Anyone ever feel like being in a relationship is holding you back?


Apr 30, 2012

Yeah, no. No relationship is perfect, and her pluses far outweigh her negatives, I'm not about to throw a woman I love to the bushes just because she doesn't want to live a nomadic lifestyle :russ:. I don't have any goals in life other than to live and eventually retire to another country, she's down with both of those :manny:
In the end that's all that really matters. Many people in their 20s still don't know what they want in life

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Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
And the award for using multiple smilies in a corny, whack ass post goes to @DaChampIsHere
Maybe you should get a Father of the Year award for the resentment you have for your family? :laff: Pathetic.

Ole "I can't quit my job and chase dreams cause I have to feed my child, damnit" ass nikka. :rudy:

If your child means anything to you, consider them a great blessing/motivation (as other posters in here have done) instead of a roadblock. Be responsible. :yeshrug:
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Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Relationships are suffocating. Through and drewed.

For a fella who had zero female interaction in grade school and minimally in college, I was always accustomed to doing things on my own; shopping, gym, etc or did things with fellow comrades (vacationing, shooting hoops, partying, drinking)…

Now, when I do all the above (minus gym or shop), she usually wants to (she doesn’t invite herself, but I feel obligated to ask her).

When you’re in a relationship, you have entitlements that you are “supposed” to respond and commit to.

I still prefer to do many things on my own and, even though my lady friend is my ideal candidate; the feeling/liberation of not having to answer to ain’t nobody is blessed union of soul.

I’m just not certain how people can be so attached to their partners; is it the status thing? Is it insecurity?

A man who can get women but doesn’t have to flaunt it at all times of year – that’s a man I can respect.

SMH at dudes jumping from one relationship to another because he’s scared of being alone.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have a companion you can share ideas, concepts, goals, aspirations, desires and a meal or two wiff, but does it have to be 24/7? That shiit gets tooooo boring. Perhaps, I’ve learned to dwell in my own solitude for so long that sometimes, I just need to ride out solo.

This past weekend was a testament to that so as to let y’all know I ain’t bullshiittin.

Saw my girl last Monday, took a break Tuesday to go gym. Went out with the boys Wednesday night. Then….. on Thursday, went to two different July Forfh (my friends had a pool party, her friends had a boat house so we watched the fireworks from there) events and stay the night. Went to work Friday. Came back to her place and spent the night Friday night and Saturday, went to dinner and just chilled.

So by Sunday afternoon, I got invited to another pool party, but I decided to just go alone. See, the thing is, I coulda brought her ass too (and she’s cool with my friends, don’t get me incorrect)… but I wanted to drive with my music on blast and just hit up the spot dolo without a ball and chain.

How do you guys sit back, blast your music and just worry about you if you got your damn girlfriend going everywhere with you?

This Friday, I’m going to the park cuz my boys and doing volleyball and bbq. I ain’t inviting her – ima go dolo and then her place afterwards and sleep there.

In Gist... i just feel like a woman cramps my style. I'm 31, people tell me all the time that i need to get serious and start a family, but i'm ignorant as shiit - my priorities are kinda selfish (my plight in life/society is to take care of my family, buy jordans and ride around in the coupe with the windows down, music blaring, pissing off cacs and just stunt).

I'm in the skreets thuggin'...

i ain't about no huggin' from a boo a buggin'.

It's nuffin', mcmuffin.



Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
When you get married and have kids, it's no longer about your individual goals. It takes a back seat. You and your woman need to have group goals, and if you have kids.. Family goals.

For example, if you live on the east coast, and you have a job offer on the west coast, u just can't get up and move your family. This has to be discussed with your wife. Your personal endeavors that will affect your family must take a backseat. I understand the fairy tale, but life doesn't work like that unless you have a woman who doesn't want any input in her future and doesn't mind you navigating it 100%

Take care of your personal successes until you're at a point where you are comfortable and then settle down. Just some advice. You Brehs are all grown, u can do what u want

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I agree to a certant extent. But unless the man has career ventures that are so financially fruitful that there is no question that him and the family should up and move coasts. For example all the professional athletes that get traded.

The wife has absolutley no say into whether or not the man should take the job in the new location. But that's why it makes sense for dudes to get with a chick that is 100% down for you and will do whatever in efforts to help u suceed


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
Being that we all live subjectively, not sure what point you assumed was proved.

Carry on.

You assume the opinions on this site are skewed/jaded because you are a woman and this is a majority male message board. Obviously most of our opinions will differ from yours, what's so hard to understand? :dahell:


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
You assume the opinions on this site are skewed/jaded because you are a woman and this is a majority male message board. Obviously most of our opinions will differ from yours, what's so hard to understand? :dahell:

I made a simplistic statement with no names attached. Yet, you felt the need to refute it. Why? Personally, I could care less. My perception remains the same.

Good day sir :smile:


the heir apparent
Jun 21, 2012
I made a simplistic statement with no names attached. Yet, you felt the need to refute it. Why? Personally, I could care less. My perception remains the same.

Good day sir :smile:


Say something without thinking and when someone disputes it pull the "could care less" act. You have a better day, ma'am :smugfavre:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Bill Cosby told y'all in the 80s......

[ame=]Season 1 Episode 01-Pilot Presentation - YouTube[/ame]

now there's a lot of nonsense going on.. of course we not talking about the perfect relationship.. if you was in one of those, she should be your wife by now, and you wouldn't have shyt to complain about

just look through your past.. a woman is not SUPPOSED to hold you back.. and really you are SUPPOSED to do what's best for you.. but that ain't a normal relationship.

you both got jobs.. she's a nurse and you're a teacher.. a university in california offers you more money but she don't want to move.. you been together 5 years.. what do you do???

see right there is just ONE example. you not gonna say "fukk you" and up and leave. if you gonna be selfish then you are the one who's not gonna be a good partner.. if she don't want to leave her family, friends, and great job she loves, just to be your "support" and have to start her career all over... then what does that make her?? either way one of you is gonna do what you don't want to do.... or you're gonna break up

what about kids.. you want to send them to private school, she doesn't... moving together.. you want to live in the city.. she wants to live in the country.... you want to go out to the cheap bar... she likes expensive shyt.. you wanna go to a big convention for your job, but it's on her birthday

if you don't think shyt like that happens, and affects your choices, your money, your life... then y'all living in a dream world.. where your woman is just following your every move, as long as it makes YOUR life better.. not spending any money or you're spending each other's equally.. and you'll never be forced to make a choice that only benefits one partner

good luck


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Man, some of y'all don't have a fukking clue. The kind of power moves that I think about could not be balanced out with "side gig" or "hustle" money breh. I am way beyond that point. Tha fukkouttahere with that shyt.

Still waiting to hear what "power moves" you'd be making if it wasn't for your significant other :lucorn:


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Bill Cosby told y'all in the 80s......

Season 1 Episode 01-Pilot Presentation - YouTube

now there's a lot of nonsense going on.. of course we not talking about the perfect relationship.. if you was in one of those, she should be your wife by now, and you wouldn't have shyt to complain about

just look through your past.. a woman is not SUPPOSED to hold you back.. and really you are SUPPOSED to do what's best for you.. but that ain't a normal relationship.

you both got jobs.. she's a nurse and you're a teacher.. a university in california offers you more money but she don't want to move.. you been together 5 years.. what do you do???

see right there is just ONE example. you not gonna say "fukk you" and up and leave. if you gonna be selfish then you are the one who's not gonna be a good partner.. if she don't want to leave her family, friends, and great job she loves, just to be your "support" and have to start her career all over... then what does that make her?? either way one of you is gonna do what you don't want to do.... or you're gonna break up

what about kids.. you want to send them to private school, she doesn't... moving together.. you want to live in the city.. she wants to live in the country.... you want to go out to the cheap bar... she likes expensive shyt.. you wanna go to a big convention for your job, but it's on her birthday

if you don't think shyt like that happens, and affects your choices, your money, your life... then y'all living in a dream world.. where your woman is just following your every move, as long as it makes YOUR life better.. not spending any money or you're spending each other's equally.. and you'll never be forced to make a choice that only benefits one partner

good luck
Bruh shyt is simple get a chick that is on the same vibe as you and you eliminate most if not all these problems. Cats up here talking about shyt that for the most part should have been hashed out as major problems. That sounds more like that I was fukking her and stumbled into a relationship shyt to me but a lot of people do that unfortunately even cats I know.