Anthem | PS4/XB1/PC | Out Now

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
rumor on the street is they'll take multiple pages out of destiny 2's book and make this shyt F2P while offering a big expansion at the same time

but wew - kotaku fukked up bioware something serious. dealing with a rough launch is one thing, gaming developers deciding they want to unionize on your ass? .....yikes lol


All Star
Jul 21, 2016
New Orleans
Nah breh.. Anthem is dead...:francis:

I mean, it is now but will it stay that way? Isn't there a livestream today of the cataclysm and new shyt? People are going to come back once there is new content, the only question is if the content will be enough to keep them coming back.


May 18, 2012
I mean, it is now but will it stay that way? Isn't there a livestream today of the cataclysm and new shyt? People are going to come back once there is new content, the only question is if the content will be enough to keep them coming back.

:hhh: Man... They better stop playing with these multiplayers, trying to fleece people, and put their all on making Dragon Age 4 a GOAT.


May 7, 2012
I mean, it is now but will it stay that way? Isn't there a livestream today of the cataclysm and new shyt? People are going to come back once there is new content, the only question is if the content will be enough to keep them coming back.

It's more than likely that it will, unless they make drastic changes that I'm not sure they have the current staff on hand to make.

Most Games as a Service games run into one of two issues:

Lack of endgame activities (think early Destiny)

Lack of loot, or loot variety (ironically, think early Destiny 2).

Somehow, Anthem has been dealing with both issues. Common complaints are that the loot from nearly everything except Strongholds are garbage, and drop rates for top tier gear are super low. The sources of the loot are so limited that people are just running the same stronghold over and over again because it's the most efficient way to grind for gear.

That sounds boring as shyt.

They legit would need to overhaul the loot system, and design multiple new sources of said loot. That's redesigning half the game, breh. And they've already got key members of Bioware staff pulled so they can focus on Dragon Age.

The game might not be completely dead, but it's definitely on a respirator, and being monitored by a depressed skeleton crew. It would take a legit miracle for them to turn this around to the point that it matters again.


All Star
Jul 21, 2016
New Orleans
:hhh: Man... They better stop playing with these multiplayers, trying to fleece people, and put their all on making Dragon Age 4 a GOAT.

But don't you HAVE to fix Anthem before trying to sell people DA4? Especially if it has those GaaS elements mentioned in the Kotaku piece. They can't think dropping turds like Anthem and Andromeda will have people excited about their next game.

It's more than likely that it will, unless they make drastic changes that I'm not sure they have the current staff on hand to make.

Most Games as a Service games run into one of two issues:

Lack of endgame activities (think early Destiny)

Lack of loot, or loot variety (ironically, think early Destiny 2).

Somehow, Anthem has been dealing with both issues. Common complaints are that the loot from nearly everything except Strongholds are garbage, and drop rates for top tier gear are super low. The sources of the loot are so limited that people are just running the same stronghold over and over again because it's the most efficient way to grind for gear.

That sounds boring as shyt.

They legit would need to overhaul the loot system, and design multiple new sources of said loot. That's redesigning half the game, breh. And they've already got key members of Bioware staff pulled so they can focus on Dragon Age.

The game might not be completely dead, but it's definitely on a respirator, and being monitored by a depressed skeleton crew. It would take a legit miracle for them to turn this around to the point that it matters again.

Isn't the solution creating more loot and missions? That has to be the reason the drops are so low. There just isn't anything to meaningful to give players and after they get it nothing meaningful to do with it. All the weapon designs are basically the same for each type. Seems like loot and cataclysm would go along way, then it'll hit EA access and have a new group of players.

I completely agree the game is in really bad shape, but it can be turned around if EA/BioWare invest in giving people the standard loot shooter elements missing at retail.


May 7, 2012
But don't you HAVE to fix Anthem before trying to sell people DA4? Especially if it has those GaaS elements mentioned in the Kotaku piece. They can't think dropping turds like Anthem and Andromeda will have people excited about their next game.

Isn't the solution creating more loot and missions? That has to be the reason the drops are so low. There just isn't anything to meaningful to give players and after they get it nothing meaningful to do with it. All the weapon designs are basically the same for each type. Seems like loot and cataclysm would go along way, then it'll hit EA access and have a new group of players.

I completely agree the game is in really bad shape, but it can be turned around if EA/BioWare invest in giving people the standard loot shooter elements missing at retail.

I mean, yeah. It absolutely is. But the question is whether there's enough of a playerbase to warrant those changes, and enough staff to get it done in a timely fashion.

The Division's endgame was equally terrible, but they eventually got it to a great place. It took them most of a year. And that's with a fully rostered Ubisoft team working on it, and who knows how many people from other studios pulled in to help, since it seems like Ubi has an unlimited amount of studios active at any given time.

Destiny was able to turn it around within a year, and that's with Activision's two biggest support studios chipping in from time to time.

It's totally doable, but nothing from how Bioware and EA have been handling it makes it seem like they're going to have the resources and manpower to get it done quick enough for it to matter. The Division 2 has new content coming soon. Destiny has new content next Tuesday, and they're already starting the promo cycle for whatever is coming in September. The new Avengers game that Square is working on will apparently have GaaS elements, too. Their window to hold their playerbase, and convert them to the vocal supporters they need them to be to turn this around is super slim.

L Ray

All Star
Aug 2, 2012
Glass city
Anyone still playing this?

I am playing the trial from each access and granted I'm only like level 5 but seems fun right now.

Is it one of those that sort of lose steam toward mid or late game? I didn't really check for any pro reviews but I know the coli had a lot of thoughts on this?

Is it worth copping fukking around with now if they made some changes just on some every Now and then shyt if it's not my main game? I got like a backlog of fukkin Nioh
Dragon quest, and random other shyt but this kind of seams like mindkess fun I can play when I dont have a lot of down time. Any thoghts from anyone else who plays or played and has strong feelings against it?

Thanks in advance brehs:salute:


Aug 6, 2012
Anyone still playing this?

I am playing the trial from each access and granted I'm only like level 5 but seems fun right now.

Is it one of those that sort of lose steam toward mid or late game? I didn't really check for any pro reviews but I know the coli had a lot of thoughts on this?

Is it worth copping fukking around with now if they made some changes just on some every Now and then shyt if it's not my main game? I got like a backlog of fukkin Nioh
Dragon quest, and random other shyt but this kind of seams like mindkess fun I can play when I dont have a lot of down time. Any thoghts from anyone else who plays or played and has strong feelings against it?

Thanks in advance brehs:salute:
Honestly dont buy it you have not yet meet the mid game grind yeah the gameplay is really fun but there much better games you could play I would buy if the sale is fun to play around in when you can play the game they are update it every other week to make the game more stable then it was at launch.

Morose Polymath

Poster of the Year
Aug 1, 2013
Above The Clouds
Anyone still playing this?

I am playing the trial from each access and granted I'm only like level 5 but seems fun right now.

Is it one of those that sort of lose steam toward mid or late game? I didn't really check for any pro reviews but I know the coli had a lot of thoughts on this?

Is it worth copping fukking around with now if they made some changes just on some every Now and then shyt if it's not my main game? I got like a backlog of fukkin Nioh
Dragon quest, and random other shyt but this kind of seams like mindkess fun I can play when I dont have a lot of down time. Any thoghts from anyone else who plays or played and has strong feelings against it?

Thanks in advance brehs:salute:

copped it day one, got all the achievements. Been playing on and off sparingly, waiting to see what the Cataclysm looks like before I officially bush it. My advice, wait for a sale and wait til the Cataclysm event drops. Its suppose to spice up things and add new features to each Javelin and 3 new weapon types. But yes its nice mindless fun when the servers are acting right. :heh:

Black Bolt

Dec 26, 2015
Anyone still playing this?

I am playing the trial from each access and granted I'm only like level 5 but seems fun right now.

Is it one of those that sort of lose steam toward mid or late game? I didn't really check for any pro reviews but I know the coli had a lot of thoughts on this?

Is it worth copping fukking around with now if they made some changes just on some every Now and then shyt if it's not my main game? I got like a backlog of fukkin Nioh
Dragon quest, and random other shyt but this kind of seams like mindkess fun I can play when I dont have a lot of down time. Any thoghts from anyone else who plays or played and has strong feelings against it?

Thanks in advance brehs:salute:
It's not worth copping (maybe on the low low (<$10) ), buggy and unfinished, lacking any end game, regurgitated mission structure. Shame as the potential there is immense, won't be surprised if it's on EA Access soon


Oct 26, 2015
LevelUp+ 2020 & Beyond
BioWare is reportedly working on a complete overhaul of Anthem | PC Gamer
A report says some sources refer to the project as Anthem 2.0 or Anthem Next.

By all appearances, Anthem is a game in serious trouble. The launch was a mess, big plans have been abandoned, it's lost some high-profile personnel including the lead producer and head of live service, and the big seasonal event announced earlier this month didn't exactly make a huge splash. Electronic Arts has committed to sticking with it, but you can understand why fans might have doubts.

According to Kotaku, however, reports of Anthem's impending demise are greatly exaggerated, and in fact BioWare has developers in both Edmonton and Austin planning out a complete overhaul of the game—enough of a do-over that some people refer to it as Anthem 2.0 or Anthem Next.

It's still very early days, to the point that BioWare and EA are still hammering out how it will be distributed: through a series of updates, a major all-at-once expansion, or even as an entirely new game. However it's handled, the site said that most of its main systems, including the mission structure, loot, and the game world, will change "drastically."

One potential major change would see the game world of Tarsis split into segments, which would enable developers to work on particular areas without worrying about unleashing bugs across the entire game world. It would also presumably make Anthem more Destiny-like, at least in its basic structure.

"We spent a few months just tearing it down and figuring out what needed to change fundamentally (a lot)," one source told the site. "And we’ve been rebuilding for another few months since."

Despite the lack of concrete detail, what's significant right now is simply that EA and BioWare apparently aren't simply washing their hands of the whole thing. Anthem needs a lot of work, and there's no guarantee that players will return even if it's whipped into proper shape, but large-scale turnarounds are possible: It took Destiny 2 a couple of years to really find its feet, and the remarkable persistence of Hello Games took No Man's Sky from one of the most overhyped disappointments in years to a game that people are legitimately excited about. Anthem has a lot of ground to cover, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that it can be done.

The report also says that BioWare is still at work on Dragon Age 4, and more surprisingly, that a new Mass Effect game is "in very early development" under the direction of Mike Gamble, a longtime BioWare producer who has previously worked on Mass Effect 2 and 3, and Anthem.

Crazy to see Bioware still trying to bring life to it. :ehh: Destiny and No Man's Sky made a decent comeback, but only time will tell for this one. :jbhmm:

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
I'm tired of these developers having to do overhauls on their shytty ass games they release. It's starting to get ridiculous, this is the only industry I've seen where the company would even still be in business after doing some bullshyt like Anthem, Fallout 76, the original Final Fantasy XIV, Destiny. shyt is played out bruh.