i've tried reading lots of material on SA, almost all useless.
but this Elliott Hulse guy is onto something. alot of its based on prolonged defenses your body's built up & those exercises help ALOT
also proper breathing techniques are underrated. there's this case of a woman w/ a neurological disorder who lost her ability to feel fear but she still somehow developed panic attacks & symptoms of social anxiety
turns out she wasn't breathing properly.
another source that's helped me are books on acting (i have no aspirations to be an actor). but i figured they're complete pros at relaxing. there's a great book called "an actor prepares", written like 80 years ago but the guy who wrote it was a genius. he'd study animal behavior to see how they would always act naturally & never were self conscious like humans are.
there's a lot that goes into SA: genetics, traumas, neurological stuff, improper breathing, muscle tension, etc. it isn't just mf's acting awkward for no reason
and everyone's so quick to prescribe simple exercise, but why do so many pro athletes have debilitating social anxiety?: ricky williams, royce white, dontrelle willis, etc.