Any coli members have stories of celebrities being real like fucc boys?


All Star
Nov 6, 2012
I was in the titty bar with rocko in detroit. I guess he was taping for a DVD and he was getting hype and throwing crazy money in his booth. Then after they turned the camera off his team picked all the money back up and he did it a few more times and they scooped the money up each time.

Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
WC and his crew came to Japan to perform at a club back in 2002. My girl (Japanese) wanted to go bad as hell but I really didn't want to because I had to work the next day. I ended up going anyway because she kept bugging me and I saw some crazy shyt such as Japanese bloods, crips, and lowriders. I had never heard of WC before but the music was ok. We were near the front in the club and one of this minions had his eye on my girl. Once the performance was over, he signaled her to come up to VIP. She asked me if it was alright and at first I was like no. Then she started crying and I let her go up because I was trying to holla at some other girls anyway. She went up to VIP and met him with all his minions and she also took a picture sitting on his lap. She came back down to find me and said that he invited her to come to his hotel. I said hell to the no and our relationship would be done if she goes.

After this, she didn't say anything else about it. Once the party was over, I was able to meet him and his minions. They were all cool and laid back and was just talking about all the females there. One of them was from my hometown (Detroit) so it was something to talk about. Anyway, I left with my girl and she walked me to the train station. We did our usual goodbye and she saw me off. I went on my merry way and went to the ship to go back to work.

Years later, I was thinking about this story and something didn't seem right. I was no longer dating the girl but I still kept in contact with her. I talked to her about that night and I told her that I knew she fukked somebody. She gave in because she thought I really knew and she admitted to going back to their hotel and basically participating in a train with them and some other girls. That shyt cut me deep. All I can think about is how I was kissing her the next day after a bunch of B-list rappers splashed cum shots in her face. True story.
:snoop: damn, that's fukked up breh.

one question, who the hell is "WC?"


All Star
Nov 6, 2012
WC and his crew came to Japan to perform at a club back in 2002. My girl (Japanese) wanted to go bad as hell but I really didn't want to because I had to work the next day. I ended up going anyway because she kept bugging me and I saw some crazy shyt such as Japanese bloods, crips, and lowriders. I had never heard of WC before but the music was ok. We were near the front in the club and one of this minions had his eye on my girl. Once the performance was over, he signaled her to come up to VIP. She asked me if it was alright and at first I was like no. Then she started crying and I let her go up because I was trying to holla at some other girls anyway. She went up to VIP and met him with all his minions and she also took a picture sitting on his lap. She came back down to find me and said that he invited her to come to his hotel. I said hell to the no and our relationship would be done if she goes.

After this, she didn't say anything else about it. Once the party was over, I was able to meet him and his minions. They were all cool and laid back and was just talking about all the females there. One of them was from my hometown (Detroit) so it was something to talk about. Anyway, I left with my girl and she walked me to the train station. We did our usual goodbye and she saw me off. I went on my merry way and went to the ship to go back to work.

Years later, I was thinking about this story and something didn't seem right. I was no longer dating the girl but I still kept in contact with her. I talked to her about that night and I told her that I knew she fukked somebody. She gave in because she thought I really knew and she admitted to going back to their hotel and basically participating in a train with them and some other girls. That shyt cut me deep. All I can think about is how I was kissing her the next day after a bunch of B-list rappers splashed cum shots in her face. True story.
WOW breh i feel for you,
Oct 3, 2012
Sorry to say but ur a lame. Wish my girl would even think about Goin to VIP and taking pictures on laps. It would've been over there... I don't get some of u nikkas :snoop:

Yep, lame describes it. To my defense though, I was 18 at the time and I was naive as hell. Something like this wouldn't fly with me today but it still doesn't change the fact that it happened. :sadcam:


All Star
Mar 20, 2013
Yep, lame describes it. To my defense though, I was 18 at the time and I was naive as hell. Something like this wouldn't fly with me today but it still doesn't change the fact that it happened. :sadcam:

that story hit me right in the feels. i know that feel bro


Aug 19, 2012
WC and his crew came to Japan to perform at a club back in 2002. My girl (Japanese) wanted to go bad as hell but I really didn't want to because I had to work the next day. I ended up going anyway because she kept bugging me and I saw some crazy shyt such as Japanese bloods, crips, and lowriders. I had never heard of WC before but the music was ok. We were near the front in the club and one of this minions had his eye on my girl. Once the performance was over, he signaled her to come up to VIP. She asked me if it was alright and at first I was like no. Then she started crying and I let her go up because I was trying to holla at some other girls anyway. She went up to VIP and met him with all his minions and she also took a picture sitting on his lap. She came back down to find me and said that he invited her to come to his hotel. I said hell to the no and our relationship would be done if she goes.

After this, she didn't say anything else about it. Once the party was over, I was able to meet him and his minions. They were all cool and laid back and was just talking about all the females there. One of them was from my hometown (Detroit) so it was something to talk about. Anyway, I left with my girl and she walked me to the train station. We did our usual goodbye and she saw me off. I went on my merry way and went to the ship to go back to work.

Years later, I was thinking about this story and something didn't seem right. I was no longer dating the girl but I still kept in contact with her. I talked to her about that night and I told her that I knew she fukked somebody. She gave in because she thought I really knew and she admitted to going back to their hotel and basically participating in a train with them and some other girls. That shyt cut me deep. All I can think about is how I was kissing her the next day after a bunch of B-list rappers splashed cum shots in her face. True story.

What a hoe bruh....... WOW.


All Star
May 5, 2012
WC and his crew came to Japan to perform at a club back in 2002. My girl (Japanese) wanted to go bad as hell but I really didn't want to because I had to work the next day. I ended up going anyway because she kept bugging me and I saw some crazy shyt such as Japanese bloods, crips, and lowriders. I had never heard of WC before but the music was ok. We were near the front in the club and one of this minions had his eye on my girl. Once the performance was over, he signaled her to come up to VIP. She asked me if it was alright and at first I was like no. Then she started crying and I let her go up because I was trying to holla at some other girls anyway. She went up to VIP and met him with all his minions and she also took a picture sitting on his lap. She came back down to find me and said that he invited her to come to his hotel. I said hell to the no and our relationship would be done if she goes.

After this, she didn't say anything else about it. Once the party was over, I was able to meet him and his minions. They were all cool and laid back and was just talking about all the females there. One of them was from my hometown (Detroit) so it was something to talk about. Anyway, I left with my girl and she walked me to the train station. We did our usual goodbye and she saw me off. I went on my merry way and went to the ship to go back to work.

Years later, I was thinking about this story and something didn't seem right. I was no longer dating the girl but I still kept in contact with her. I talked to her about that night and I told her that I knew she fukked somebody. She gave in because she thought I really knew and she admitted to going back to their hotel and basically participating in a train with them and some other girls. That shyt cut me deep. All I can think about is how I was kissing her the next day after a bunch of B-list rappers splashed cum shots in her face. True story.

Oh my God....That's like, one of the worst things that can happen to a man IMO....I don't even know how I'd function as a regular human being after some shyt like that...That'd be enough to make me sign up for BUD/S...bodies would hit the floor...people would scream...sirens would flash, old women would faint... OH YES, there would be would be green light on that bytch at all times; she could not come NEAR me without risking some sort of harm. Idk, I'm way to vindictive to not react to some shyt like that.

This the kind of thing that makes me care lesser and lesser about females...maaaan, I couldn't even imagine...
Oct 3, 2012
Oh my God....That's like, one of the worst things that can happen to a man IMO....I don't even know how I'd function as a regular human being after some shyt like that...That'd be enough to make me sign up for BUD/S...bodies would hit the floor...people would scream...sirens would flash, old women would faint... OH YES, there would be would be green light on that bytch at all times; she could not come NEAR me without risking some sort of harm. Idk, I'm way to vindictive to not react to some shyt like that.

This the kind of thing that makes me care lesser and lesser about females...maaaan, I couldn't even imagine...

It was bad but it would have been much worse if I found out the next day. Since I found out what really happened years later, it didn't bother me as much since I no longer had feelings for her like that (and plus, I'm grateful I didn't get a STD). If anything, I blame myself because the writing was on the wall the whole time. She was much older than me at 25 while I was 18. She was pretty much a groupie hoe with her 30 year old sister and they would club hop every weekend. I was still kind of green when it came to women so I actually believed her when she said she wasn't going to go. If I could do anything different, I would have pimp slapped the shyt out of her when she first asked to go to VIP.