Anybody else getting a Wii U at launch?


May 2, 2012
The problem is that these Nintendo games are getting stale. I never thought id say this but i have ZERO interest in the new 2D Mario game they got coming. In the past these games were unique and fresh, this new game looks like it will be the 4th iteration of New Super Mario Bros for the DS. Not only that but they have stripped the challenge from these joints too.

Metroid is stumbling along as Prime 3 was boring and Other M was flat out mediocre.

Zelda needs a refresher in the worst way. Both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were a step down from the N64 games.

Then you take into account that this will be Nintendo's 3rd try at trying to muster a workable online system and I just cant give them 300 bucks on a whim anymore. There are plenty of 360 and PS3 games i havent played yet that are cheap now and the release schedule still looks good this year. The new ninja game that dropped on Live last week is better than anything that dropped for the Wii in at least a year.

exactly, all of a sudden evolving means violence? eyeball tearing and gritty mature mushroom kingdom?:skip:

People keep saying Nintendo needs to grow up but what does that mean?? Make Mario into a very short humanoid plumber with extremely high polygon count so you could count the stitches in his denim?? Make Mushroom Kingdom gritty and grungy???

Turn The Legend of Zelda into a eyeball tearing, heart ripping, neck cracking beast with bloodbath style executions?? Play God of War or Castlevania.

That will tarnish the games and make them not what they're supposed to be. Every Zelda games released were amazing save for comparisons and a new updated zelda with a mature theme would just not be Zelda.(Well thinking about it Zelda games weren't very kiddy minus Wind Waker)

OOT, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess all had legitimate mature themes and moments that were actually scary imo(Ganon's Castle in OOT, Hyrule Castle Market as Adult Link with the zombies, Shadow Temple, Majora's Mask with the scary moon and TP's wolf parts.)

breh, who the fukk wants those changes, quit being so dramatic.

i want them to redefine thoses games, not turn them into every other game out now


May 2, 2012
If Galaxy changed characters and look, and came out for Xbox and PS3, this board would have jizzed itself over the gameplay innovation, creativity and design.

Only because it was a Mario game on the Wii people keep on it.

galaxy was a good game nobody is arguing that, although i hate how nintendo uses mario as a cash cow by placing him in every damn mini game, but his AAA releases are still great

zelda tho?:scusthov:

that metroid game:aicmon:


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
Galaxy 1 and 2 are legit great games. I cant justify dropping 300 for the hope of 2 games though. I can afford to wait.

And that's been the problem with Nintendo's home consoles for 3 generations running. You KNOW they gonna bring heat with their top franchises, but most of their other first party shyt is constantly delayed and third party support is always weak (despite how often they claim it wont be this time).

Quiets as kept though, when it comes to sheer number of quality titles...Nintendo's handhelds shyt over every other system.

up in here

May 9, 2012
hold the fukk up, so now not only is Mario Galaxy only average, but Metroid Prime wasn't dope? what the fukk is going on in this thread?

as far as the wii-u, its funny how much people have been hating on it without actually having played it. i understand alot of you didn't like the wii, but this is a different console. i mean really, yall haven't played it yet and your already pointing out what you dont like about it. some of yall got your minds made up already.


I didn't eat nobody
May 17, 2012
hold the fukk up, so now not only is Mario Galaxy only average, but Metroid Prime wasn't dope? what the fukk is going on in this thread?

as far as the wii-u, its funny how much people have been hating on it without actually having played it. i understand alot of you didn't like the wii, but this is a different console. i mean really, yall haven't played it yet and your already pointing out what you dont like about it. some of yall got your minds made up already.

I don't get the wii or the wii-U hate either, but it's not THAT different of a console. Truth be told it just looks like a suped up Wii with a a new input device. Considering how the new input device is made you'd think people would be less critical than they were about the Wii.


Sophisticated a$$hole
May 1, 2012
if your over 21 years old. no reason to get this. or unless you have kids


May 6, 2012
exactly, all of a sudden evolving means violence? eyeball tearing and gritty mature mushroom kingdom?:skip:

breh, who the fukk wants those changes, quit being so dramatic.

i want them to redefine thoses games, not turn them into every other game out now

You say you want redefining yet Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy games all had discernible differences with new elements that weren't found in the previous games and to this day has no better competitor. Idk if you mean you expect them to go back to the drawing board and reboot the games at the risk of pissing off long time fans. You don't want to fix what's not broken.

Same reason why COD will always keep being resold every year when it all looks like DLC map packs because fans keep buying them but in this case each game actually offers new experiences but the name makes people think it's the same.

Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask were totally different from each other. If you played those two you couldn't deny that but then this becomes about what you like more.

Zelda changed it up in Wind Waker and felt more charming, cartoonish and nice but "ZELDA IS KIDDY NOW!!

Twilight Princess comes out and feels like a genuine Zelda game with more mature themes as evident by it's "Teen" rating when OOT had a "E" rating.

Metroid obviously changed up when it went from a side scroller to a new FPS.

I honestly don't get this argument where people say Nintendo pumps out rehashes. It's like they see a Mario Basketball or Nintendo soccer game and then all of sudden lump it all up and say Nintendo is just milking Mario games.

The New Super Mario Bros games have had 3 years between each release.

NSMB DS came out in 06, NSMB Wii in 09 and now NSMB 2 and WiiU release in 2012 all within 3 year spans.(NSMB 2 and WiiU release same year exception)
After realizing all this, Nintendo hardly rehashes their games. Mario just have a lot of fukking games :pachaha: but they're all piff regardless of what people say.

Rehash and "stale" games are the redundant "Super ________ fighting game" thing that's been going on:

Modern Warefare, MW2, MW3 = BO, BO2


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
hold the fukk up, so now not only is Mario Galaxy only average, but Metroid Prime wasn't dope? what the fukk is going on in this thread?

as far as the wii-u, its funny how much people have been hating on it without actually having played it. i understand alot of you didn't like the wii, but this is a different console. i mean really, yall haven't played it yet and your already pointing out what you dont like about it. some of yall got your minds made up already.

The topic of the thread is "Anybody else getting a Wii U at launch", the entire point of the topic is what are your plans even though you havent played shyt yet.

I cant justify dropping 300 bucks on this system on the promise of great games and a working online system. I need to see proof before i drop my money so all yall early adopters can be my beta testers as far as im concerned.


May 2, 2012
You say you want redefining yet Mario 64, Sunshine and Galaxy games all had discernible differences with new elements that weren't found in the previous games and to this day has no better competitor. Idk if you mean you expect them to go back to the drawing board and reboot the games at the risk of pissing off long time fans. You don't want to fix what's not broken.

Same reason why COD will always keep being resold every year when it all looks like DLC map packs because fans keep buying them but in this case each game actually offers new experiences but the name makes people think it's the same.

Zelda OOT and Majora's Mask were totally different from each other. If you played those two you couldn't deny that but then this becomes about what you like more.

Zelda changed it up in Wind Waker and felt more charming, cartoonish and nice but "ZELDA IS KIDDY NOW!!

Twilight Princess comes out and feels like a genuine Zelda game with more mature themes as evident by it's "Teen" rating when OOT had a "E" rating.

Metroid obviously changed up when it went from a side scroller to a new FPS.

I honestly don't get this argument where people say Nintendo pumps out rehashes. It's like they see a Mario Basketball or Nintendo soccer game and then all of sudden lump it all up and say Nintendo is just milking Mario games.

The New Super Mario Bros games have had 3 years between each release.

NSMB DS came out in 06, NSMB Wii in 09 and now NSMB 2 and WiiU release in 2012 all within 3 year spans.(NSMB 2 and WiiU release same year exception)
After realizing all this, Nintendo hardly rehashes their games. Mario just have a lot of fukking games :pachaha: but they're all piff regardless of what people say.

Rehash and "stale" games are the redundant "Super ________ fighting game" thing that's been going on:

Modern Warefare, MW2, MW3 = BO, BO2

i guess you missed the post where i said all mario's AAA games are still good:ehh:

metroid prime was dope too, not that other m shyt tho

oot and mm were claasics your right about that.
wind waker was cool too, and felt new, even though i hated how all the islands were small and the boat made traveling annoying.
tp was a step back to oot days and the wolf parts were terrible, still ok thought.

skyward sword was ass cheeks and the worse possible step they could take zelda in, now this shyt was kiddy, more kiddy than wind waker

i dont like the new super mario games.

i dont think you understand what i mean by redefining obviously.
Jul 12, 2012
galaxy was a good game nobody is arguing that, although i hate how nintendo uses mario as a cash cow by placing him in every damn mini game, but his AAA releases are still great

zelda tho?:scusthov:

that metroid game:aicmon:

How the fukk do you not like Zelda breh


May 6, 2012
i guess you missed the post where i said all mario's AAA games are still good:ehh:

metroid prime was dope too, not that other m shyt tho

oot and mm were claasics your right about that.
wind waker was cool too, and felt new, even though i hated how all the islands were small and the boat made traveling annoying.
tp was a step back to oot days and the wolf parts were terrible, still ok thought.

skyward sword was ass cheeks and the worse possible step they could take zelda in, now this shyt was kiddy, more kiddy than wind waker

i dont like the new super mario games.

i dont think you understand what i mean by redefining obviously.
I never beat Skyward Sword since I had long sold my Wii when it came out but I played a little of it and it was pretty fun.

I don't quite understand what you mean by redefining these games.
Give me an example of how Mario(2d or 3d) can be redefined or Zelda if you can.


May 2, 2012
I never beat Skyward Sword since I had long sold my Wii when it came out but I played a little of it and it was pretty fun.

I don't quite understand what you mean by redefining these games.
Give me an example of how Mario(2d or 3d) can be redefined or Zelda if you can.

mario is fine, i dont like the art style new super mario has, i feel like they should go in a more creative style like they did with yoshi island, rayman orgin is a good example of a unique style too(hell even the mario and luigi games for the gba), the 3d characters that look like they were ripped outta the 3d mario games, is ugly to me.

3d mario is fine, maybe they could incorporate the use of mario and luigi the gameplay, and make it important to have to switch between the two to beat levels, that would open up of some epic co-op,:ohhh:

zelda is what i want to change most. that shyt change the game with every release until majoras mask, but the formula is getting stale now. wind waker was good but it had problems, traveling was annoying after the novelty wore off and that triforce collection part was ass(:mindblown: we coulda just had two more dungeons in its place)

tp just ended up being more of the same
skyward sword was fun with the controls until you realize how silly and stupid the game was. imagine a zelda game where instead of traveling to a place you could only warp certain spots, and these area looked and felt totally unrelated to each other. but instead of warping, you had to play a boring waste of time flying mini game. the little areas you do actually play the game in is set up like a big obstacle course where you had to do some thing totally stupid to advance the game( finding food for hungry creatures,collecting music note tadpoles to make music,hide and seek) intill you reach the dungeons, which were fairly interesting but super easy, like literally tell you what to do if your stuck for more than a minute, easy. why didnt this game take itself serious?:what:
look how stupid and kiddy the enemy design is, if these guy are suppose to be the evil spawns of ganon(the reason they are pigs right? ganon was alway a pig and so was his minions) how come they look like porky pig and he looks like some super sayian akuma evil dude

why couldnt they use that style for the whole game?

this is how all the monsters shoulda looked:ohlawd:

nintendo needs to not only redefine the zelda series but the adventure games in general.

i want skyrim type of landscape to ride my horse through, exploring dungeons and cave, fukk this gimmicky bullshyt they have been coming up with

metroid should be developing a galaxy story, why do we still not know shyt about the world samus lives in(mass effect is a good example)
should also try a 3rd person metroid game set like metroid prime, but with the ability to fly to different planets (they tried with metroid prime 3 but they need to dig deeper, this is the big league now)

honestly nintendo has enough ips to have a AAA game come out every month for a while with out having to use mario so much, but these other series get treated like minigame status shyt intill the next smask bros game comes out


May 11, 2012
Am I the only one that wants NEW ips from Nintendo? I sick of them pimping Mario in all their games. I wish they would create a completely new ip with new characters every once in awhile


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
mario is fine, i dont like the art style new super mario has, i feel like they should go in a more creative style like they did with yoshi island, rayman orgin is a good example of a unique style too(hell even the mario and luigi games for the gba), the 3d characters that look like they were ripped outta the 3d mario games, is ugly to me.

3d mario is fine, maybe they could incorporate the use of mario and luigi the gameplay, and make it important to have to switch between the two to beat levels, that would open up of some epic co-op,:ohhh:

zelda is what i want to change most. that shyt change the game with every release until majoras mask, but the formula is getting stale now. wind waker was good but it had problems, traveling was annoying after the novelty wore off and that triforce collection part was ass(:mindblown: we coulda just had two more dungeons in its place)

tp just ended up being more of the same
skyward sword was fun with the controls until you realize how silly and stupid the game was. imagine a zelda game where instead of traveling to a place you could only warp certain spots, and these area looked and felt totally unrelated to each other. but instead of warping, you had to play a boring waste of time flying mini game. the little areas you do actually play the game in is set up like a big obstacle course where you had to do some thing totally stupid to advance the game( finding food for hungry creatures,collecting music note tadpoles to make music,hide and seek) intill you reach the dungeons, which were fairly interesting but super easy, like literally tell you what to do if your stuck for more than a minute, easy. why didnt this game take itself serious?:what:
look how stupid and kiddy the enemy design is, if these guy are suppose to be the evil spawns of ganon(the reason they are pigs right? ganon was alway a pig and so was his minions) how come they look like porky pig and he looks like some super sayian akuma evil dude

why couldnt they use that style for the whole game?

this is how all the monsters shoulda looked:ohlawd:

nintendo needs to not only redefine the zelda series but the adventure games in general.

i want skyrim type of landscape to ride my horse through, exploring dungeons and cave, fukk this gimmicky bullshyt they have been coming up with

metroid should be developing a galaxy story, why do we still not know shyt about the world samus lives in(mass effect is a good example)
should also try a 3rd person metroid game set like metroid prime, but with the ability to fly to different planets (they tried with metroid prime 3 but they need to dig deeper, this is the big league now)

honestly nintendo has enough ips to have a AAA game come out every month for a while with out having to use mario so much, but these other series get treated like minigame status shyt intill the next smask bros game comes out
honestly a Zelda game is gonna follow the Zelda formula maybe you're just tired of Zelda games. you calling the Zelda games different in the early days was just the evolution of technology. once Zelda reached the N64 days there wasn't much further it could go trom a tech standpoint. its just gonna be the same core game but look better.


May 2, 2012
honestly a Zelda game is gonna follow the Zelda formula maybe you're just tired of Zelda games. you calling the Zelda games different in the early days was just the evolution of technology. once Zelda reached the N64 days there wasn't much further it could go trom a tech standpoint. its just gonna be the same core game but look better.

they can always do better breh, they can get deeper, they just need creativity.
its not that the formula is getting stale, its the presentation thats making it stale.

if they take a more serious and new approach in presenting the formula, it would feel fresh again.