Yeah you'll be good. Running with someone is cool on slow runs cause you can chat. But running alone isn't bad. Especially if you prep a playlist.
I have a kiger running vest so nothing is ever in my hands or my pockets. And with my watch if I need to skip a track, ff/rw... I mainly listen to long work related stuff. Get my headphones on and just keep the pace.
Like I said you just gotta run, it's pretty easy.
I still run all the time but, I fukked my heart up. I'm on heart prescriptions now but I still run (against doctors orders). I feel fine so I run, then I pay a price. Usually a day later. Basically your heart is covered in a membrane, kind of like a sleeve/glove/condom. And that membrane can get inflammed/irritated and swell up or tear. In my case it swells up and feels like my heart is being squeezed. All your typical heart attack symptoms, deep chest pain, radiating chest pain to arm/up the neck to the jaw. Then the heart starts racing to try to fix/reset itself and just makes things worse...
It sucks but if I die, I die. Won't be for or from something stupid.