Anyone ever feel like being in a relationship is holding you back?


Apr 30, 2012
Still waiting to hear what "power moves" you'd be making if it wasn't for your significant other :lucorn:


You just won't quit until you get that answer, huh? :laugh:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Relationships are suffocating. Through and drewed.

For a fella who had zero female interaction in grade school and minimally in college, I was always accustomed to doing things on my own; shopping, gym, etc or did things with fellow comrades (vacationing, shooting hoops, partying, drinking)…

Now, when I do all the above (minus gym or shop), she usually wants to (she doesn’t invite herself, but I feel obligated to ask her).

When you’re in a relationship, you have entitlements that you are “supposed” to respond and commit to.

I still prefer to do many things on my own and, even though my lady friend is my ideal candidate; the feeling/liberation of not having to answer to ain’t nobody is blessed union of soul.

I’m just not certain how people can be so attached to their partners; is it the status thing? Is it insecurity?

A man who can get women but doesn’t have to flaunt it at all times of year – that’s a man I can respect.

SMH at dudes jumping from one relationship to another because he’s scared of being alone.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to have a companion you can share ideas, concepts, goals, aspirations, desires and a meal or two wiff, but does it have to be 24/7? That shiit gets tooooo boring. Perhaps, I’ve learned to dwell in my own solitude for so long that sometimes, I just need to ride out solo.

This past weekend was a testament to that so as to let y’all know I ain’t bullshiittin.

Saw my girl last Monday, took a break Tuesday to go gym. Went out with the boys Wednesday night. Then….. on Thursday, went to two different July Forfh (my friends had a pool party, her friends had a boat house so we watched the fireworks from there) events and stay the night. Went to work Friday. Came back to her place and spent the night Friday night and Saturday, went to dinner and just chilled.

So by Sunday afternoon, I got invited to another pool party, but I decided to just go alone. See, the thing is, I coulda brought her ass too (and she’s cool with my friends, don’t get me incorrect)… but I wanted to drive with my music on blast and just hit up the spot dolo without a ball and chain.

How do you guys sit back, blast your music and just worry about you if you got your damn girlfriend going everywhere with you?

This Friday, I’m going to the park cuz my boys and doing volleyball and bbq. I ain’t inviting her – ima go dolo and then her place afterwards and sleep there.

In Gist... i just feel like a woman cramps my style. I'm 31, people tell me all the time that i need to get serious and start a family, but i'm ignorant as shiit - my priorities are kinda selfish (my plight in life/society is to take care of my family, buy jordans and ride around in the coupe with the windows down, music blaring, pissing off cacs and just stunt).

I'm in the skreets thuggin'...

i ain't about no huggin' from a boo a buggin'.

It's nuffin', mcmuffin.



You got 0 ass in high school or college, the only advice I'll take from you is where to go to get baby oil on sale.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
You got 0 ass in high school or college, the only advice I'll take from you is where to go to get baby oil on sale.

Haha. I've mentioned that multiple times, i ain't got nuffin to hide.

I was a late bloomer... but at the same time, a fella never made it seem like his dictions are applicable to everyones lives cuz errbody has different circumstances.

If your logic stands, than the implication is that people aren't able to grow and mature and their ability to interact with womans is stagnant, correct?

If you can stand there and tell me you were better with womans back then opposed to current day, then i'll eat my words.

Yeah, i was struggling with the opposite back then, but that's because of my immaturity and lack of experience; what you're green and naive about then, can always be transcended with a yearningness to learn and cultivate an assertive ability to spit game.

The advice i offer in the GEMS thread, a lot of people can relate to cuz not errbody in the club was getting hoes right when they hit 21. My formulas and opinions serve as a foundation for dudes who want to evolve their status from a lame with shame who caint spit at dames - to true game into an individualized casanova with confidence like he has fame (how you carry out that power is one thing, how you manipulate it and how its tamed - you feel me mane?).

If err dude was spitting that hot fiyah at these hoes since gradeschool, why would we need a thread dedicated to assisting eachother with broads?

You don't have to take my advice. That's fine if you think i'm a cornball that didn't get laid until his mid 20's. I don't blame you.

But the adversities and obstructions, constant rejections, flakes, broken hearts and bullshiit that women do on they daily... i lived it and learned it and my goal, whole purpose is to not have to experience that shiit - AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE!

If you were a stud who had no issues gettin women, of course i can't help you cuz you can't relate to me.

But the fellas who do go through that female struggle - the shiit i say is for them (no vanity project; just pure, unadulterated, minimally filtered, real-deal Ally McBeal spiel to the e-sqad, signed - delivered - sealed).

Au contraire, if you paid attention to the shiit i've been saying and my conquests with women in the past 5 years alone, you'd know those weren't scribes from a man who wasn't puttin' in work and trying to reinvent himself, cultivating the rich and vast knowledge from fellow posters and applying his own methodology at finding success with women (i even upped images of the vixens i laid for verification - don't let my ethnic background or constant e-bantering fool you, this is life for me).

Now... BDizz, i have no qualms with you - but when i spit shiit, you can choose to sit, listen, participate and get interactive - or you can clown away, what i utter don't make you type.

Dudes have hit me on the pm and i have been able to help they sitchayshun and find a more fulfulling/enriching and less stressful journey to success (I won't put them on blast as respect for anonymity --- even cats outside the realm of the webernets - i was able to relinquish or salvage they dwindling love lives because i can emphathize with their dilemmas, been there, seen that, i can help screen cats).

This is why i try to keep the politickin relegated to the Gems thread cuz dudes don't be clowning each other there - we respect eachother's opinions and ideas (they might not all agree with me there, but they can vouch for my status and my suggestions as a sincere constituent).

Bdizzle, we can't all be pimpin like you so if i'm too amateur for you...


Cuz apparently, that's something i need help with.

Loop Aye



May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Some of the coli brehs think too highly of themselves. Biggest decisions y'all make is paper or plastic at Aldi's. :laff:

"Man if it wasn't for my girl I'd be making major player moves"... :heh: Man if it wasn't for your girl you'd be having date night with 2k13 and a rotisserie chicken from Wal-Mart.


All Star
May 19, 2012
I'm single and been single a large portion of my life but this thread is stupid. Many idiots are in relationships that they have no business being in. Living reckless planting seeds when they aren't established as individuals. That's why this world is going to shyt.

My boy and his girl have been together for years and have common interest and more importantly, aren't reckless. They are traveling the world together and have no plans of having kids until they accomplish both of their goals.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Haha. I've mentioned that multiple times, i ain't got nuffin to hide.

I was a late bloomer... but at the same time, a fella never made it seem like his dictions are applicable to everyones lives cuz errbody has different circumstances.

If your logic stands, than the implication is that people aren't able to grow and mature and their ability to interact with womans is stagnant, correct?

If you can stand there and tell me you were better with womans back then opposed to current day, then i'll eat my words.

Yeah, i was struggling with the opposite back then, but that's because of my immaturity and lack of experience; what you're green and naive about then, can always be transcended with a yearningness to learn and cultivate an assertive ability to spit game.

The advice i offer in the GEMS thread, a lot of people can relate to cuz not errbody in the club was getting hoes right when they hit 21. My formulas and opinions serve as a foundation for dudes who want to evolve their status from a lame with shame who caint spit at dames - to true game into an individualized casanova with confidence like he has fame (how you carry out that power is one thing, how you manipulate it and how its tamed - you feel me mane?).

If err dude was spitting that hot fiyah at these hoes since gradeschool, why would we need a thread dedicated to assisting eachother with broads?

You don't have to take my advice. That's fine if you think i'm a cornball that didn't get laid until his mid 20's. I don't blame you.

But the adversities and obstructions, constant rejections, flakes, broken hearts and bullshiit that women do on they daily... i lived it and learned it and my goal, whole purpose is to not have to experience that shiit - AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE!

If you were a stud who had no issues gettin women, of course i can't help you cuz you can't relate to me.

But the fellas who do go through that female struggle - the shiit i say is for them (no vanity project; just pure, unadulterated, minimally filtered, real-deal Ally McBeal spiel to the e-sqad, signed - delivered - sealed).

Au contraire, if you paid attention to the shiit i've been saying and my conquests with women in the past 5 years alone, you'd know those weren't scribes from a man who wasn't puttin' in work and trying to reinvent himself, cultivating the rich and vast knowledge from fellow posters and applying his own methodology at finding success with women (i even upped images of the vixens i laid for verification - don't let my ethnic background or constant e-bantering fool you, this is life for me).

Now... BDizz, i have no qualms with you - but when i spit shiit, you can choose to sit, listen, participate and get interactive - or you can clown away, what i utter don't make you type.

Dudes have hit me on the pm and i have been able to help they sitchayshun and find a more fulfulling/enriching and less stressful journey to success (I won't put them on blast as respect for anonymity --- even cats outside the realm of the webernets - i was able to relinquish or salvage they dwindling love lives because i can emphathize with their dilemmas, been there, seen that, i can help screen cats).

This is why i try to keep the politickin relegated to the Gems thread cuz dudes don't be clowning each other there - we respect eachother's opinions and ideas (they might not all agree with me there, but they can vouch for my status and my suggestions as a sincere constituent).

Bdizzle, we can't all be pimpin like you so if i'm too amateur for you...


Cuz apparently, that's something i need help with.

Loop Aye


That's a whole lot of text you got there breh.