I’m all pre-loaded. I’m gonna start playing this or Metro Exodus tonight.
You jumping in tonight?
I have faith in Bioware, so I’m all
I’m all pre-loaded. I’m gonna start playing this or Metro Exodus tonight.
Only for EA/Origin Access. To be honest I didn't know so many people messed with that service considering how much the "internet" hates EA. This moved from a must buy for me pre-alpha to a "wait for reviews" after the Beta. I'm going to watch as PC players complete the Story and enter the late game between now and next week before I decide to cop. I just downloaded Metro so it'll have my attention until then.BUMP so is no one talking about this game? game is out in a hour on PC
Word on the streets is that it’s DEFINITELY not a single player game...
PS4 stanleys not gonna like that
Why do people on youtube keep telling me there's a single player campaign??!? I'm like in an MMO shooter??? They just keep getting milked by these games, The Division, Destiny and now this...
well them EA projections were offunsticky this dead ass game... game is dead upon arrival.. no buzz on twitch, no buzz anywhere
major flop
Apex 240k viewers
Overwatch 230k viewers
Fortnite 100k viewers
Rainbow 6 90k viewers
Anthem on launch day/early access when it will have the most buzz..... 58k viewers
its over already