Ann Coulter: Central Park 5 is guilty. The evidence against them is overwhelming.


Mar 11, 2015
As one of the few ppl on here who don't call you a rapist, don't do this, breh. You are totally misreading the situation, much like ppl are doing with you.

Majority of black people who are assimilated and Europeanized don't realize it and won't admit it,so of course they would be offended by the reality of the situation. I'll break it down and you can tell me where I'm misreading. ADOS takes issue with foreign blacks who write blogs,and go on fox news trying to get in the good graces of cacs. As well are at war with foreign blacks who come here and begin to preach the pick yourself up by the bootstraps rhetoric,these are foreign blacks who have been Europeanized and are trying to further assimilate themselves.

Then you have ADOS who wants reperations as they believe we are owed it for making this country great. Thinking a country is great because of its wealth and military power it uses to oppress your own people?sounds like assimilation. Advocating to keep foreign black and brown people out of this country,on the belief that we should be taken care of first based on what we've done,so that we can be 2nd place in this country?sounds like assimilation. Asking the white man for money that you will use to stay in this country and try to be "succesful" like the white man?Gain wealth that black people will put right back into fueling the system of white supremacy,but will call it #BlackExcellence since your mirroring the European?sounds like assimilation.

Black people are the only thing that make this country great,but AA's are to insecure to see that value and monetize it and leave this country if not properly paid,given land and given power,or to offer our value to the highest bidder. Rather be second class citizen in a white society than at the top of a new fledgling nation,this is how much we have been indoctrinated to love and admire the European.I tell no lies,the war is between assimilated people who want to ride shotgun in the white mans whip:respect:.At the moment even willing to whip each other on the white mans behalf to get in.
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Apr 24, 2015
uh oh another ados slander thread :mjlol: does the anti-ados crowd work or have a social life? all this free time to spew bullshyt I kind of envy you cats


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018

Then you have ADOS who wants reperations as they believe we are owed it for making this country great.
Thinking a country is great because of its wealth and military power it uses to oppress your own people?sounds like assimilation. Advocating to keep foreign black and brown people out of this country,on the belief that we should be taken care of first based on what we've done,so that we can be 2nd place in this country?sounds like assimilation. Asking the white man for money that you will use to stay in this country and try to be "succesful" like the white man?Gain wealth that black people will put right back into fueling the system of white supremacy,but will call it #BlackExcellence since your mirroring the European?sounds like assimilation.

Black people are the only thing that make this country great,but AA's are to insecure to see that value and monetize it and leave this country if not properly paid,given land and given power,or to offer our value to the highest bidder. Rather be second class citizen in a white society than at the top of a new fledgling nation,this is how much we have been indoctrinated to love and admire the European.I tell no lies,the war is between assimilated people who want to ride shotgun in the white mans whip:respect:.At the moment even willing to whip each other on the white mans behalf to get in.
No. We believe we're owed reparations because we worked for no pay, period. Even if this shyt was Afghanistan, I still want my mf'in money. :stopitslime:It's just a cherry on top that this is the greatest country ever known thus far. I want my piece. Nothing to do with assimilation. If I wanted to assimilate, I woulda grabbed one of those well- to- do white boys I went to school with. I'm good, I just want my money. Who knows what we might decide to do with it? Some of us might invest in Africa, or the diaspora. We might go to Europe, or Polynesia. Who knows. You can't make a decision based on what you think people want the money for. That's not even the point. The point is that it's owed.

I said months ago that whoever says the 'I'm pro reparations, but...' is really anti- reparations. I stand by that. All this shyt you said is irrelevant. Run me my shyt, plain and simple.

This is the last moment to make our stand, before we're electorally subsumed by latinos. Black wealth supposed to be at zero by the 2050's. You either with us or against us. The time for philosophy is done. :francis:

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX

the juelz

No. We believe we're owed reparations because we worked for no pay, period. Even if this shyt was Afghanistan, I still want my mf'in money. :stopitslime:It's just a cherry on top that this is the greatest country ever known thus far. I want my piece. Nothing to do with assimilation. If I wanted to assimilate, I woulda grabbed one of those well- to- do white boys I went to school with. I'm good, I just want my money. Who knows what we might decide to do with it? Some of us might invest in Africa, or the diaspora. We might go to Europe, or Polynesia. Who knows. You can't make a decision based on what you think people want the money for. That's not even the point. The point is that it's owed.

I said months ago that whoever says the 'I'm pro reparations, but...' is really anti- reparations. I stand by that. All this shyt you said is irrelevant. Run me my shyt, plain and simple.

This is the last moment to make our stand, before we're electorally subsumed by latinos. Black wealth supposed to be at zero by the 2050's. You either with us or against us. The time for philosophy is done. :francis:


Jan 1, 2015

You negged me yesterday and all I did was neg you back simpleton

I didn't even know you existed before you negged me simpleton

You're so deep in your feelings you had to assemble a whole team and go research me huh simpleton

I just picked the first post of yours that I saw in my search simpleton

Don't worry, I got more negs for you in the future simpleton

How can you call someone a simpleton when you are a flat earther ?:laff::laff::laff:


Sep 10, 2015
Nah. When she said she supported reparations some of ya'll super militant cats were cheerleading her and the thread was disgusting to view.

People were saying chill out on the cheerleading and dont trust her. But people ain't wanna listen talking about common interests results in unlikely alliances.

Now ya'll can see this 'hoe babble' and realize how stupid some of them posts were.

Facts on Facts
May 7, 2012
She makes no sense. The cases she referenced had very strong evidence other than physical. Those are not good comparisons to the Central Park Jogger case.

Right. And furthermore, their whole argument as to why none of the central park 5 could be tied to the case was that the crime scene was was too hectic to recover DNA evidence. Yet when dude confessed over a decade later, there was enough DNA evidence left to corroborate his confession.

They're not making a lick of sense. They're acting like these boys were criminal masterminds able to commit rape and leave no physical evidence. It's insane. :mindblown:

But that's racism for you, wholly illogical. :francis:
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Mar 11, 2015
No. We believe we're owed reparations because we worked for no pay, period. Even if this shyt was Afghanistan, I still want my mf'in money. :stopitslime:It's just a cherry on top that this is the greatest country ever known thus far. I want my piece. Nothing to do with assimilation. If I wanted to assimilate, I woulda grabbed one of those well- to- do white boys I went to school with. I'm good, I just want my money. Who knows what we might decide to do with it? Some of us might invest in Africa, or the diaspora. We might go to Europe, or Polynesia. Who knows. You can't make a decision based on what you think people want the money for. That's not even the point. The point is that it's owed.

I said months ago that whoever says the 'I'm pro reparations, but...' is really anti- reparations. I stand by that. All this shyt you said is irrelevant. Run me my shyt, plain and simple.

This is the last moment to make our stand, before we're electorally subsumed by latinos. Black wealth supposed to be at zero by the 2050's. You either with us or against us. The time for philosophy is done. :francis:

I know what would be done with the money because we have money now as a collective,some of us have wealth and whats being done with it?its being used to line non black pockets. Going right back into the banks that fund our oppression. But if yall think this is the greatest country ever,thats sad to hear considering our history. But as long as the European has wealth and power I guess it must be great:francis:.. This is purely about the money,lets not pretend to care about the ancestors "work" if thats what you want to call it versus kidnapping,rape,humilation etc. Yall even think in Europeanized terms the fact you talk about slavery as "free work" as that was the most nightmarish thing about it. Payback and bloodshed is owed too,but nobody wants to talk about that,so lets leave the ancestors out of this. But good luck with your guys "final stand", I plan on being out of this shyt hole country within the next decade:respect:. And sadly I predict any black person who hasn't woke up and done the same by then,will still be here fighting for scraps and poll position with foreign blacks and mexicans.
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