Gameplay Trailer Analysis:
- 30fps. 4K but lower than you think.
- friends you play with often are given a subtitle on your screen as 'ally of the week'
- you are not confined to one class. you own several suits so that you can switch your style of play at will. it shows the number of suits you own to other players as the gear icon
- highest shown player level in trailer is lvl 43. he owns 3 suits
- not true open world. level based like destiny. the backgrounds look fake. The icons in the distance are fast travel points.
- anti aircraft fire when you fly.
- three skills shown on the bottom of the screen. she has 300 rockets.
- being just level based allows for more environment damage such as the trees destroyed in trailer and the crater the titan created with his mortar attack.
- walker event called scar ambush when completed gave a legendary loot weapon. will be a random event like in gta5 or destiny
- another class, warlock, flies without jetpacks and has a cloak.
- certain suits have elements like ice and lightning that you need for specific enemies and encounters
- shaper storms are levels inside of levels similar to strikes in destiny