you must be out of your mind.
You made me get out from my bed, and type shyt on my laptop, all because of how wrong you were...It's 1.33 am now, so do the math on where I'm at on the map, since your so into Europe
Well first off, shoutouts to the OP and Kev for kickin that real shyt, as usual. I can never remind myself too much about focusing on life itself, instead of all of this bs material stuff instead...Keep this threal alive people.
Back to this nonsense the person quoted is trying to kick...No, I'm not in any of those cities, and the c00nery is fukkin disgusting in that hideous post of yours..Seriously. Especially the bolded parts are so terribly off, and did I mention c00ned out...
Me being African does not equal to me being in a big city in Scandinavia, where do you get this shyt from? Most Africans, aka refugees here, live in hella small towns, not the fukkin capitols. I've been all over Scandinavia, small and big cities, so miss me with that ''you Africans there'' c00nery.
The crime rates have been bad as fukk without foreigners, thank you c00n. Your words are the exact words that come out from the Nazi-party members now infesting our parliaments around here. How cute.
Suicide rates, killings/murders (about all of them committed by drunk/over stressed out white people) and domestic violence are all amongst the highest in the world. Some refugees have however contributed their fair share to the rapes and thefts, but that's another chapter, and I won't get into that.
This all is solely because of the fact that the competitional state of mind and the fear of failing are instilled into the mind of a Scandinavian person since day 1. You don't even fukkin know how much all of this is causing troubles, turning people into walking time bombs, ready to flip out any time.
I've been to/lived in MANY small ass towns in Scandinavia, and ain't no fukkin shorter working hours or people being laid back. Uncivilized and racist mothafukkas drinking 24/7 or mentally sick people are what you would find for the most parts honestly. Due to the reason stated above too.
And please don't try to c00n it up, I'm telling you the worst things, but of course there are lots of nice things here too - just not what you think they are.