No it's not. We've had paralysis on the field before on all levels and deaths in high school. Football is just too interwoven in the fabric of America, like guns and apple pie. And often I would like to hear from those who are actually PLAYING football. Sports writers and reporters, and people who are sitting in front of a computer. But this is not your job. It's not your passion. Your opinion on it means far less than those who actually participate. Everybody has a different threshold of the risks they are willing to take in life. We need to stop pushing our own fears onto other people. We need to educate players on all the risks involved and the safest way to play, understanding that it will never be totally safe. Not sure why the same rhetoric does not surround auto racing. Drivers AND fans have died.
Football is not going anywhere because:
-Our society treats these players like Gods. So many are desperate to achieve that glory. How many times have we seen grown men in tears because they didn't make the team? How many times have we seen players so determined to play they will do sh!t like stand outside with a cardboard sign begging for a chance?
-The money. No its not as much as the NBA or MLB but its a lot more than most people make. Do you not realize, if it wasn't for the NFL, a lot of these guys would be asking, "Would you like to supersize that ma'am"? Or "the bread is in aisle 3 sir". And we all know that some of these dudes, like a Pac-Man Jones, would be in fukkin prison. No doubt in my mind.
-Dangerous or not, soooooo many people just absolutely love the game.
Good points but I also look at this from a different angle...
I've said this before on here, I've played organized tackle football from 7th grade to a sophomore in college. I've had troubles with memory loss, more MRI's than I care to remember, so many undocumented concussions, broken fingers, broken collarbone and two ACL surgeries that ended my playing career.
A lot of parents have been saying "well I'm worried about the long term effects if my son decides to play in the NFL". Little kids aren't worried about that and 10yr olds aren't hitting that hard. From a soph to a senior in high school we had about 40 varsity players every year, of my three years on varsity maybe 15 guys went on to play juco, or D-1 and I think only two made it on a NFL roster. Most kids aren't playing after highschool so chances are the kid may not suffer from any long term injuries, I was the exception to the rule because I had injuries in HS and college.
I would like to see data on HS kids that didn't play college or pro. It's still a fluid situation, but I'm a parent with two boys, my oldest is 9 and is very interested in tackle football. He's never played but later this year when he does, it will be up to him if he likes the contact but I would like to steer him in whatever is his passion is. As far my injuries, sometimes I regret playing other times I don't. But I'll never forget the great memories and discipline football gave me.