But since Majors is playing the character instead of just bad writing or even the withholding of story beats to be revealed later it's; "MARVEL JUST DONT WANNA SEE A BLACK MAN STRONG!!!!!!"
Kang is going to tie into almost every Marvel project going forward. Why would they INTENTIONALLY SABOTAGE THE fukkING LYNCHPIN OF THEIR MONEY PRINTING FRANCHISE BECAUSE HE IS A BLACK MAN, A MAN THEY HIRED TO BE IN THAT ROLE?! You guys do know he wasn't born Kang the Conqueror right? He's not really the character. He EARNED the role because he is a fantastic actor but they could have gotten some villain character actor like Mads Mickelson for the role if they didn't want a black man to have it.
Cacs routinely sabotage themselves and lose money just to make sure Black people lose as well. And the entire history of the US is basically that pattern of behavior.
Now I don't think they set out to do it, but when they were writing the script they probably thought....do we really want this Black villain giving our white heroes the beats and winning?

Nah he has to lose and look weak by extension because they have to lose when fighting us.

So you end up with the ridiculous outcome of Ant-Man, who's a D list avenger, being the guy who goes up against Kang, and wins against him, even though Kang is supposedly more powerful than Loki and Thanos. Both of whom required the avengers to stop them.
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