@ The World Is Sinking segment
Out of all the shyt I saw on VICE, that might have been the worst one because I truly believe we are potentially gambling the lives of billions of human beings due to greed and corruption.
tough luck bro, people don't care
Heck Nova Science just dropped a couple piff documentaries on recent events(tornado and boston bombing), and I bet both these videos combined recieved less than a half a million views, if that:
Manhunt—Boston Bombers
Not to mention they drop numerous Global Warming related videos every year.
half a million out of / 7 billion+ people
Real talk, the thought of having to cut back on resources seems like a nearly impossible task. It's almost like creating a freaking utopia, or the perfect socialist country, where everyone lives in harmony and no greed in sight. Sh*t is impossible because a couple a$$holes will always ruin it, for others...
Gotta love these carbon footprint maps:
We live in a society where people would rather drive than walk. Eat hydrogenated super processed, cancer ridden garbage than prepare fresh meals. People who rather, believe in fallacies and make decisions off their "gut" instinct rather than seek the truth. Cash rules everything.
I aint even hating anymore, I think it's pure genius how so many people feel duped into thinking sh*t doesn't exist, and the humans aren't making an impact on this planet. Next some study will come out saying plants and trees really don't take in CO2, so we can shouldn't feel bad about clearing more forest....
/end rant....