If nobody took them seriously then people wouldn't be steady striving to get to their level. If you think about the parallel between white and black societies, the white elite keep the masses at bay by selling them the dream that one day, they can be just like them socially, even though its a lie.
If they have done nothing for black people, who has been responsible for the advancements of black people in America? What significant advancements do you think we as a people have made?
I think every society has an elite class, why expect different from black folks?
We have no "advancements". We're being set up for mass genocide and we're sitting here breaking our arm trying to pat ourselves on the back with nothing to show for it. Why can't you point out anything these "elites" have done in the last 50 years?
Just admit it breh, these hand picked bougie token negros aren't on our team.