t get me wrong, I still got some learnings to be had

As far as veg time, it really just depends. I’m not that formulaic. Sometimes, often, the best technique is a flexible one. My process leans heavily on the use of cuttings/clones. As soon as she shows female preflower, I’m trying to harvest clones. So really, to tell you the truth, I flower the mama/host plant as soon as the clones are large enough to flower along with her for worthwhile results. So that’s usually around a month or 5 weeks later. So that extends my veg time often more than optimal, and on more than one occasion I’ve tested the limits of the 6ft height of the tent after stretch. I’m sure you know a plant will about triple in size especially height in transition to flower. I usually combat that by topping (before flower) and/or bending. But not taking clones is wasted opportunity to me. You can virtually keep the same plant alive indefinitely via cuttings. What I really should have is a separate chamber to veg the clones in so as not to delay the mother, but I don’t want to set up my backup tent. Make no mistake about it, they have a large footprint! Other things to consider are, about a foot for the height of the pot below, about 12-15 inch of unusable space at the top, whether or not you hanging a filter. The leads on the lights are at least that long even without a ratchet. You can get creative tho, but that’s about 3.5ft+ of space for foliage. But you ain’t doing anything serious with those micro tents

Yeah the dr earth, I must have used up the all purpose (kelp based mostly) variety, I’ve been fortifying the reused soil with that and the bud booster since that past full organic letdown. Haven’t ventured into dwc/hydro but eventually. I’d began lurking the distilling forums (someone tag the @ATF!), so that might be further down the line

Peace to you breh, let’s get it!

Sorry for all the blah blah, not required reading!
Old shyt, pretty sure I’ve posted these round here before
Looking back at these makes me so thankful to no longer have shared walls

Man that was a good read bruh and very informative. I feel like you I'm forever chasing the whale but I got to admit dispensary bud ain't seeing mine with a flashlight. Them terps and high last way longer once it's dried and cured correctly. You venture off to breeding yet you know that's the next step in this game. I got a few strains I wanna mess with next year my boy who I got started in this created some real fire and I want to try my hand at it.