i respect that.
i agree with you to a certain extent. people who believes in God and fellow his word don't need to attend Church all the time. i under-stand it's very important because it's a Sabbath day, but i can have my own Sabbath day with God at my home. listen just because you don't go to Church often doesn't mean God won't stop loving you. as long as you believe in God and fellow his words then you should have noting to worry about. remember we're not perfect. God will bless you no matter what.
i didn't know you were married.
thanks for sharing your views.
true. after all we do have
free will. it's not in our hands to judge people but the almighty. i hate when most religious folks try to accused me of doing something wrong, and i hit them with the, "you don't judge, only God judges".
most Christians that goes to church doesn't mean they're saved. i don't consider myself a "Christian" pre-say but a man of God.
i didn't know you about that yahweh life?
may the black excellence, bless you.