Any black man that's humble is a fukkin idiot

No Homo

May 14, 2012
Jigga with the Roley and the Vest
I'm on my lunch break chilling listening to my coworkers discuss their boring ass lives and I was thinking ....

The only thing humility get u in this society is a foot up the ass and a dry dikk, because the only ppl out here winning r ppl that believe in themselves and believe their the best.

The reason why so many black ppl, black men in particular struggle in this society is because our elders, these old nikkas taught us from day one to be humble, docile, submissive. Esp those old church nikkas, they basically teach u to be a bytch.

Go to school, get a job, show up on time, work hard, be polite to cacs in power, respect any WM in a suit, fear authority like police etc....
That's why we been here for 500 years and nikkas are still OK with the status quo. A bullshyt job, some over priced used car and some clothes. What type of life is that? U mean to that's the only thing I have to aspire to? That's it? Man fukk that, why don't nikkas want more? Why not fight to live the life u deserve, I mean our ancestors were hung from trees and how r we still in the conditions were in? We were suppose to learn from that and make sure we improve...

I blame these old nikkas, always telling kids to be humble, be polite, respect authority.. Teachers, managers etc....the only thing that'll get u is a foot in ur ass and if ur a female a dikk up it.

I hate these old nikkas so much, they got the nerves why young nikkas in Chicago r blowing each other heads off, because of them. They didn't set nothing up, now look at this shyt, its all fukked up, its like the wild west out here. These kids have no direction.

That's why I respect jack Johnson, ALI, may a black man u have to be cocky, it take a lot of belief to feel like u can rise from hell in America, u have to feel like a god..

The only reason why ppl want u to be humble is to keep I on your knees. They use to hang bm for being to talented, being to smart, being too skilled, for walking with ur head held high. Any bm that's humble or embrace humility is a fakkit, idk what nobody say. Be humble if I want but you'll end up like these losers that o work with, 40 plus complaining about how their tired for getting their ass kicked. But they deserve because they never had the balls to want more.

To the young cats, always think your the shyt and don't be ashamed. fukk humility, fukk anybody that tell u to humble yourself...

100% truth..dap + rep.
Sep 30, 2015
I'm on my lunch break chilling listening to my coworkers discuss their boring ass lives and I was thinking ....

The only thing humility get u in this society is a foot up the ass and a dry dikk, because the only ppl out here winning r ppl that believe in themselves and believe their the best.

The reason why so many black ppl, black men in particular struggle in this society is because our elders, these old nikkas taught us from day one to be humble, docile, submissive. Esp those old church nikkas, they basically teach u to be a bytch.

Go to school, get a job, show up on time, work hard, be polite to cacs in power, respect any WM in a suit, fear authority like police etc....
That's why we been here for 500 years and nikkas are still OK with the status quo. A bullshyt job, some over priced used car and some clothes. What type of life is that? U mean to that's the only thing I have to aspire to? That's it? Man fukk that, why don't nikkas want more? Why not fight to live the life u deserve, I mean our ancestors were hung from trees and how r we still in the conditions were in? We were suppose to learn from that and make sure we improve...

I blame these old nikkas, always telling kids to be humble, be polite, respect authority.. Teachers, managers etc....the only thing that'll get u is a foot in ur ass and if ur a female a dikk up it.

I hate these old nikkas so much, they got the nerves why young nikkas in Chicago r blowing each other heads off, because of them. They didn't set nothing up, now look at this shyt, its all fukked up, its like the wild west out here. These kids have no direction.

That's why I respect jack Johnson, ALI, may a black man u have to be cocky, it take a lot of belief to feel like u can rise from hell in America, u have to feel like a god..

The only reason why ppl want u to be humble is to keep I on your knees. They use to hang bm for being to talented, being to smart, being too skilled, for walking with ur head held high. Any bm that's humble or embrace humility is a fakkit, idk what nobody say. Be humble if I want but you'll end up like these losers that o work with, 40 plus complaining about how their tired for getting their ass kicked. But they deserve because they never had the balls to want more.

To the young cats, always think your the shyt and don't be ashamed. fukk humility, fukk anybody that tell u to humble yourself...

:salute:Top 5 worthwhile posters in TLR...probably the realest
Sep 30, 2015

You fukkin up breh. Humility got me where I am today. Listen to your elders.

It is better to have a quiet fire that activates at the right moments instead of constantly being ablaze and fizzling out when it really counts/matters.

I know a lot of nikkas that are still working at Target/Walmart and prideful.

The time for Pride is when you're at the top. Not the bottom.:francis:

Put your head down and grind. Otherwise you're gonna get nowhere. I came from having zero options to where I am today by being humble, a sponge and absorbing knowledge from my elders whether CAC or not. :youngsabo:

you must always have skillful pride...especially in a society that always portrays you to be the lowest.

top/ bottom :dame: is not the factor that determines your self-esteem. the success is a manifestation of your mental position.

yes be humble in your appearance, and yes grind...IF you are working for someone else. Obviously it serves you more to be harmonious in appearance than to be (potentially) brash and offensive.


Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
and why is that?

Gotta love this site. Fighting the good fight against racism but still sexist af.

I always forget who said it but they said it best "if racism only affected bw, no one would care"

The only thing you need to remember is what your going to cook next.

Get back in the kitchen :camby:

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
I wish that we got to see the full potential of Tupac Shakur:mjcry:

Maybe it's me but the older I get the more and more I think Pac would grow to disappoint us, he was already backsliding when he died. You come from a militant proud black household and you start backsliding associating yourself with gangs and gang life like you Chris Brown or something.
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Sep 16, 2012
They'res a difference between being confident in yourself and over the top arrogant where you feel the need to let people know how great you are which is a sign of insecurity imo

It's also good to know where your faults are and where you have to improve. The smartest people are the people who never think they know it all and realize they can still learn things from other people

So while confidence and self worth are good and important traits so is self awareness. An idiot who thinks he has all the answers isn't going anywhere in life

Bottom line is knowing your strengths and weaknesses and excepting you don't know it all doesn't mean your docile or weak

King Poetic

Feb 15, 2013
Los Angeles County, California
I'm not saying be a p*ssy and get walked over. That's not it.

But learn to defer to those who are clearly more ahead in the game than you.

Take notes and listen. Trust me when you obtain some knowledge worth listening to - People will naturally listen, and be humble themselves because they will know they need to get that knowledge to further their own ambitions.

this right here... perfect example if u look at a situation Like Dr.Dre and Jay-z leaving 2 non-humble motherfukkers like suge and dame dash alone and being humble but still in command of their lives.... now look how they doing and where suge and dame is at in life


Aug 10, 2012
You are equating humility with an inferiority complex.... humility isn't about having an inferiority complex...

there's a quote that sums up humility

"humility isn't thinking any less of yourself,it's thinking of yourself less"....

that's exactly what humility is...

humility is looking at yourself in the proper perspective in relation to's not thinking you are below others..and it's not thinking you are above's not being self-focused at's about realizing you are equal to others....

.... when you have humility...that's where true confidence and true potential come from....cause you understand who you truly are...and you understand the simple things in life are the most important...

the only reason why someone would think they are "above"..or "below" another is because of superficiality....

it's spiritual....

Big D Bangston

Jun 21, 2012
Bama born and bred

You fukkin up breh. Humility got me where I am today. Listen to your elders.

It is better to have a quiet fire that activates at the right moments instead of constantly being ablaze and fizzling out when it really counts/matters.

I know a lot of nikkas that are still working at Target/Walmart and prideful.

The time for Pride is when you're at the top. Not the bottom.:francis:

Put your head down and grind. Otherwise you're gonna get nowhere. I came from having zero options to where I am today by being humble, a sponge and absorbing knowledge from my elders whether CAC or not. :youngsabo:
