Andrew Yang Breakfast Club Interview


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
Last thing I'll say, machine learning, neural networks, algorithms, etc. are nothing new.

They've been around for quite some time now, some may have got quite a bit sharper, but the real difference between then and now are sensors. Now machines can get visual and sense-based feedback at nearly human levels, with a super computer brain attached to it. Look at how many cameras/sensors (visual/audio/etc.) are being installed today and what they're putting cameras/sensors on.

Pretty much anywhere you could have a camera, you could have a supercomputer behind it. Remember, it's not about hardware size and power is not a bottleneck on common devices anymore, with cloud-based computing all the major data processing is done elsewhere. The data is now streamed in big ass data centers rather than fully calculated by some small piece of hardware on spot. There are less and less "server rooms" because companies like Amazon and their AWS service now dishes out cloud and serverless tech. All you have to do is connect your services to theirs via their website.

The Power of Serverless

It's going to be complete immersion very soon.
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getting blitzed.
Dec 27, 2017
ATL via Tre 4
From the interview dude is saying he wants to give people $1k - $2k a month on top of their paychecks.

It may not be reparations, but dude is proposing to give people money. First candidate that has real concrete numbers.

I've said it before, working as a software engineer, automation on a scale people can't even fathom is coming.

Keep watching to see the tech and automation wave:

I've got friends who have some insane projects on the side and have done work for companies that have made some incredible uses of artificial intelligence. Talking shyt that could scan the internet for facebook/instagram pictures, install that data on a drone and could fly around identifying people. Smart homes that got built in servers extracting all types of data from the world, etc. Object recognition on a whole other level, etc.

Augmented reality that's going to destroy some companies single-handedly, etc.

^^ that's only a personal toy project. Imagine what companies are doing or when companies hire people like this or when companies take over such projects and give it more manpower.

Imagine capabilities such as:

In regular looking eyeware:

if you want to see how fast new tech caught up to legacy money.

Yea, automation is coming and it’s coming fast.

I’m an Industrial Engineer, and it seems on a weekly basis I’m asked to go to a store, study the patterns of associates, and then bring forth recommendations on where we can make cuts, as well as, coming up with cost analysis and ROIs on machinery and self checkout equipment that will eliminate jobs all together.

Right now, your consumers is keeping the average associate in retail with work because they are pushing back on self checkout lines, and surveys at the moment show that people hate self checkout and would rather deal with an actual person, but with improvements being made daily to the machinery, it will be a time when cashiers completely go away.

I don’t know how I feel about Mr Yang yet, but I do know a UBI will have to be implemented at some point; sooner than most think.


Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
Yea, automation is coming and it’s coming fast.

I’m an Industrial Engineer, and it seems on a weekly basis I’m asked to go to a store, study the patterns of associates, and then bring forth recommendations on where we can make cuts, as well as, coming up with cost analysis and ROIs on machinery and self checkout equipment that will eliminate jobs all together.

Right now, your consumers is keeping the average associate in retail with work because they are pushing back on self checkout lines, and surveys at the moment show that people hate self checkout and would rather deal with an actual person, but with improvements being made daily to the machinery, it will be a time when cashiers completely go away.

I don’t know how I feel about Mr Yang yet, but I do know a UBI will have to be implemented at some point; sooner than most think.

Yeah breh, we're right now in that "cellphones can have ringtones :gladbron:" stage of artificial intelligence and tech automation.

When the iphone-level applications of artificial intelligence and tech-automation comes out :wow:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Half of the discussion right here in this thread is so trash. :mjlol:

ya'all don't even troll competently....go back to ***** or breitbart or wherever you came from. :camby:


Jun 22, 2014
those policies will not close the wealth gap for ados
But they will improve prospects for many, and literally for the AA community as a whole.
*Disparate impact fam
I was thinking "disproportionate" in terms of just how much the legislation would affect us, and how inaction affects us.
I think its quite intentional, in terms of impact on the community.

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
But they will improve prospects for many, and literally for the AA community as a whole.

I was thinking "disproportionate" in terms of just how much the legislation would affect us, and how inaction affects us.
I think its quite intentional, in terms of impact on the community.
breh i dont care, it will not change the wealth gap.. these “for all”
policies usually never help us

no specific black agenda
no black vote


Jan 1, 2015
living conditions
environmental concerns
corrupt / inept / lying politicians

jim crow

need i go further?

He addressed those issues in the breakfast club interview or it does not solely affect every black person. So 3 things

not every black person goes to an hbcu or is in prison or has a record

ill pass

Donald J Trump

Dec 27, 2012
He addressed those issues in the breakfast club interview or it does not solely affect every black person. So 3 things
it affects us differently and disproportionately tho

so not just three things.. i shouldnt have to name everything, i gave you more than 5, you black you fill in the rest

im not givin this dude a pass cuz he half ass acknowledged us

you nikkas always fallin for that “im poor just like you” bs

no black agenda no black vote
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Jul 29, 2015
Los Angeles
His father graduated with a Ph.D. in physics and worked in the research labs of IBM and General Electric, generating over 89 patents in his career.[4] His mother graduated with a Master's Degree in Statistics and later became an artist.

This is what I want to see. A society lead by someone who comes from a critical thinking background.

Too many of our scientists want to work under people and further their causes, few are leaders.

This guy may not be a hard scientist or an engineer, but as an Econ major I know he took much more advanced math classes than many other presidents.

Dude was answering questions on reddit:
How do you ensure UBI doesn't result in mass inflation? If everyone gets a free $1000 a month, what is to stop the market from jacking up prices?

This is one of the main concerns people have about Universal Basic Income – that prices will skyrocket if we each are getting $1,000 a month.

We have several natural hard-wired conceptions about money. 1. It is scarce. 2. If we all had more of it, it would lose value. 3. It corresponds to your value as a human being.

There is thus a natural knee-jerk reaction that all of us getting money would undermine the economy and reduce buying power.

The truth is that our economy is up to $20 trillion – up $5 trillion in the last 12 years alone – and the amount of money $1,000 a month per adult would inject into the economy would not drive meaningful inflation based upon changes in the money supply. For example, the government printed $4 trillion for the banks in the financial crisis to no meaningful inflation.

If you look at your own experience, most things have not been getting expensive for you over the past number of years or have been improving for a similar cost: Clothing, electronics, media, cars, food, etc. Technology and improving supply chains tend to reduce prices or improve quality over time for most things.

There are 3 exceptions to this that are causing most of the painful inflation in America: 1. Housing 2. Education 3. Healthcare

Each of these is highly inefficient for various reasons. Housing is because people feel a need to live in certain places - for work generally - and because zoning regulations and financial incentives reward high-end housing and not affordable housing. Education is because college has gotten 250% more expensive in the last 25 years and families feel they have no choice but to borrow huge loans and pay. Health care because of opaque pricing and an intermediary private insurance system that rewards revenue-generating activity and passes along costs to the public or an employer.

Outside of these areas, prices have been and would continue to be quite stable. For example, let’s say I’m President in 2021 and everyone is getting a $1,000 a month dividend, including you. You’re feeling good. You walk into your local burger joint only to find that the price of a burger has gone up from $5 to $10. Would you be cool with that? Of course not. You would still be cost-sensitive. And the burger joint has to compete with every other restaurant in town. All it takes is for one restaurant to keep its prices more or less the same and then all of them will too – while getting more business because you and your neighbors have more money to spend. This applies across every category.

If a landlord decided to gouge you (after your lease was up, if you don’t have an agreed-upon percentage change for the following year), you would look for another place to live. You might have more flexibility because the dividend is portable and doesn’t depend on your proximity to work, your friends are also getting a dividend so you could decide to throw in together on a house, etc. The dividend would actually increase your ability to make effective changes.

I have separate plans to try and reduce housing, education and healthcare costs that you can check out on my website. Those are the core causes of inflation in the U.S., NOT the buying power of our citizens. Putting money in our hands will not increase that pressure on us – it will decrease it greatly and increase our purchasing power to address those areas where inflation does exist.

If this was too drawn out – I have an Economics degree, and there is no reason to believe that a Universal Basic Income would create rampant inflation. :smile:

According to that answer giving $1k to every American a month is not going to shift economy drastically. If this dude puts an extra $500 on top of that for reparations a month, I think this guy is going to be undeniable.
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