Any black person who still watches Game of Thrones after this scene is a co0n

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
I'm not going to stop watching...but I do agree that that scene was extremely problematic.

I'm getting a little tired of the excuses. It's time for them to add a black series regular that isn't some fukking slave, or fukking mercenary, or handmaiden, or whatever the fukk.

I think that they should make the Dornish to be descriptions be damned.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
I'm not going to stop watching...but I do agree that that scene was extremely problematic.

Mighty Whitey - Television Tropes & Idioms

I'm getting a little tired of the excuses. It's time for them to add a black series regular that isn't some fukking slave, or fukking mercenary, or handmaiden, or whatever the fukk.

I think that they should make the Dornish to be descriptions be damned.

:whoo: that might actually work.....
May 16, 2012
Breh, the "myremese" or w/e name of the people in that scene are easily middle eastern, indian, or w/e actors and actresses. Those are not black actors and actresses in that scene. Just look at those nikkas hair. :mindblown: All the "dark" people there are clearly Indian. What the fukk are you looking at? This has to be the stupidest fukking thread ever. :thumbsdown:

eventhough most of this is bullshyt and we all can see half those actors are black/mulatoo

how do you explain the fact that every black person the show with a speaking role is or was a slave? oh my bad I forgot to include the fukkin pirate :shaq2:


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
he was also a former slave

the light skin chick by her side is also a former slave

the lead soldier = former slave

I can't think of any black person that isn't a former or current slave. The show has basically said that black people only exist to be slaves or to be freed by good white people. :pacspit:

Your talking about a fictional show set in medieval times where people are sacrificed and kings reign over peasants and your shocked that they would view people of a different color as slaves?

If anything think of Khalesi as Abe Lincoln with a vagina and pretty hair
May 16, 2012
Your talking about a fictional show set in medieval times where people are sacrificed and kings reign over peasants and your shocked that they would view people of a different color as slaves?

If anything think of Khalesi as Abe Lincoln with a vagina and pretty hair

My problem is the fact that black people are simply slaves to white people even in fiction. I wouldn't have had much of a problem if there were no black people on the show. It would've sucked but I would've just chalked it up to a make believe world created by cacs. What I do have a problem about is the fact that the only black people ever on the show are current or former slaves. That imbeds in the consciousness of all viewers that black have been and continue to be nothing more than slaves.


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
My problem is the fact that black people are simply slaves to white people even in fiction. I wouldn't have had much of a problem if there were no black people on the show. It would've sucked but I would've just chalked it up to a make believe world created by cacs. What I do have a problem about is the fact that the only black people ever on the show are current or former slaves. That imbeds in the consciousness of all viewers that black have been and continue to be nothing more than slaves.

I mean even the first tribe khaleesi paired with that were obviously not white acted like savages

But I can see wanting a powerful African like people who built some powerful society like Egypt to be included as characters ...but its just whats been taught in our school systems that Africans have been enslaved so a writer just puts that in since thats the history they are familiar with

Is it enough not to enjoy the show...I personally think not but you have the right to be offended

But all i can say is create your own fictional world and make a ton of money writing books about it

Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
My problem is the fact that black people are simply slaves to white people even in fiction. I wouldn't have had much of a problem if there were no black people on the show. It would've sucked but I would've just chalked it up to a make believe world created by cacs. What I do have a problem about is the fact that the only black people ever on the show are current or former slaves. That imbeds in the consciousness of all viewers that black have been and continue to be nothing more than slaves.

The media always portrays whites as weak/stupid/helpless. White people were slaves, along with every other race, just shut the fukk up :what::what:

What about the porn where the white guy is licking cum off his wife's face after being blasted by a load of sperm? Every race gets shyt on in media except "Jews," which are basically 'white,' so I don't get the logic behind this thread.

Oh yeah, I didn't see any black people in that video you posted either, just a bunch of Arab/Indian looking dudes.
May 16, 2012
I mean even the first tribe khaleesi paired with that were obviously not white acted like savages

But I can see wanting a powerful African like people who built some powerful society like Egypt to be included as characters ...but its just whats been taught in our school systems that Africans have been enslaved so a writer just puts that in since thats the history they are familiar with

Is it enough not to enjoy the show...I personally think not but you have the right to be offended

But all i can say is create your own fictional world and make a ton of money writing books about it

I'm not saying I don't understand where it comes from. And I agree that we shouldn't wait for white people to write our true history. We need to make our own shows empowering our own people.

But remember the title of my thread. I said any black person who still watches this show after this is a c00n. And most of my anger is directed at black people, who should know better, who still support this show even though all it portrays them as is slaves.

This thread ain't about white people. I already know that all they see us as if slaves. My problem is with the c00ns who are making excuses for them.

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012

But remember the title of my thread. I said any black person who still watches this show after this is a c00n. And most of my anger is directed at black people, who should know better, who still support this show even though all it portrays them as is slaves.

This thread ain't about white people. I already know that all they see us as if slaves. My problem is with the c00ns who are making excuses for them.

1. the fact that it even upsets you shows that white media already won against YOU. YOU applied the context that black =/= slaves in fact if we are talking about a straight up BLACK PERSON then Sallador Saan is the only thing close. And he was a Pirate...the embodiment of being a master of your own destiny, a part of the reason just about ALL cultures romanticize them.

2. in the text the slaves of Astapor and Yunkai are ALL colors...however, LOGISTICALLY it makes no sense to employ/fly out/lodge/feed and costume a bunch of asian/white/latin people when you are shooting in Morocco... $$$$$ >>>>>>>> Skin color, c00n :ufdup:

3. A pregnant woman was stabbed to death at a wedding but nikkas are mad at freed "slaves". :why: Shouldn't blade abortions rank a little lower on your wretchedness scale than some slaves being happy they were freed?

4. Stop being so color struck. You are not a slave and never will be, a white man will never be your master nor anyone else's. Harping on color so much takes away from the focus on the culture and it looks backwards, UPN and BET have done much more to ruin the image of us than HBO ever did.

5. Race doesn't exist. :pachaha:


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz
The media always portrays whites as weak/stupid/helpless. White people were slaves, along with every other race, just shut the fukk up :what::what:

What about the porn where the white guy is licking cum off his wife's face after being blasted by a load of sperm? Every race gets shyt on in media except "Jews," which are basically 'white,' so I don't get the logic behind this thread.

May 16, 2012
Great article pointing our GOT was racist from the beginning. Daenerys' whole storyline on Game of Thrones is messed up

Daenerys' whole storyline on Game of Thrones is messed up

Last week's Game of Thrones season finale ended with a scene full of racial imagery that seemed kind of messed up. But actually, argues comedian Aamer Rahman, Daenerys' whole storyline has been problematic from the very beginning. Here's why.

I’m late to Game of Thrones — but I caught up. And I couldn’t help photoshopping this picture of Khal Drogo as a Klingon. Anyone sad enough to be familiar with both GOT and Star Trek knows exactly what I’m talking about.

The Klingons are the Dothraki of Star Trek — the scary, warmongering Other from the Heart of Darkness out in deep space. The great thing about imaginary black and brown people is that white sci-fi/ fantasy writers can project their repressed oriental fetishes onto a blank canvas without taking responsibility – “WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT’S RACIST, THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS KLINGONS OR DOTHRAKI! How can we be racist towards people WHO DON’T EVEN EXIST??” Funny how it’s always real black and brown people who have to play the role of the imaginary ‘non-existent’ warrior/tribal/primitive/race. (With the exception of the original Star Trek, which had white actors in blackface as Klingons.)

You can dress it up as fantasy, but we know who you’re talking about.

GOT wasted no time in establishing the Dothraki as a horde of raping, warring animals who have no word for ‘thank you’ and enjoy public sex games and deaths at a wedding. The codes are never original: love of war and pillaging, and animalistic sex rituals (anyone remember this tender moment on Star Trek: TNG?).

Plus some ‘noble savage’ warrior code that glorifies conquest, authoritarian social order, growling, pumped up men and hyper-sexual women, beards, braids, boobs blah, blah blah. The Dothraki are a grab bag of every native/ savage/ other signifier you can think of.

But this isn’t just about imagery and brown people looking bad on TV – the Dothraki storyline is just a stepping stone for Dany’s overall storyline which is more deeply racist - essentially, a liberal white woman who goes around saving and civilising brown people. The subtext of Dany’s story is a cultural war where Dany’s enlightened values triumph over lesser ones, where whiteness is both a conquering and civilising force.

It begins with taming the savage Drogo who rapes her “like a hound takes a bytch,” on their wedding night (and every night after that) - until she teaches him the tenderness of looking him in the eyes when they sleep together. Then, the reforming of Dothraki customs: Dany prevents the rape of female prisoners and even gets Drogo to back her against the wishes of his riders. Finally, she establishes herself as a leader when she gives birth to her dragons (at this point the brown people literally prostrate themselves to her).

Barbarian cultures who don’t know how to treat women bowing in the face of superior technology and military arsenal (Dragons are basically the advanced fighter jets of the GOT universe) – does this feel familiar? She then goes from city to city freeing slaves who dutifully join her quest. Dany’s story is, at its heart, a neocon wet dream. She is Laura Bush, advocating for the invasion of Iraq under the pretext of saving its women who are desperate to live a life like hers.

I feel like we are supposed to root for Dany because she is becoming a strong woman; originally meek and abused by her brother, she outsmarts men at their own game. We are supposed to forget that she is fighting for nothing more than her own sense of entitlement to the throne, like some upper-class brat who loses her family’s fortune and eventually manages to become CEO of her own corporation. Somehow all the grateful brown people she liberates are happy to march behind her for the sake of an imperial project that they have no stake in. Oh - like every good white liberal, she manages to pick up a Black Best Friend (Missandei) along the way:

The Season 3 finale took things to the next level; after liberating another city of slaves, Dany waits to see whether she will be greeted as a liberator or conqueror. (the writers try to get off the hook by acknowledging that she is aware of the difference). In fact, she gets a better deal - they claim her as their ‘Mother.’ She ends up crowdsurfing over the brown people like some kind of Tagaryan Bono with all of the smug satisfaction of a gap-year backpacker that has just built an orphanage in a village somewhere.

Anyway. It’s just a TV show, right?

May 3, 2012
( o Y o )
But all i can say is create your own fictional world and make a ton of money writing books about it

Came in here to say this also, if you got a complaint either shut the fukk up or create your own. have no imagination and no talent you say? then Stfu then and turn the channel.